UK Newswire Archive
THE GENERAL STRIKE: Myth and Misconceptions.
20-02-2013 16:39
In face of increasing austerity and crisis, the question of a General Strike has again been placed on the agenda of many workers in many countries. However, there is much myth and many misconceptions concerning this tactic. This article considers the opinion of Rosa Luxemburg and an example from the history of inter-war struggles in the UK.Anti-Trident weekend planned for 13-15th April
20-02-2013 14:55
by David Mackenzie, Scrap Trident Coalition There are three main arguments against Trident. One is the growing acceptance among senior ex-military types that it has no strategic relevance to Britain’s [...]
tours of Greece: Life and Debt in Thessaloniki
20-02-2013 14:55
By Nick Dearden – this blog first appeared on the website of the Jubilee Debt Campaign, of which he is director.
OCCUPY VID (14 mins) solidarity with Julian Assange at Supreme Court
20-02-2013 10:34
VID (14 mins) In below zero temperature, Catholic Workers & Veterans for Peace organise solidarity for Julian Assange outside the Supreme Court/ London hearing Feb. 2012Vid by Occupy Media, released 2013.

Tory detoxification continues…
20-02-2013 04:55
I wrote last week about Cameron’s re-de-toxification strategy – that he seems to be working hard to recruit well-off liberals. This weekend, I happened to notice his last three Facebook posts, which I thought underlined the point I was trying to make.
Postponed Postponement!
20-02-2013 04:55
E.ON lobbied for stiff sentences against Kingsnorth activists, papers show
19-02-2013 23:43
E.ON secretly used the threat of lower investment to bribe government to push for long sentences for climate activists.One Billion Rising for Soni Sori
19-02-2013 21:18

Huge quantities of public money propping up big oil, new report shows
19-02-2013 18:55
Big oil companies are plundering the public purse. As the government pushes through vast cuts to the services for which we pay our taxes, oil companies are benefiting from taxpayer support worth billions. That’s the lesson from ‘making a killing’ – a new briefing from Platform (see below).
Food, Unfit for Purpose
19-02-2013 18:55
What kind of a world is it when those who till the soil to fill our dinner-plates can barely make enough to survive for another planting season? When milk and alcohol can retail at a lower price in the supermarkets than water? When disgusting slop can be served up to our children and our hospital patients on the grounds of "cost competitiveness"?Bedroom-tax - Poll-tax!!
19-02-2013 18:55
Radiation leak on nuclear submarine
19-02-2013 12:55
On this day in history – 1961
19-02-2013 12:55
Today, 18th February 2013, we read in the news that an explosion in poverty-related hunger in Britain is putting the government in danger of failing to meet its international human rights obligations to its most vulnerable citizens (see ‘here’).
Protest against the bankers in Sussex!
19-02-2013 12:37
A PROTEST against capitalism and the banking system is being staged in Worthing, West Sussex, on Saturday February 23.fukushima 2nd anniversary demo, london
19-02-2013 10:05

also, candle-lit vigil outside Japanese embassy (101 Picadilly) Monday 11th March, 2013, 5.30 to 6.30pm, and public meeting in the House of Commons, 7.30 to 9.30pm same day. Organised by Kick Nuclear and JANUK, (Japanese Against Nuclear UK), and CND. More info

Resistance to the bedroom tax – meetings this week
19-02-2013 00:56
This week there will be two meetings discussing resistance to the bedroom tax. For more info on the bedroom tax click here.
London calling for anti-capitalist resistance
18-02-2013 20:08
ANTI-CAPITALISTS in the UK have issued an international call-out for protests against the G8 summit in June 2013. It includes a big day of action in central London on Tuesday June 11, in the run-up to the meeting of neoliberal world leaders.