UK Newswire Archive
Peace Strike Statement Re: Air Strikes On Iraq
27-09-2014 13:18
PEACE STRIKE STATEMENT RE: UK AIR STRIKES IN IRAQYesterday the British Government voted to go to war -yet again- in the Middle East. This time it will support a coalition of USA, France, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,Quatar and Jordon in conducting air strikes within Iraq. The target is the Islamic State Extremists IS.
..and finally - the last word from SchNEWS
26-09-2014 19:33

Full article | 1 addition | 11 comments
SWP member and Secretary of Wales UAF attacks student at Fresher's Fair
26-09-2014 18:49

Marx, Lenin, Mao and the Futurology of Scientific Anarchism
26-09-2014 15:27
While the mean spirits of the terror gang calling itself “the West” are being drawn into the abyss of their own ridiculous glorification, desecrating the graves of the few exceptional characters among the fathers who cautioned them against just that, something significant is happening at the border between India and China. This time it is not state tents being put up like “Occupy” stickers or cyber soldiers trying to clean the brushes of technological propaganda. Nor is it Tibetans blessing foreign evildoers or Uyghurs desperately struggling for the attention of a betrayed audience. It is the raising realisation that with the decapitation of Hindu fascism of the “Karma” type to the headless corpse of “Modi” nationalism (see [2013], [2014]), a portion of India turns out to be more Chinese than China. Yet while nationalist China is a sluggish conglomerate only very gradually realising the aberration of industrialism and growth, the foreign Maoists are unfolding a small but decisive influence on its surroundings. How that is functioning is best to be explained with the Diamond Peddler Paradox: If a couple purchases a diamond to celebrate each other, it is impossible to predict how long their marriage will last and whether the stored amount of carbon has any influence on that. Yet for the diamond peddler who knows the society they live in, it is precisely possible to specify the average time after which a diamond of that size will be back on his desk. That is so because for the true lover there is only one adored partner, but for the commercial peddler any exchange is like the other without distinction. Likewise, industrialist China maintains the hallucination of being able to purchase an uncounted number of corporate identities, while the convinced Marxist-Leninist-Maoist sees only one way to a lasting future.1000s break border to march to Kobane, anarchists join in!
26-09-2014 12:53
Thousands tore down Turk border fences near Kobanê and have crossed into Rojava, chanting the slogan "Bijî Berxwedana Kobanê" [Long live the Kobanê resistance].More people are continuing to cross the border.

Fences trampled:

The Bradley Opencast Decision : the 1,600,000 CO2 Question
26-09-2014 12:00
After the recent marches against Climate Change comes the start of a Public Inquiry into whether UK Coal should be allowed to dig up 500,000+ tonnes of coal which will be burnt to produce c 1,600,000 tonnes of CO2. This press release explains why the Inspector should take account of this when judging whether to grant the Appeal.Who is Graham Cox?
26-09-2014 10:56

The only problem that seems to stand in Graham Cox's way, is that a lot of people in Brighton despise him?
The question needs to be asked why?
Why do so many people despise Graham Cox?
Wrexham: Protest outside MP's office in advance of Iraq vote
26-09-2014 10:08

Yesterday, seven people gathered at short notice from 4.30pm on a busy route close to the centre of Wrexham and outside the office of Labour MP and Shadow Minister for the Middle East, Ian Lucas, to protest government plans (supported by Labour) to join the US-led coalition that's bombing Iraq again.
See also this previous article.
The Conquest of Europe
25-09-2014 19:28
Yes, undoubtedly, the Russian military could be in Kiev in a couple of weeks21st Century Lebensborn Children Screaming To Be Heard
25-09-2014 13:52
21st Century Lebensborn Children Screaming to be Heard
Children Screaming to be Heard was registered as a charity by Maggie Tuttle after witnessing the abuse of children in the care system this along with research and speaking to parents and grandparents throughout the UK also interviewing in the early hours of the mornings the homeless people and many were abused in the care system of which British Governments and Minister state "In a child's best interest"
Wrexham: Join us today to protest British involvement in war on Isis
25-09-2014 07:37

4.30 - 6.30pm
39 Rhosddu Road, Wrexham LL11 2NS
Join us outside the office of Wrexham MP Ian Lucas which is on a busy route out of Wrexham with plenty of passing traffic at that time of day.
Demand NO British involvement in the US-led war on Isis in Iraq and Syria.
It's ten years since a group here in Wrexham occupied Ian Lucas' office in protest at his abstension on the crucial Iraq war vote and his abject failure to oppose the war once it had started although he'd previously said a second UN resolution was essential.
Now he's the Shadow Minister for Africa and the Middle East.
Callout to Demonstrate against 2014 DPRTE Arms Fair.
24-09-2014 15:04
8.30 am at Cardiff Motorpoint Arena. Wednesday, the 8th of October“When the rich wage war, it’s the poor who die.” – Jean-Paul Sartre
No Borders Noise Demo outside the UK Home Office Buildings, Cardiff.
24-09-2014 11:47
On the 2nd of September, at 12pm around 50 people gathered outside the Cardiff Home Office Buildings for the noise demo planned as part of the Stop NATO Cymru week of action.Waiting for the Charity to Commission to wake up - at 1230 on Wednesday!
24-09-2014 11:35
Thank you for calling the Charity Commission - 0845 300 0218 -"this helpline is now closed", so says the recorded male voice at 1228 on Wednesday 24 September 2014Police are sticking their heads above the trenches of the social war
22-09-2014 23:07
A curious article appeared in the mainstream BBC news today, stating that police believe that up to 20 actions carried out in and around Bristol may have links to so called 'domestic extremism' .EDL National Gathering Downing Street 20th September
22-09-2014 21:58

Mass Lobby of British Parliament for Palestine
22-09-2014 12:03

Human Extinction? Not so much
21-09-2014 22:45
The case against going extinct soon due to extreme climate change & human impacts. Science journalist Scott K. Johnson and counter-culture podcaster KMO. Radio Ecoshock 140917After Cameron's lies on Scotland, is there a Society left?
21-09-2014 11:30
After Cameron's lies on Scotland, is there a Society left?