UK Newswire Archive
Letters from Anarchist Prisoners of the ‘Bombs Case’ in Chile
04-12-2011 17:45

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Anniversary of the assassination of African revolutionary leader Fred Hampton
04-12-2011 17:43
Reparations in Action!Sunday, 13:00 to 14:00 (2011-12-04)
Host: Penny Hess
This Week: Anniversary of the assassination of African revolutionary leader Fred Hampton
Indian protesters block trains and torch police cars - video link
04-12-2011 17:40
THOUSANDS of survivors of the world’s worst industrial accident blocked trains through a central Indian city on Saturday to demand more compensation.#COP17 : Capitalism is the Cause of Climate Change
04-12-2011 15:48

The event was organized by a coalition of the Democratic Left Front, the Rural Women’s Alliance, Climate Justice Now!, Climate Action Network, and attended by many other organizations in solidarity such as Canada’s own Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, the Polaris Institute, and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. The rally began at 9:00am and started marching around 10:30am. The march went on for about five hours taking the streets from central Durban, past the International Convention Centre, and to the North Beach.
Bristol Indymedia Presents 13 Experiments In Hope
04-12-2011 14:06
13 Experiments in Hope details the inventive art/activist practices and social interventions of the Laboratory of the Insurrectionary Imagination; a network of culturally and politically engaged artists and activists
Cube Microplex, Dove St, Monday 5th Dec / 8pm / £5/4 no one turned away for lack of funds
13 Experiments in Hope details the inventive art/activist practices and social interventions of the Laboratory of the Insurrectionary Imagination; a network of culturally and politically engaged artists and activists.The video features thirteen short provocations including creative actions, interventions, tactical media, pranks and other activities that fall between the spaces of culture and politics, resistance and creativity.
The production aims to bring together documentation of cultural resistance and creative interventions, imaginative acts that create hope and liberation despite capitalism. Featuring the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping, Space Hijackers and more, 13 Experiments in Hope presents a series of uplifting and positive responses to contemporary situations around war, imperialism and corporate-led consumer capitalism.
UK foreign aid money is being spent on providing electricity for Walmart in Mexi
04-12-2011 13:40
A report launched this week by the World Development Movement reveals that UK climate aid is being used to produce cheap electricity for the US multinational Walmart, through a project that violates the rights of indigenous people in Mexico.Notts workers strike for pensions
04-12-2011 12:55
An estimated 60,000 public sector workers across Nottinghamshire went on strike on 30th November. The aim of the strike was to put pressure on the government over its plans to radically change public sector pensions. Unions claim that the proposed changes would mean that workers pay more, work longer and receive less at the end of it. Undoubtedly the strikes were also a protest against the wider austerity agenda of the present coalition government.
On the newswire: Pickets: 1 | March: 1 | 2 | Rally: 1 | Critical Mass: 1 | 2 | 3 | Events at Occupy: 1 | 2 | NUJ meeting: 1 | Disruption: 1
Previous features: All out for N30 in Notts! | Bigger Society Free Space in Nottingham | STRIKE on 30th November!
Thirty public services unions voted to take action on the day, including Unison which balloted over 1m workers, PCS (civil service and government agencies), NASUWT, NUT, UCU, ATL (teachers and lecturers), GMB (local government) and Unite (local government and health).
In Nottingham pickets were held outside public and council buildings from early morning which were supported by soup runs by Notts Uncut and Occupy Nottingham. Strikers then gathered at the Forest Rec from 10.30 until the march began at 11.30. An estimated 10,000 took part in Nottingham’s biggest demonstration for decades. The march was greeted enthusiastically in the Market Square by people from the Occupy camp. The march ended at the Albert Hall where there was a rally.
After the march, a critical mass of 25 cyclists left Market Square at 1pm and spent over an hour on the streets of central Nottingham bringing traffic to a crawl and spreading the word about the strike. Meanwhile, renowned anti-capitalist academic Samir Amin gave a talk at the Occupy camp.
In the afternoon a discussion on the strikes and the broader anti-cuts movement was held at the relocated Notts Free Space at the Sumac Centre in Forest Fields. It was followed by a showing of the film The Take about workers’ expropriation of factories in Argentina. In the evening, the National Union of Journalists held a meeting about their own struggle against job and budget cuts at the BBC.
Mexican embassy flies Zapatista flag
04-12-2011 12:25

Egypt: The November Uprising
04-12-2011 10:34

The Egyptian revolution will not be settled in 18 days or months. It’ll take “years” for the dust to settle, may be four or five, I don’t know. There will be waves, ebbs and flows, battles to be won and others lost.
This November uprising is only one chapter in the Egyptian revolution, but not the final one.
We have come a long way. We can all recall the mood in February when you could have been lynched in a protest by the people if you had chanted against the army. Now there is wide disillusionment with SCAF, and the majority of the public can clearly see today they are nothing but Mubarak’s army generals who are in effect leading the counterrevolution.
Greece – Fire And Gunpowder From Indonesia to Chile… A proposition for FAI/IRF
04-12-2011 09:24

Occupiers Launch Hunger Strike to Liberate Outdoor Space
04-12-2011 09:08

This is a call for escalation, in response to the escalated levels of government-enacted violence and repression The Occupy Movement has endured over the last few weeks. In dozens of cities across the nation, Mayors chose to stifle freedom of speech and the right to assemble by evicting peaceful occupations using illegal and and unconstitutional force. Here in New York, on the night of November 14, the City—under orders from Mayor Bloomberg—violently evicted our community from Liberty Square.
Africans mobilized around world reject Kabila's neocolonial regime
04-12-2011 04:02

Animal testing firms to be granted access to your NHS records
04-12-2011 02:21
Cameron is to announce plans that pharmaceutical and other life sciences firms are to be granted access to NHS patient data. For use in clinical trials and drug development.Gardai rendered powerless as campaigners blockade Shell’s compound
03-12-2011 23:19

Founding statement of Leicestershire Solidarity Group
03-12-2011 22:54
Leicestershire Solidarity Group formed on 1st December.US Senate backs military detention of American citizens
03-12-2011 21:09
The US Senate voted Thursday night to approve a military funding bill that codifies into law the criminal state practices begun under Bush—and continued under Obama—in the name of the “global war on terror.”John Holloway, Hillel Ticktin, Immanuel Wallerstein on Capitalism's Crisis
03-12-2011 18:45