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Calais war bulletin 10/01/2015

10-01-2015 15:45

As wars all over the world cause 51.2 million refugees, the war against migrants intensifies. When under attack, fight back! People unite!

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10-01-2015 10:17

Unite Against Fascism have called a vigil outside of the German Embassy in London to support anti-Pegida campaigners in Germany. Sure enough, the tired, worn thugs from the British fascist scene have declared their intention to turn up to oppose them. Casuals United (Piss and Shit squad), the SEA, the NF, and of course, the stupid old EDL, and members of Britain First are expected to travel across to have a pop at the UAF in small numbers under the banner of "UK Pegida", to follow on from the failure that was "Golden Dawn UK", "New Dawn", "UK Dawn" or whatever they called themselves.

The EDL are almost begging Britain First to attend - Jayda will be well chuffed at all the attention coming her way - usually everyone ignores her.

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23/24 January: 2nd Manning Truthfest in west Wales

09-01-2015 21:24

Remember the Manning Truthfest in January 2014? Well, it's back!

A troupe of Irish musicians, actors and activists supported by Afri will travel across the Irish sea to Pembrokeshire on 23rd January for a solidarity weekend for Chelsea Manning and her Welsh-Irish family.

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09-01-2015 19:14

The complete and utter bellends of the NWI, EDL and the Pie and Mash Squad will be turning up in Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester this Sunday, after getting tanked up on Stella at the local Wetherspoons. Gathering for their wanky "UK Pegida" march lol, these braindead no marks are more than happy to waste their Sunday night to stand around in the pouring rain chanting racist abuse when surely the fools have better things to do.

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The Price of Oil and its Macroeconomic Meaning

09-01-2015 13:54

The dialectics of power and weakness makes it that when power becomes weak by Nature its strength is turning into an open wound. The bleeding of the oil monopoly is such a case, it illustrates why it is wise to calm down before death, though in the case of the oil industry it is the monopoly power which is dying, not necessarily the populations depending on it as sort of ecological hostages. What is bleeding here is the futurological formula of the Saudi monarchy in Arabia, as it is burning the resources it is meant to leave for future generations for the mere purpose of clinging to a misinformed hegemony in the way of creative chaos. The decision to increase the oil output now instead of much later on reflects a shrunk expectation horizon of a human future, and even in the best case, where it would be assumed that it is more of a conscious choice than of a motoric reflex to dispatch the oil which is left to a shorter timespan than appropriate from the perspective of intergenerational justice, it expresses the untold admission that the Saudi racket does not see a future for itself it would deem worth of any conservation. What shows itself in the current price dump is the metabolic rush of the prisoner who gets to smoke a last cigarette before execution, and as the inhalation is in full scale it is not visible how much of it has already burned down before the Mammal Squad turns on its cameras. Apparently the increased strength of the Islamic State is rock-firm enough to shake the petroleum market into sell-out panic.

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Congolese president’s nephew, likely successor to Denis Sassou N’guesso, in shad

09-01-2015 11:14

Jean Dominique Okemba, the newphew of the Congolese president, is involved in shady deals in France together with financial institutions from France and PROPARCO, the French investment agency.

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Congolese president’s nephew in shady French political deals

09-01-2015 09:59

Jean Dominique Okemba, the newphew of the Congolese president, is involved in shady deals in France together with financial institutions from France and PROPARCO, the French investment agency.

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Squat Eviction in Mexico City - Chanti Ollin

09-01-2015 01:04

solidarity banner drop in chiapas
Early morning of 7th January, Chanti Ollin was evicted violently by police.
But the resistance continues..

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Obstacles to Solidarity: The Age of Anxiety

08-01-2015 19:44

Continuing his examination of the decline of radical activism, Mikhail Goldman explores the theory that we are all very anxious. Precarious employment, continuous surveillance and the threat of sanctions under modern capitalism paralyse us and make us more alone than ever. We need to recognise and fight these obstacles to solidarity.

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08-01-2015 16:35

A few times in my life a bit of the truth has leaked out. During Vietnam, the first major war in the mature television age, the public was exposed to some of it. Not a great deal, mind you, but it was enough to provide governments a harsh warning on the effects such images have upon the public’s support for war.

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Julian Assange should be free to go where he wants

08-01-2015 16:09

Julian Assange, the founder and editor of Wikileaks has been a virtual prisoner in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for the past two and a half years. What, pray, is the nature of Julian Assange’s crime? He has spoken the truth to power and power does not like it might be one answer.

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France rises up

08-01-2015 14:35

Nearly 24 hours after Islamist terrorists attacked free speech, liberty and freedom the people of France say "enough" !

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Australian Politicians Must Speak Out AGAINST Death Penalty

06-01-2015 06:56

Aussie politicians claim that executing Australian citizens is barbaric and seeks clemency, yet the execution of non-Australians is acceptable. Racist ??? Discrimination ???

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Can Greece Shrink the Submarine Bubble Without Burst?

05-01-2015 22:34

The European currency is a case of a congenital error that can only be survived with early awareness and correction. Every other culture, even the North Americans with their obscene adoration of money, has different words for cash and people. Only the Euros do not. So while everyone else sees money as some kind of tool in their hands, Europeans are seduced by language to perceive money as an equivalent of themselves, not as a dead thing with function and purpose but as a living entity with will and soul. Yet the European languages do not put up a grammatical wall between living and dead things, nor between liveable and unliveable ones. In this sense the British separate currency is European as well, because it is cherished as a matter of identity rather than an exchange technique. It would have to be advised that, when change is being made to that, it should directly go to separate words for currency name and currency unit such as grammatically appropriate for material things instead of remaining in the half-way position of different words but indifferent grammar. Money is a material thing such as mud and not a living entity such as Earth. “The Euro” is a speculation currency with no anchor in natural treasures set to be passed on to these who do inherit the outcome of it. It breathes like an exotic lilly under the cheese-cup of Unitedstates military dominance, which is another shared circumstance with its British counterpart. But with the revolutionary cause of anti-austerity accordingly accomplished, the Greek awakening seems to have gained momentum to paradoxically save the “European” currency from itself by squeezing it down to healthy dimensions before it collapses into nothingness.

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Solidarity demonstration Brixton Prison New Year’s Eve 2014-15

03-01-2015 12:31

No Justice No Peace
Solidarity demonstration Brixton Prison New Year’s Eve 2014-15


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Social Media Campaign on Oscar López Rivera’s Birthday.

02-01-2015 16:30

On January 6, 2015 La Respuesta magazine and National Boricua Human Rights Network (NBHRN) call on you to act on behalf of the Puerto Rican people’s longest-held political prisoner, Oscar López Rivera

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My view on the `Honours System`

02-01-2015 01:48

`The UK Honours system recognises people of outstanding merit and those who have committed themselves to service to the nation. It's been around for centuries, but it was a closed system for many years. Only since 1993 has everybody been free to nominate. ` Thus mass murderers oops International Statesmen like Henry Kissinger are likely to receive an award as he did in 1995.

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Infringed in the City of London

01-01-2015 21:41

This Diary is penned as a daily tally of the loot that the billionaires carry out every day. This Diary will start in London and move as the facts demand.

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8 reasons why meat-eating anarchists need a kick up their anthropocentric arses

01-01-2015 19:19

The original article, with hyperlinks, can be found at

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VIDEO: Anarchist Riot Greetings from Greece for 2015 [Jingle Bells]

01-01-2015 18:45

VIDEO: Anarchist Riot Greetings from Greece for 2015 [Jingle Bells version]