One Billion Rising for Soni Sori
One Billion Rising for Soni Sori | 19.02.2013 21:18 | Social Struggles
We rise to support Soni Sori, an adivasi teacher, mother of 3 young children, a public spirited citizen of free India who was arrested on the 4th Oct 2011 from New Delhi, kept imprisoned under plethora of political charges, several of which she already stands acquitted of. Hers is the story of an empowered woman in India who dared to speak against the interests of Indian state and mining companies, faced emotional, physical, sexual abuse by state agents and is still languishing in jail. Her perpetrators, on the other hand, are awarded Gallantry Award.
We Rise Because We Refuse To Support State Violence On Women.
We Rise Because Rape And Violence Against Women Under Any Circumstances is Unacceptable.
We Rise On This International Women’s Day To Demand Freedom for Soni Sori & Punishment For Her Perpetrators.
Who Is Soni Sori?
* A woman who juggled several roles – a tribal journalist, activist, teacher, mother of three young kids…
* A woman who dared to speak against the interests of the Chattisgarh State and mining companies.
* A woman who did not succumb to the emotional, physical, sexual harassment targeted at breaking her spirits in the jail. She, instead, knocked at the conscience of the world outside.
We Rise for Soni Sori because:
* Far from being an oppressed and downtrodden woman, as an outspoken critic of the state policies, the mining companies, and the Maoists, Soni Sori is being punished for exerting her democratic right to speak out in defence of her adivasi community and their traditional lands rather than for a crime she has not even been tried for.
* She is being punished by those who would not have the authority to mete out punishment even if she were guilty of a crime and the form of her punishments are not to be found in any penal code anywhere in the world.
* If the Indian government is not willing to protect women from the illegal actions of its own agents when in their custody, then what message is it sending out to Indian men – that women are fair game just for going out or speaking out?
* The Indian state not only seems to be failing to protect women from sexual and other types of violence, but is in fact sanctioning, indeed rewarding such crimes when they are committed by its employees and representatives to silence women who speak out in defence of human rights.
When: One Billion Rising on March 8th 2013.
Who: People of all gender with head, heart and a strong spine
Where: Here. There. Anywhere. Wherever we have such people.
What: Organise your own ‘One Billion Rising’ action in your city, school, university, work place. Organise it any form you like. Or check the list of events on this page and join the one you can. Don’t worry If you are unable to make it to the streets, there are several online actions: petitions, letters to Indian government. But whatever you decide to do leave a message here so that others can join.
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We Rise Because Rape And Violence Against Women Under Any Circumstances is Unacceptable.
We Rise On This International Women’s Day To Demand Freedom for Soni Sori & Punishment For Her Perpetrators.
Who Is Soni Sori?
* A woman who juggled several roles – a tribal journalist, activist, teacher, mother of three young kids…
* A woman who dared to speak against the interests of the Chattisgarh State and mining companies.
* A woman who did not succumb to the emotional, physical, sexual harassment targeted at breaking her spirits in the jail. She, instead, knocked at the conscience of the world outside.
We Rise for Soni Sori because:
* Far from being an oppressed and downtrodden woman, as an outspoken critic of the state policies, the mining companies, and the Maoists, Soni Sori is being punished for exerting her democratic right to speak out in defence of her adivasi community and their traditional lands rather than for a crime she has not even been tried for.
* She is being punished by those who would not have the authority to mete out punishment even if she were guilty of a crime and the form of her punishments are not to be found in any penal code anywhere in the world.
* If the Indian government is not willing to protect women from the illegal actions of its own agents when in their custody, then what message is it sending out to Indian men – that women are fair game just for going out or speaking out?
* The Indian state not only seems to be failing to protect women from sexual and other types of violence, but is in fact sanctioning, indeed rewarding such crimes when they are committed by its employees and representatives to silence women who speak out in defence of human rights.
When: One Billion Rising on March 8th 2013.
Who: People of all gender with head, heart and a strong spine
Where: Here. There. Anywhere. Wherever we have such people.
What: Organise your own ‘One Billion Rising’ action in your city, school, university, work place. Organise it any form you like. Or check the list of events on this page and join the one you can. Don’t worry If you are unable to make it to the streets, there are several online actions: petitions, letters to Indian government. But whatever you decide to do leave a message here so that others can join.
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One Billion Rising for Soni Sori