UK Newswire Archive
More pics from Whitehall
03-12-2002 13:57

03-12-2002 13:46
23 city councils (so far) pass Anti Iraq War Resolutions.NATIONAL FIREFIGHTERS DEMO (details)
03-12-2002 13:45

Summary of latest issue of Direkt Aktion
03-12-2002 13:13

Whitehall direct action video
03-12-2002 12:23
Video from the voices in wilderness/a.r.r.o.w. direct action in whitehall 2 dec.Mpeg4 512k 3:00
CamSAW Press Release:
03-12-2002 11:56
Over 10 Cambridge protesters were arrested today at the peaceful anti-war demonstration outside Whitehall. Unprecedentedly, Cambridge students madeup a third of all arrests made at the event.
North Carolina-Politcal Prisoner mail censored
03-12-2002 11:08

Israel Expo held in London
03-12-2002 10:22
More than 100 Israeli exhibitors traveled to London's Alexandra Palace on Sunday to participate in Israel Expo 2002, the first event of its kind in Britain.The firefighters have lost!
03-12-2002 10:08
The firefighters have lost their battle for a 40 per cent pay increase and have taken there dispute to the arbitration service ACAS.10 TOWNS & CITIES prepare for WEAPONS INSPECTION of USAF FAIRFORD
03-12-2002 10:06
MASS WEAPONS INSPECTION OF USAF FAIRFORD.DATE & TIME: Saturday 14th December. 12:00 - 5:00pm
The Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors are coming:

03-12-2002 09:30
Articles, news, books, pamphlets and resources online for left wing, trade union and community activistsNick Griffin to speak in Cambridge
03-12-2002 08:01
Disgust at planned debate between Lib Dem member and Nick Griffin.South Korean specialty (by Latuff)
03-12-2002 05:52

ANARCHIST presence ta anti-war demo in Turkey
03-12-2002 00:31
Istanbul: Anarchists in anti-war rally-Anarchist PlatformANARCHIST BLOC - Dec. 7th Fire Fighters Protest!
02-12-2002 23:06
Call for an ANARCHIST BLOC on the December 7th Fire Brigades Union March Meet Southbank (under Waterloo Bridge) - 12pm March leaves Embankment at 1am Bring flags, banners, friends etc.Warzone Whitehall Photos
02-12-2002 22:51

Solidarity trip planned on Coca-Cola's crimes
02-12-2002 22:25
Delegations of 30 people, including U.S. union activists, are going to Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 4-8 to participate in public hearings on the Cocal Cola Corp.'s crimes against Colombian trade unionists. This is an important step in building international solidarity and support for Colombian workers, writes Natalie Alsop.Iraq dossier - SADDAM CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY
02-12-2002 22:07
Fear is Saddam's chosen method for staying in power. This report, based on the testimony of Iraqi exiles, evidence gathered by UN rapporteurs and human rights organisations, and intelligence material, describes the human cost of Saddam Hussein's control of IraqFirefighters Rally Outside CBI Conference - video, 512 Broadband
02-12-2002 19:59