UK Newswire Archive
Flash Protest Against the Cuts
18-10-2010 15:22
The Right to Work Coalition and Anti-Cuts Alliance has called a demonstration on the day of the Spending Review, October 20th 5pm, city centre, outside the HippodromeThe ConDem government are announcing their public sector spending review on Wednesday 20th October. It will mean massive cuts in jobs and services across the public sector.
It needs to be met with a wave of resistance.
Join the protest in Bristol city centre outside the Hippodrome, 5pm, called to show our opposition to the cuts, and our determination to fight them.
We will have a protest, a banner drop and guerilla gigs.
If you would like more infrmation, or to get involved building the event, contact Tim 07866660335/
Solidarity/Scary Science demos
18-10-2010 14:51
Please take note of the following.End Military Trial of Former Child Soldier - at Guantanamo,
18-10-2010 14:44

Bristol Spoke, The Council Smiled And Waved
18-10-2010 13:22
The No Tesco campaign and the death of the democratic processThe writing on the wall writes: The No Tesco campaign and the death of the democratic process...
The democratic process has been exhausted. After 9 months of vocal opposition to its plans, Tesco Corporation are preparing are preparing to baptise their 'local' shop in Stokes Croft. This turn of events may come as a surprise after the multinational's attempts to open their 31st supermarket in Bristol have been repeatedly condemned by both crowds of protesters and the chair of Bristol City Council. 96% of neighbours objected, thousands of signatures were collected and the building itself was occupied by local residents and turned into a social centre.
Some may well breathe a sigh of relief when Tesco finally opens its doors. But the outcome of this campaign is a sign of the times. Yes, we have the right to protest, to petition, to lobby, to write letters to our MP, to march, to chant, to vote. But even the most naive of us, who bothered to vote for councillors who promised to take a stand against big business must now face facts. Voting changes nothing.
If we can't trust them to act in our interests on such a small issue as a cornershop, how can we expect them to stand up against the privatisation of the NHS, our schools and universities, council housing and all the other social services that Britons and Bristolians fought and died for?
Now is the time. Strike, occupy, resist.
Bristol Rally Against the Cuts | Bristol & District Anti Cuts Demo | Cutz: This week in Bristol & Beyond |
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Gaza Medics under attack
18-10-2010 13:22
During the massacre of Gaza 2008/9 international solidarity worker Alberto Arce filmed the Gaza ambulance crews at work and under fire.Sharon Locke, British midwife, will be introducing this film about the work of the Gaza medics during the Israel bombardment in 2008/9. She accompanied the ambulances attempted to rescue the injured.
Sharon Locke, British midwife, will be introducing this film about the work of the Gaza medics during the Israel bombardment in 2008/9. She accompanied the ambulances attempted to rescue the injured. Israel considered the Emergemcy services a "legitimate" target and they worked daily under fire, even after permission had been given to collect casualties. 15 medics were killed and over 50 seriously injured.
Sharon is touring the UK with the film to promote support for the Palestinian Emergency Services
Notts Cuts Watch
18-10-2010 11:58
An (incomplete) overview of how the age of austerity has affected Notinghamshire over the last week or so.
Nottingham City Council
UNISON has warned that Nottingham City Council could be hit the hardest of all councils in Notts by Government cuts.
Ravi Subramanian, Unison’s regional head of campaigning, said the city receives more needs-based grants than the county. He believes this area could see big Government cuts.
He said the county council, which plans to freeze council tax next year, will benefit if the Government decides to pay such councils the equivalent of a 2.5 per cent rise.
Unison warns that city council could be hit hardest in Government spending review, Nottingham Post
Nottinghamshire County Council
This week the council announced the results of its “service reviews” revealing which services are to be cut, reformed or kept. Among the affected areas were residential care homes, sheltered housing, women’s refuges and personal budgets for vulnerable people, while the welfare rights service is to be axed.
Service reviews, Nottinghamshire County Council
Nottinghamshire County Council budget cuts unveiled, BBC Nottingham
The Youth Justice Board, whose East Midlands and East Anglia regional office is in Park Row, Nottingham, is to be abolished.
Their work overseeing the juvenile system in England and Wales, from offence prevention to custody, will now be carried out by the Ministry of Justice.
British Waterways, which currently operates as a public corporation with its East Midlands branch in Newark, will be replaced by a new waterways charity. The organisation looks after 2,200 miles of the country’s canals and rivers.
Notts impact of Government’s quango axe, Nottingham Post
Quango reforms announced,
Private sector
On Tuesday, Alliance Boots announced that it planned to axe 10% of the workforce (750 people) at its Lenton HQ. Conservative MP Anna Soubry met with the management, but instead of convincing the management to save some jobs, returned parroting their demands that the A453 be widened and the workplace parking levy (WPL) be scrapped.
Fears for the future after Boots axes tenth of city workforce, Nottingham Post
Boots: Gonna Walk All Over You, Beestonia
Tuesday saw a first meeting of anarchists against the cuts take place. On Wednesday/Thursday night militants attacked County Hall. Anti-austerity and cuts slogans were painted on the building and £10,000 of damage was done to windows.
Notts County Council announce £72m cuts, Nottingham Indymedia
A FOREST Town woman has launched a petition to save the chaplaincy service at Mansfield Community Hospital and Ashfield Health Village – and plans to send it to Prime Minister David Cameron.
Last week, Chad reported that Nottinghamshire Community Health (NCH) planned to reduce the number of chaplains from six to one, with one full-time chaplain from John Eastwood Hospice also covering the community hospital.
After hearing the news, Maureen Giles (72), who has used the service several times, started door-knocking in her area and she has so far collected 72 signatures.
