UK Newswire Archive
Israeli Blood Dates - Leeds Inspector's - UPDATE!
25-08-2010 16:23
Israeli Blood Dates - Leeds Inspector's Report - UPDATE 22nd August 2010!!!
After an excellent report from the Inspector's on Israeli Blood Dates being sold in Leeds, we have an update on what's been happening and their recent visits to other stores...
Bath Vegan Fayre announcement
25-08-2010 16:22
Get ready to tickle your taste buds..."This year, on Saturday the 4th of September, from 12 til 4pm, Bath will see the second annual Bath Vegan Fayre! Taking place at Manvers Street Baptist Church (a two-minute walk from Bath Spa rail and bus stations), this year's event will build on the success of last year's fayre, which saw around 150 people enjoy the free vegan meals and snacks. But it's not just about the exotic curries, nourishing soups, rice and pasta and salad and gluten-free dishes, delicious fake meats, surprisingly good cakes, savoury bites and sweet delights, or the thirst-quenching drinks – there's also plenty of friendly faces, good conversations, and reams of accessible and detailed information about all walks of vegan life. Whether it's about the products, the nutrition, the environment, the people or the animals, we'll have the answers to everything you need to know about veganism, but might be afraid to ask! Food for thought, you might say. Come along and join us on the day – it's all free!
For further information, call us on 07717 130954, e-mail us at bathanimalaction[at], or check out our blog, at http;//
Bath Vegan Fayre announcement
25-08-2010 15:37
Get ready to tickle your taste buds in the westcountry...Rod Coronado ELF/ALF warrior jailed for using Facebook
25-08-2010 14:00
Rod Coronado given 4 months in jail for breeching probation terms and Friending a know ELF activist!Can arms trade be controlled by a Treaty? - The UN ATT negotiations and the real
25-08-2010 13:35

After years of lobbying by NGO's, the United Nations decided to start negotiations for a global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The objective of this treaty is to create a legal mechanism to prevent 'unethical' arms trade. Arms should not be exported when there is a serious risk that they might be used in human rights violations, in war crimes, organised crime or terrorism. They should also not be sold to unstable regions, poor countries or corrupt regimes. Reading this, one cannot conclude anything else than that that this treaty is meant to end all arms trade.
No eviction at the Spray this morning
25-08-2010 13:24
The JB Spray squat in Radford were expecting eviction this morning. Two County Court employees and two police turned up at around 10am along with around 20 supporters of the squatters. They were also accompanied by 2 employees of Portable Property Management, the company which is employed to manage the building. After some initial inspection and drawing a map of entrances they gave up. A call to the bailiffs revealed that another eviction attempt is imminent in the next few days.
Apparently one of the County Court employees was being very unprofessional, making jokes about dole scrounging squatters, but the remarks were made before people with recording devices were on the scene.
However, I did manage to catch a very funny exchange between one of the coppers and a manager(?) from the Kexgill student accommodation next door [recording and transcript below]. The hapless policeman tried to claim that the squatters were "the bane of our lives" and that noise complaints had been received from tenants of the student flats. The Kexgill guy, pointed out that the flats were almost completely empty at the moment, that he hadn't heard about any problems with noise and that the squatters had been "nothing but nice neighbours to us". He actually said his own tenants were more likely to have loud music on! By this time the policeman was looking very red in the face. He complained that he didn't want to do this kind of work but he had to, and he got paid whatever he did. Another person from the flats offered him a job doing painting instead!
