UK Newswire Archive
Action to defend the right to strike
18-10-2010 21:00
01 November · 10:00 - 13:00
Trafalgar Square, SW1
London, United Kingdom
Gaza100 - World Record Run: Let your feet do the talking!
18-10-2010 20:43
‘Most People Running 100 Metres in a 12-hour Relay’ (official Guinness Book of Records title)WE NEED TO BREAK THE WORLD RECORD RUN
Highbury Park Workdays: Sunday Oct 24th & Sat Nov 6th - 11am
18-10-2010 20:36
Highbury Park Workdays: Sunday Oct 24th & Sat Nov 6th from 11amAfter the previous very successful work day, we are holding more! There is much to be done to clear the ground so that we can begin to make use of it.
You can see some photos and the blog at

Film Cafe: Tuesday November 9th
18-10-2010 20:31
Screening of 'The Power of Community'. How Cuba survived Peak Oil.Wakey Wakey: France
18-10-2010 20:27
Indymedia is usually a useful source of grassroots info. Yet it also miserably fails to wake up to some of the big issues of the day....and on this day it's worth reposting what's happening in France (the next-door country, just across the Channel). Sometimes you get the feeling on IMCUK (and I've been visiting for around 10 years now) that the whole of the world could erupt into revolution and IMCUK would still be inundated with nonsense such as squabbling about whether someone farms a certain kind of animal or whether some random EDL hooligan has pissed on a church)... let's keep with it!more sabotage at Broken Cross Mine...
18-10-2010 20:23
Last night four earth movers, two dump trucks and an explosives handling truck were sabotaged beyond use at Broken Cross Open Cast Mine in South Lanarkshire. The mine is one of three active mines in the Douglas valley owned by Scottish Coal.
Sun 24 Oct Apple Day and Permaculture Open Garden
18-10-2010 20:22
Sun 24 Oct Apple Day and Permaculture Open GardenLondon Anarchist Bookfair
18-10-2010 20:22
Saturday 23 October, from 10am to 7pm, at Queen Mary College, University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS.The London Bookfair, Bristol's big sister, returns for the 28th time. Unlike the more regional bookfairs such as Bristol's, the London one attracts anarchists from around the UK and internationally, arguable making it the largest anarchist gathering in the world. There's around 100 stalls, over 50 meetings, and all day film room, a performance space, creche and older kids space, and of course food, drink, frivolity...and a lot of serious plotting.
The ongoing success of the Bristol bookfair, allied to Bristol's own anti-cuts protests on the 23rd, will almost certainly diminish the Bristol presence at this years London bookfair. However its believed that Bristol Radical History Group, Kebele Infoshop, and Bristol ABC are taking stalls, and Bristol ABC are helping run a meeting. Bristol's militant ska-punkers Spanner are also down to play a bookfair benefit in Dalston in the evening.
Oh and if you are going to London, there's a big (we hope!) anti-cuts protest there too around midday, so no need to miss out - see
London bookfair meetings details -
Action Alert: Contact Beyond Retro Fur Peddlers
18-10-2010 19:39
The coming year is an extremely important one for the fur industry, withreal fur being pushed back onto the high street using the vintage
fashion craze. However, some top furriers have admitted that this is all
a part of the plan to revitalise the fur trade and make their image
appear acceptable.
Scab editor coming to town
18-10-2010 18:22
"Who can you trust in this age of blogs, tweets and high speed broadband?" Not Roy Greenslade that's for sureThe Bristol Festival of Ideas and the NUJ have invited Roy Greenslade - now known in establishment circles as Professor Greenslade, an expert in journalism- as the keynote speaker on the subject of "Is blogging journalism? And who can you believe in this age of blogs, tweets and pay walls?"
The short answer is that you can't believe Greenslade.
Greenslade - now reinvented as a media expert at the Guardian - was a key Robert Maxwell lieutenant in the early nineties who edited the Daily Mirror and deliberately published a series of security services-inspired smears about Arthur Scargill.
He later apologised for this and admitted he had published lies but not before the damage was done.
The full story is available in Seaumas Milne's 'The Enemy Within - The Secret War Against the Miners'.
Greenslade is coming to Bristol to discuss journalistic ethics. Tickets are priced at £7.
"Seumas Milne revealed for the first time the astonishing lengths to which the government and its intelligence machine were prepared to go to destry the power of Britain's miners' union. Using phoney bank deposits, staged cash drops, forged documents, agents provocateurs and unrelenting surveillance, MI5 and police Special Branch set out to discredit Scargill and other miners' leaders. Planted tales of corruption were seized on by the media and both Tory and Labour politicians in what became an unprecedentedly savage smear campaign. In this new edition, published for the twentieth anniversary of Britain's most important postwar social confrontation, new material brings the story up to date - and, in the wake of the Iraq war intelligence scandals, highlights the continuing threat posed by the security services to democracy today."
Report: White House Demands Maliki Oust Sadr From Coalition
18-10-2010 17:41
"Moreover, if Maliki obeys the US and ousts Sadr, it isn’t clear that he will have a coalition at all anymore, or at the very least not one capable of forming a government. Maliki’s bloc finished second in the vote to rival Ayad Allawi’s Iraqiya bloc, and it was only through Sadr’s participation that he had any chance at a second term in office."guantanamo protest in parl sq now
18-10-2010 17:22
bbc jamcam is currently showing a protest in parliament square against guantanamo bay trials
an activist has climbed over boris's fences in parliament square and is carrying out a demonstration to mark the resumption of the trial of Omar Khadr (the youngest Guantamano detainee).
you can see him on the bbc jamcam in the orange boiler suit kneeling inside one of the fenced areas at this corner of the square.
1st public meeting re: free inner city community garden space
18-10-2010 17:22
get together exchange thoughtsan open public meeting to discuss a launch day for the new community garden space, transform wasted neglected space into something great for everyone to contribute to & enjoy. grow all that is possible and share knowledge on how to do so and how to use the plants for to benefit our health. that sort of thing : ) 8pm @ the smiling chair opposite Free Shop on Stokes Croft..
as in summary
Don't let the Lib Dems break their promise on fees! Demonstrate at Lib Dem HQ
18-10-2010 17:06
Student activists will be protest outside Lib Dem Headquarters in London on Monday 25 October, to demand they keep their promise to oppose higher fees. Join us!This weekend: Stop Nuclear Power Network Gathering in Bristol
18-10-2010 16:55

Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th, Bristol
Meet, make plans, take action.
There are groups and individuals coming from all over -
Suffolk, London, France, Lancaster, Manchester, Wrexham, Bristol, Cumbria, Ireland, Hinkley, Exeter and more - Come along and get involved in creating a network of active anti-nuclear campaigns across Britain and Europe.
Palestine Today 10 18 2010
18-10-2010 16:49

Demonstration Against Racism, Fascism and Islamophobia
18-10-2010 16:22
Called by Unite Against Fascism, the TUC, Muslim Council of Britain and Muslim Association of BritainDemonstrate against Racism, Fascism and Islamophobia Saturday November 6th London.
If you are fed up with the BNP and EDL racists, help us build the national demonstration against racism, fascism and Islamophobia on Saturday 6 November in central London.
Let’s show the EDL – and the fascists of the BNP – that the vast majority of people oppose their poisonous ideas.
A big demo on 6 November will help us take the campaign against the EDL and BNP up a gear, involving wider layers of people.
The demo is backed by the TUC, 17 national unions, MPs, faith groups, community organisations, campaigners, artists, writers and musicians.
Transport from Bristol, contact Tim 07866660335/
Announcing the new J7: 7/7 Inquests Blog
18-10-2010 15:28

eye on 7/7 Inquests that are taking place at the Royal Courts of Justice
under the auspices of Lady Justice Hallett. The Inquests are expected to
last at least five months and will see the release of evidence that has
previously been kept from public scrutiny.