Petition launched to save chaplain team, Mansfield Chad
Crude Awakening Photo Set
18-10-2010 11:58
Hundreds of demonstrators have stopped 375,000 gallons of fuel from leaving a depot after blockading the road to Coryton oil refinery.
A spokeswoman for the Crude Awakening demonstrators claimed 500 protesters blocked the road to the UK's busiest oil depot near Stanford-le-Hope. She said at least 50 oil tankers had been prevented from getting to and from the site.
[See also this article from London Indymedia]
Booklets by Indymedia London and HacktionLab
18-10-2010 11:57
Booklets that will be given out for donations at the bookfair, here available as PDFs.
Indymedia London will have a presence together with Dissident Island at the Anarchist Bookfair. Among other publications, the articles "Indymedia and the Enclosure of the Internet", "How to publish your news on indymedia" and "Their business and ours (Google is not a search company)" will be given out for a donation.
It is also planned to have there the latest "Teck tools for Activists" guide, collaboratively written and edited by HacktionLab, although if any one who reads this can print it out and bring it, it would be most appreciated.
One more report with more pictures
18-10-2010 11:57
All I remember
At 10 in the morning different groups started to gather in different train stations in London. In Victoria station there were between one and two hundred people at half past ten, when the group started to make its way to the District Lane. After long delays on the tube system, the group finally got the train at Tower Gateway station to get to Stanford-Le-Hope. People carried sound systems inside suitcases.
Another group got the train at Fenchurch station. The police were waiting for this group on the platform that the march was getting into - as if they knew what train the march was going to take .
In all groups, bust cards, maps, general information, masks and props were distributed among the passengers.
At Tower Gateway, police were overheard that they were considering searching every one on the train and not allowing the group to travel . Finally, with a delay of ten minutes, the train was allowed to leave the station, at about the same time as the first group arrived at the oil refinery access road, quickly establishing the first blockade with twelve tripods and about fifty people with their arms linked up. When the other groups converged at this blockad, there were a good few hundred people. There were twelve police vans but by half past two ten of them had left this point of the blockade.
At quarter to three it was announced that all the other entrances to the refinery had been blocked, leaving its tanks unable to be restocked during the hours the blockade lasted.
It was also announced that the local people were very supportive of this action.
Chalk had also been distributed in the trains for people to draw their messages and art. One poem read:
"There is pleasure in the pathless woods; there is a rapture on the lonely shore; there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar. I love not man the less but nature more"
the Better Food Co
18-10-2010 11:57
7pmTomorrow's Freeskilling session will be 'Car Sharing'. 7pm Better Food Co.
Hello all, tomorrows freeskilling session will be 'Car Sharing'.
Set up and manage a car share with your own car, limit your car use and share running costs. Understand the logistics, pit falls, benefits and responsibilities. There will be a car-share match making service during the evening where you could find your perfect partner. With car sharers Sarah Pugh, Hannah Fearnley & Adele Watt.
Tomorrow (19th October) Better Food Co 7pm.
Here is the rest of the programme for October:
26 October Bach Flower Remedies for Pets
Learn more about the Bach Flower Remedies and how you can use them to help your pets with emotional problems such as fear of fireworks, anxieties, bullying, grief, and re-homing. With holistic vet Holly Mash
See you there!
The freeskiling team x x
CrudeAwakening at Coryton Oil Refinery - a archive
18-10-2010 11:19
Here are some links to the social media archive from the CrudeAwakening actionTate Gallery and its role in State Surveilance
18-10-2010 10:53
On a recent visit to the Tate gallery Liverpool I was asked my name and address in order to receive my 'free' admission.The Big Society and lower league football
18-10-2010 09:56
We know the Big Society is a smokescreen for cuts and privitisation, and people getting together to make things happen isn't exactly a new concept. Just look at how non league football clubs.Stonewall gay marriage survey "flawed"
18-10-2010 09:35
Stonewall gay marriage survey "flawed"Marriage equality question buried in long list
Question is headed civil partnerships, not gay marriage
Survey method is "biased and unethical"
New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal
18-10-2010 02:01
“The free-wheeling access to US covert military and intelligence operatives, both officials and private contractors, is another destabilising factor that we seem to be unable or unwilling to check. And now there are the NATO incursions into our territory and targeting of even our military personnel, which shows how servile a state we are living in at present. [10]As the war in Afghanistan, the largest and longest in the world, proceeds with record casualties among civilians and combatants alike on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border, plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well.
Comparisons to Washington’s war in Indochina have been mentioned. [11] But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."
Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Crude Awakening
17-10-2010 23:22
Crude Awakening. A mass direct action to stop the flow of oil to London. Three blocs: the Dirty money bloc meeting at Euston, the Building bloc meeting at Waterloo and the Body bloc meeting at Victoria. The final location \ target to be revealed over twitter. This is all that was known before the day of the action.Prisoner list for October 2010
17-10-2010 23:20

Furrier Mobile Demo - Tuesday - London
17-10-2010 22:20
Mobile demonstration, targeting London's remaining furriers. These companies and shops exist only to sell real furs from animals used and abused for fashion.End Military Commission Trial of Former Child Soldier-Guantanamo
17-10-2010 21:44
"Omar Khadr was picked up at age 15 and has now spent a third of his life at Guantanamo,The government's own witnesses confirmed some of this treatment when they testified that Khadr was interrogated while strapped down on a stretcher just 12 hours after sustaining his life-threatening injuries. They also testified that he was threatened with rape if he did not cooperate. In October 2002 Khadr was transferred to Guantanamo where the abuse continued. He told his lawyers that he was shackled in painful positions, told he would be sent to Egypt, Syria, or Jordan for torture, and used as a "human mop" after he urinated on the floor during one interrogation session. He was deprived of all access to legal counsel until November 2004, more than two years after he was first detained.