Later on I tried to go and record some of the interactions between a guy from Portable Property and the other police officer and the manager flipped completely, pushing me away and making various threats. The police officer, realising that I knew my rights, calmed him down and led him away to her vehicle to carry on the conversation. Once again, 'their side' weren't behaving very well.
After a lot of craning up at windows and sketching a very rough map of the building's exterior the crack eviction team called it a day and drove off. It seemed from what we could pick up from overhearing conversations and phoning the bailiffs that they are going to have to wait until there are enough police available to oversee the eviction. The person we called said they probably wouldn't be back today but it would be very soon.
It was good to see a lot of supporters but we need more people to turn up next time. Make sure you get your number on the list.
Transcript of police officer (P) talking with Kexgill people (K and K2).
K: Phoned the police?
P: And the fire brigade.
K: But there's no one in there. It's empty. We've got one tenant in there. I know, I'm just saying. We've just got one tenant in there at the moment.
P: [Inaudible]
K: No, no, no. Not at all, not at all.
P: ...trouble from the locals you see.
K: It's only freedom of speech mate. I'm not trying to cause a problem between any of us. I promise you that.
P: Yeah.
K: I was only saying that because they've always been nothing but nice neighbours to us.
P: They're not. There were complaints to the Council yesterday about noise, all the time and it's... well it's the bane of our lives because we can't go out and do police work. I've been taken off an exercise this morning, trying to get motorists without insurance, purely because I know the building.
K: Aha, right. Well you're only doing your job I understand that.
P: No I'm not doing my job, that's the thing.
K: You're not doing your job?
P: I should be going doing other things.
K: Oh, but it's still part of your job.
P: have to.
K: It's a shame, but heh... Um, OK. [To K2] They're getting evicted apparently.
P: No.
K: No? They're not getting evicted. I don't know. So they're not getting evicted? Oh, OK. [Laughs] Does anyone know?
P: Yeah.
K: OK. The big boys in their offices.
P: No, the heavy mob.
K: Oh right, OK. You see from our point of view it would be great if they could do something with it like convert it into flats or summat but apparently there's an order on it or something so why don't the council just like...
P: Ask them.
K: It's ridiculous man. They're making your life hard, they're messing about with us here, cos I don't think they... They've got a drumkit but they're not a nuisance. The students have their drum 'n' bass on really loud and you know...
P: There are complaints, yeah.
K: Really? Fair enough, I mean, you know more than me. They haven't said to me, but, hey... I don't want to give you a hard time, you're a police officer.
P: I get paid for it whatever I do.
K: Yeah.
K2: There's some painting. [Everyone laughs] It's quite therapeutic.
No Voluntary Deportations, Not Now, Not Never
25-08-2010 13:23
Mother and Children required to deport themselvesMildred Okpara and her two young children and baby are still in their Sheffield accommodation. They have received a letter from UKBA to report to Heathrow airport on Thursday the 2nd September.
Kirklees Refugee Forum are supporting a campaign to keep the family in Sheffield and would like your presence (if possible) in Sheffield this Friday.
Join the protest outside the Home Office UK Border Agency
Keep the Okpara family safe in Sheffield!
Come and join us on the demonstration and bring as many people as possible. Please bring placards and banners
UK Border Agency
Vulcan House
Riverside entrance
6 Millsands
S3 8NU
Friday 27th August 12:30 to 1:30
For more information or if you want to help with the campaign contact:
Stop the Deportation of the Okpara
Family c/o Sheena 07792605138
or email

