UK Newswire Archive
Info regarding Jade Hancock, Neo-Nazi from Hebburn.
17-06-2015 15:43

ANTIFA: Convicted Murderer Paul Teed Joins Bluehand @thechikky @slatfascists edl
13-06-2015 19:22

HITLER SALUTES AT DUDLEY FAR RIGHT MARCH #antifa #edl @edlnews @misscheeky666
13-06-2015 15:16

The World Revolution to Stop Global Warming
13-06-2015 10:22

Global warming is destroying the earth and driving the human race to extinction but the official censorship in the mainstream news media is suppressing the truth about the catastrophic apocalyptic consequences of climate change and preventing the people of the world from taking the urgent action that will be necessary to save themselves and help ensure the survival of future generations.
Next National Meeting in Newport South Wales
11-06-2015 18:27
All welcome except cops and journos.Marat Qacem: About gay-lobby in Latvia or…. silence means consent!....
11-06-2015 10:14

I happened to witness in live the preparations for many essential summits and festivals, including Universiade in Kazan and Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. But it’s the first time when I have to observe and discuss some events of a different sort. This concrete event called “EuroPride 2015” is to take place in Riga, the capital of my home country and so I don’t see how I can stay ignorant.
The forbidden texts of refugee activist Joke Kaviaar
11-06-2015 01:57
Hereby I post the forbidden texts of writer and refugee activistJoke Kaviaar, who is convicted by the Highest Dutch Court to two
months conditional imprisonment because of the exposing of
the inhuman Dutch policy against refugees.
No man or woman is illegal!
March on Streatham Jobcentre June 26th
10-06-2015 19:06

Speaking to a BBC Journalist a DWP spokesman stated:
The government plans to place 350 psychologists in job centres by the end of the summer to help benefit claimants beat depression and get back into the jobs market.
Having learnt that Streatham Jobcentreplus is the site for a pilot of the scheme, the Mental Health Resistance Network have called a March on the Jobcentre for Friday 26th June.
UG#709 - Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 2 (Atoms For Profit)
09-06-2015 16:01

The travelling circus road tour runs on
09-06-2015 11:40

Exposing Exposers of MH17
09-06-2015 11:31

Turning onto Ukrainian problems I even started calling back my Russian lang (instead of improving my bad German, shame of me!) Thus exercising at Russian blogs I found a large assay by a popular blogger,
part 1

part 2

Anti-G7 protests in Germany
08-06-2015 13:31

Tower Hamlets voided votes - who is 'winning'? So far, corruption heads the news
08-06-2015 09:31
Thursday's scheduled re-election of the 2014 Tower Hamlets Exec Mayor Poll is already hitting thenews in predictable manner. Already 16 allegations are under reported investigation by the Police.
But will any of these alleged offences lead to any root and branch change? Will Tower Hamlets
ever become a decently run democratic Borough? Signs today are that we may have to wait for years before that happens
HELP AT HAND FOR #BLUEHAND #edl #antifa @begs_alixx @slatfascists @thechikky
07-06-2015 00:39

Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Audio: No Platforming of Radical Feminists - @bindelj @TerrorizerMir @RadFemUK
06-06-2015 22:52

Resisting Fracking in Chester: Pics from Upton Community Protection Camp
05-06-2015 20:44

The camp is on organic farmland, Dutton's Lane, Upton, Chester CH2 2PE, the site of IGas's proposed test drill for coal bed methane. It was set up to protect the local community from IGas and, over a year later, is still going strong.
Visitors are welcome and guest accommodation is available on site, with plenty of room for camping too.
05-06-2015 17:40
Clutton Parish Council is urging developers who want to build in the village to work with it to find suitable sites that will benefit the local community following news that Curo Housing is pulling out of a scheme to build new homes.Wrong Decision - Bradley Mine Approved by Inspector
05-06-2015 13:09

Kiev is set to simulate EU integration.
05-06-2015 07:27
During the Eastern Partnership Riga summit German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President of the European Council Donald Tusk and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker made it absolutely clear that they wouldn’t grant EU membership to Ukraine lacking both political and economic maturity for it.Pictures from Borras anti-fracking camp
04-06-2015 15:18