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Rod Coronado ELF/ALF warrior jailed for using Facebook

FaceBook | 25.08.2010 14:00 | Animal Liberation | Globalisation | Repression | World

Rod Coronado given 4 months in jail for breeching probation terms and Friending a know ELF activist!

Apparently Rod Coronado, a very well know ALF and ELF activist in the USA has been given 4 months in jail for breeching probation terms and Friending a know ELF activist!

It's tempting to think this could only happen in the USA but UK activists have been given similar draconian restrictions.

We all know Facebook isn't secure - why are we still using it?

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Display the following 5 comments

  1. Why? — AR
  2. why not — RA
  3. all mail monitored — fran
  4. double edged sword — Lynn Sawyer
  5. think before posting — anonanarch