Kirklees Refugee Forum

Hippodrome movies are just the ticket for autumn
25-08-2010 11:23
Hippodrome movies are just the ticket for autumn
MAJOR new releases, fascinating special events, cracking classic movies and fun packed family films dominate the new season at the historic Hippodrome Cinema in Bo’ness.
Scotland’s first purpose-built cinema has unv
ENA, Brighton Bank Holiday Monday, Flier for counter mobilization
25-08-2010 11:06

We are a broad group from the local area and beyond who are are calling for a counter mobilization to show the ENA that their fascists views are not welcome on our streets and to stop them from marching in Brighton.
Welcome to Chile, country of jails and jailers.
25-08-2010 10:57
This past Saturday the 14th of August, in the cities of Santiago and Valparaíso, a coordinated action of police special task forces violently raided 3 squatted social centers and many private homes in 5 communes. The police intimidated people with weapons of war, broke windows and doors, and took many personal items with them from all of the houses.14 people were detained without being informed of the reason for their detention for 3 hours.
“Death on the Med” Protest at Bristol BBC [1]
25-08-2010 09:22
PRESS REPORT for Saturday 21st August 2010Palestine campaigners protested outside the BBC in Bristol on Saturday 21st August. They chanted and booed the BBC building, waved flags, and leafleted passers-by. The group also staged a “street-theatre” re-enactment of the deaths of the nine Turkish aid-workers onboard the Mavi Marmara. The protest lasted over two hours and was very visible to pedestrians, shoppers, and passing traffic.
Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign Palestine campaigners protested outside the BBC in Bristol on Saturday 21st August. They chanted and booed the BBC building, waved flags, and leafleted passers-by. The group also staged a “street-theatre” re-enactment of the deaths of the nine Turkish aid-workers onboard the Mavi Marmara. The protest lasted over two hours and was very visible to pedestrians, shoppers, and passing traffic.
Palestine campaigners in Bristol are appalled at the BBC “Death on the Med” Panorama broadcast last Monday (16th August). They accuse the BBC of “blatant bias”. The program is severely at odds with the eye-witness reports of the two Bristolians on-board the aid ship, the Mavi Marmara. They are particularly shocked the program used Israeli film footage purporting to be of the Mavi Marmara which has already been shown to be fake and was a training exercise on a different ship.
The protest was organised by the Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Full Story | Death on the Med Protest at the BBC | Bristol Youtube Tribute to the Mavi Marmara Dead
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A spokesperson said “We condemn the BBC for their blatant bias in this Panorama program. They are trying to sway public opinion regarding the brutal attack on the Gaza aid flotilla and ahead of the UN report expected in September. Fifty or more people were injured on the Mavi Marmara and a further nine killed. Many suffered multiple gunshot wounds, some through the back of the head. This was carnage. We won’t let the BBC get away with a cover-up."
Campaigners ask supporters to register official complaints with the BBC. Furthermore they urge people to take the matter up with their MPs. They also suggest withholding their BBC license fee in protest. The action follows similar protests when the BBC refused to broadcast the DEC appeal for Gaza last year.
See videos at
Only a week ago the same group was protesting outside the main Waitrose supermarket in Bristol against the sale of Israeli products see
Protests also took place around the UK including London, Newcastle, and Glasgow
Slideshow/Soundtrack - 30 Years of Plowshares Actions & Anti-Nuclear Resistance
25-08-2010 08:46
On September 9th. 1980 the Plowshares 8 entered the General Electric factory at King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, USA and began to disarm first strike nuclear weapons components under construction.Solidarity with Rev Han Sang Ryola
25-08-2010 08:36
The south Korean fascist puppet regime have arrested the Rev Han Sang Ryola 70 year Christian pastor and reunification champion of south Korea.He hadvisited the DPRK to mark the 10th anniversary of the historic June 15declaration and had stayed in the DPRK for 2 months.Counter-mobilisation against fascist march in Brighton
25-08-2010 01:48
...Masterminds, Mosques and Mass Insanity: “War on Terrorism” Propaganda
24-08-2010 22:50
"Heated arguments have exploded around religion, tolerance, democracy, etc.---everything except the only fact that matters: 9/11 was a false flag operation, courtesy of the Bush-Cheney administration, carried out by an elite consensus, in order to justify the “war on terrorism”, and everything that came with it. Mass murder. Unending resource conquest. A police state within US borders. Open criminality.The perpetual threat posed by a fabricated outside enemy, and a militarized, fearful populace, remain the centerpieces of elite policy, and they have been consistently maintained by both Bush/Cheney and Obama administrations. The demonization of Muslims continues to facilitate pillage."
How does poking fun at Iranian culture helps America lube the wheels of war?
24-08-2010 22:14

New Jungle Zoo campaign site
24-08-2010 21:47

“Death on the Med” Protest at Bristol BBC
24-08-2010 20:22
PRESS REPORT for Saturday 21st August 2010Palestine campaigners protested outside the BBC in Bristol on Saturday 21st August. They chanted and booed the BBC building, waved flags, and leafleted passers-by. The group also staged a “street-theatre” re-enactment of the deaths of the nine Turkish aid-workers onboard the Mavi Marmara. The protest lasted over two hours and was very visible to pedestrians, shoppers, and passing traffic.
Palestine campaigners in Bristol are appalled at the BBC “Death on the Med” Panorama broadcast last Monday (16th August). They accuse the BBC of “blatant bias”. The program is severely at odds with the eye-witness reports of the two Bristolians on-board the aid ship, the Mavi Marmara. They are particularly shocked the program used Israeli film footage purporting to be of the Mavi Marmara which has already been shown to be fake and was a training exercise on a different ship.
The protest was organised by the Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign
A spokesperson said “We condemn the BBC for their blatant bias in this Panorama program. They are trying to sway public opinion regarding the brutal attack on the Gaza aid flotilla and ahead of the UN report expected in September. Fifty or more people were injured on the Mavi Marmara and a further nine killed. Many suffered multiple gunshot wounds, some through the back of the head. This was carnage. We won’t let the BBC get away with a cover-up."
Campaigners ask supporters to register official complaints with the BBC. Furthermore they urge people to take the matter up with their MPs. They also suggest withholding their BBC license fee in protest. The action follows similar protests when the BBC refused to broadcast the DEC appeal for Gaza last year.
See videos at
Only a week ago the same group was protesting outside the main Waitrose supermarket in Bristol against the sale of Israeli products see
Protests also took place around the UK including London, Newcastle, and Glasgow
Egg Recall In US Grows to Over Half Billion
24-08-2010 20:04
The Centers For Disease Control in the US took over 3 months to issue a recallon an Iowa factory farm whose eggs have sickened thousands. The CDC claims
there are no deaths.
'Grow Heathrow' Eviction Threat
24-08-2010 19:30