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Rod Coronado ELF/ALF warrior jailed for using Facebook

FaceBook | 25.08.2010 14:00 | Animal Liberation | Globalisation | Repression | World

Rod Coronado given 4 months in jail for breeching probation terms and Friending a know ELF activist!

Apparently Rod Coronado, a very well know ALF and ELF activist in the USA has been given 4 months in jail for breeching probation terms and Friending a know ELF activist!

It's tempting to think this could only happen in the USA but UK activists have been given similar draconian restrictions.

We all know Facebook isn't secure - why are we still using it?

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25.08.2010 17:37

Why do people use FB? Because it can be useful as so many people use it! Just don't say/do anything you wouldn't with a cop standing filming you on there.


why not

25.08.2010 19:00

Just because you don't say something you wouldn't say in front of a cop, doesn't make it alright. The biggest thing that the police try to find out is how we organise things, who's connected to who, how our friendship and organisational networks work. That we give them via our telephone records very graphically (& that's why you have to be careful of how much you phone around, and who, nearer times of organising actions), but with Facebook we hand it to them on a plate, but much wider and clearer than is possible with phone records. That's why not to use it, whether personally, or if you're involved in a political action-based group or campaign, if you set up a Facebook page for it, you are giving them your list of supporters, and through where they log in, their home addresses too!


all mail monitored

25.08.2010 21:01

actually, due to programmes like 'echolon', all emails, texts, phone calls and telecommunications traffic is monitored and processed and, if its needed for spying purposes, stored and retrieved and recorded...nothing is safe, but it shouldn't stop actions...

strike now, when they are not expecting...


double edged sword

26.08.2010 07:39

FB is very handy for getting a lot of info out to thousands of people, it is also handy if like me you have nothing but someone's name to go on when you need to get in touch with them.
Quite rightly it should be treated really carefully. Some of the squabbles and "ALF toolkits" being sent by others may be fun but they are a noose to hang ourselves with. Furthermore ANYTHING on the internet is retreivable until the time land slips into the oceans, and humans are no more. A phone call or conversation unless recorded is lost to the authorities, a piece of paper can be burned.

Lynn Sawyer

think before posting

26.08.2010 16:06

you only hand to them on a plate what you yourself put on there. use some common sense and FB is a very useful tool!! no need to start an account with your own name if you don't want to, no need to provide your phone number either. once again it all boils down to common sense!
