UK Newswire Archive
National Assembly Against Racism Demo
13-05-2002 15:39
Around 500 people held an anti-racism demo against Blunkett's new Asylum and Immigration Bill in Trafalgar Sq on Sunday (12th).Arab and Jewish women speak out against the holocaust in Palestine
13-05-2002 13:42

(Egyptian feminist author and activist) and Selma James
(co-ordinator of the Global Women’s Strike), plus two eyewitness accounts from Palestine and a non-party-political speakout. Tuesday 14 May 2002, 7pm, Conway Hall, London.
Exxon pushed for coup in Venezuela
13-05-2002 13:36
Oil prices, Exxon's profits and US fears of OPEC embargo behind Venezuelan coupExxon pushed for coup in Venezuela
13-05-2002 13:21
Oil prices, Exxon's profits and US fears of OPEC embargo behind Venezuelan coupVIDEO RTS Dublin SHOCKING POLICE VIOLENCE ON WOMEN
13-05-2002 13:00

SHOCKING NEW Video footage of Police attacking women at the RECLAIM THE STREETS PARTY on Monday 6th
New Scientist: Origin of US Anthrax attacks identified
13-05-2002 12:29
New Scientist has published an article identifying the most likely source of the anthrax used in last year's "terrorist" mailings. Meanwhile, the BBC looks the other way...VIDEO RTS Dublin Garda who sail "I will assult who i like"
13-05-2002 12:20

Garda clearley telling protesters that he will "assult who he likes" and he does.
RECLAIM THE STREETS Party was attacked bu police on Monday 6th May
Don't cry for Argentina!
13-05-2002 10:50
Send to your favourite bank and to friends and relatives all over the world. Thanks!Mother of truants given 30 days
13-05-2002 10:50
A mother of girls was jailed for 30 days by a court in Banbury, for failing to ensure that her daughters attended school regularly.New site launch: -- Investigating 9/11 and "The New War"
13-05-2002 08:41
Based on hundreds of hours of research, has been launched to provide a resource for those who wish to hear a fair and comprehensive argument of the case for prior knowledge and government complicity in 9/11, as well as discussion of other issuesrelated to the continuing "War on Terrorism".
Going Nowhere Fast
13-05-2002 07:59
How is America's War on Terrorism going? Well, actually, it's not going anywhere.Biggest espionage scandal of the century
13-05-2002 05:16
U.S. administration - which is desperate to keep the affair quiet, partly out of shame and partly because of its warm relations with Israel - is keeping the affair out of the spotlight of public discussion.Anti Asylum & Immigration Bill Demo 12/05/02
13-05-2002 01:23

Anti Asylum Bill Demo 12/05/02
13-05-2002 00:21

News from Eurodusnie collective
12-05-2002 23:34
Eurodusnie collective is utterly surprised and also worried about the ANP (Dutch national press agency) report which claims that there is a direct link between the Eurodusnie collective and the Biological Baking Brigade (BBB), responsable for pieing the right-wing populist Pim Fortuyn who was murdered one week ago. Eurodusnie completely reject this claim. There is no organisational link between Eurodusnie and the BBB.