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80 People 'Die-in' in Hereford City Centre against War

06-10-2002 13:50

80 people marched from Hereford Railway Station to Hereford City Centre Shopping Area in a protest against War in Iraq. The protesters including students, anarchists, pensioners and families surprised members of the public and police when tehy ended their march with a 'die-in' to symbolise the dead innocent victims that there would be if any war in Iraq was to go ahead.

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11-12,000 in Portland, Oregon, USA protest war in Iraq

06-10-2002 12:24

ok so it's not the 400,000 y'all got last week, but 11-12,000 is AMAZING over here.

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El Al Amsterdam Crash 10 years on

06-10-2002 10:50

saw a piece on BBC World on Friday (04 10) but had me sounds on and missed the gist, found an audio video link on the BBC website but it was U/S , one of those stories that "they" don't want to talk about. Does anyone have the very latest on this one ?

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Journalists / writers needed

06-10-2002 10:33

Global Newsreal is a monthly online magazine open to everyone - anyone can write for us. just send us an email.

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Mclibel Reviewed

06-10-2002 03:51

McDonald's Defendents review Mclibel Case and lead discussion. Friday Oct 11th Conway Hall.

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We're # 1 (don't thik twice Mr. Blair!)

06-10-2002 02:32

Uncontested superpower!
No question of Balance of Powers

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05-10-2002 21:27


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Michael Moore versus Charlton Heston (by Latuff)

05-10-2002 20:52

Michael Moore versus Charlton Heston (by Latuff)
Seeing the new movie of Michael Moore, "Bowling for Columbine", this idea came to my mind. I just sent a message to him expressing my support to his honest and courageous views. This cartoon was made specially for ya, Michael...

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The Real Face of Regeneration

05-10-2002 19:22

Hackney IWCA's take on the regeneration programme sweeping London

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Laburnum School Campaign News

05-10-2002 19:20

Latest news from the campaign to save Laburnum Primary in Haggerston

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Immoral Tenet & His Blind-Eye Surveillance (Oct.5, 2002 version)

05-10-2002 19:10

The CIA placed two Sept. 11 skyjackers under surveillance as early as January 2000 - arguably only to allow them to ram American Airlines 77 into the Pentagon on Sept. 11 (IF indeed AA77 ever crashed into the Pentagon).

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Right wing Poison

05-10-2002 19:03

The hypocrisy and sheer criminal psychopathology of some of these self-proclaimed "patriots" and "law and order" types is breathtaking.

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Stop the war!

05-10-2002 17:31

During these two days against the permanent global war we violated war laws in order to have humanity laws respected. We do not want to remain silent spectators. We hold the right, and also we need to risk, to disobey because witnessing is important but it isn’t enough.

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Who Killed Holly and Jessica?

05-10-2002 15:41

Well, who?

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DU info bulletin no 57

05-10-2002 15:02

Regular update on depleted uranium and related news.

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Lessons Learned

05-10-2002 14:45

Might East Timor help end the Israeli occupation?

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Indymedia UK Wins New Media Award

05-10-2002 12:11

Indymedia UK has won the Advocacy Award in the New Statesman magazine's annual New Media Awards, as well as being commended in the Online Communities Award.

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Martin Wollacot in Guardian

05-10-2002 12:06

Never thought I'd be referring to Guardian articles on the proposed Iraq war, but this one (carried by Commondreams link) is worth reading

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Victory for Reddish Vale Waste Campaign!

05-10-2002 11:31

Local campaign against Reddish Golf Club's plans to tip waste in Reddish Vale