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Culture without the working class is no culture..

20-05-2010 09:29

Sheffield is an incredibly warm and characterful city. There are some great places to eat and drink and lots of interesting sights to see… you just need to know where to look…

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Justice for Aafia Siddiqui - public meeting Saturday 22 May

20-05-2010 09:23

Saturday 22nd May - Justice for Aafia Siddiqui (Public Meeting)

6:30pm, Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL


A woman’s tale of Rendition, Torture and Secret Prisons
Speakers: Aamer Anwar (Scottish Human Rights Lawyer),  Mujahid Islam

Organised by Scotland Against Criminalising Communities and the Muslim Women's Association of Edinburgh

Snacks available from 6.30pm

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a bit of fun

20-05-2010 09:22

The writing's on the lamppost.
Joked with friends that Casualty filming in our street had made moving to Bristol worthwhile after all these years - some silly suggestions ensued, at the last minute couldn't resist it, dashed this off and put it up in homage to our very own Bristol Anarchist Bookfair. It's unlikely to appear or be readable, but I thought I'd put it up here to give Bristol anarcho folk a grin...

Happy Thursday!


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Freedom Flotilla to Gaza

20-05-2010 09:03

Ismail Patel will be one of 600 activists from 40 countries on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla to challange the siege of Gaza.

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Sehar Shebaz and Wania belong to Scotland

20-05-2010 06:31

Urgent Action Appeal, from UNITY Centre, Glasgow

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Iran uranium deal and other missed opportunities

19-05-2010 22:53

Amorim, Mottaki and Davutoglu sign the nuclear swap agreement, 17 May 2010
In looking back on the history of the current standoff between the US and Iran over Iran's nuclear program, it is instructive to note all the opportunities that the US missed in resolving the standoff peacefully while also addressing any real concerns about weapons proliferation.

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Demockracy Village in Parliament Square

19-05-2010 22:22

During this year's MayDday festivities, and despite torrential rain, a village of some twenty tents sprung up in in Parliament Square. Activists from Peacestrike and supporters have been living in the Demockracy Village ever since, staging a regular series of actions [1 | 2 | 3] and banner drops [1 | 2] calling for an immediate end to the war in Afghanistan and for the troops to be  brought home. Three weeks later, the village is still ongoing, and activists claim to be committed to maintaining an ongoing presence on Parliament Square until their demands are met.

See a timeline of reports from the village and the actions around it.

Reports from the Indymedia newswires:

Sunday 2nd:

Monday 3rd:

Wednesday 5th:

Thursday 6th:

Monday 10th:

Friday 14th:

Saturday 15th:

Sunday 16th:

Monday 17th:


Statement From The Democracy Village, Parliament Square

We, the concerned citizens of the Democracy Village on Parliament Square, demand on behalf of the majority of people that the war in Afghanistan is ended and the troops are brought home with immediate effect.

The Democracy Village calls all like-minded concerned citizens to come and join us. We are calling a Strike for Peace until our demands are met. We are committed to maintaining an ongoing presence on Parliament Square.

All are welcome to come and stay for a few hours, a day, or a night.

Donations of food and equipment are very welcome. Bring a sleeping bag and tent if you plan to stay.

In this election, no major party has offered the choice to end this pointless war.

VOTE FOR PEACE by coming to the village today.

For more info phone or text:-

Camilla  07962 889459
Maria     07886 662091


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Anarchist Federation release Organise! issue 74

19-05-2010 17:23

The Anarchist Federation of Great Britain have released issue 74 of their twice-yearly magazine Organise! Among the subjects tackled are casual work, origins of youth revolt in Greece and a critique of current radical approaches to unions and workplace organising.

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Council deputy clears off

19-05-2010 17:22

So, it looks like it's farewell to that copper from Sheffield who doesn't know where Easton is.
News is coming in that that accident prone copper turned Bristol City Council Deputy Chief Exec, Jon House, is leaving his £140k a year post to take up a £175k a year post in Cardiff.

House has been in post barely 2 years, has creamed over £300k out of the council taxpayer and developed a reputation at the Counts Louse for being a lazy sod who got a combination of CONsultants and graduate trainees to do his job for him.

However, it comes as no surprise that he's clearing off. Here's what the Blogger said last May:

"Today we hear that this copper from Sheffield who doesn’t know where Easton is who’s been put in charge of marketing the city for no coherent reason doesn’t actually bother to live here!

Apparently his family’s still living up north and he’s not bothering to buy a house in Bristol and actually live here as the game plan is obviously to spend a couple of years in Bristol as a staging post to a chief executive’s post somewhere else.

This might explain his desperate desire for a personal CONsultant ‘reputation manager’ mightn’t it? Are we forking out our council tax to help him get a better job by any chance?"

Looks like the answer was yes.

But did he go or was he pushed?

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Film screening - In the Land of the Free

19-05-2010 17:22

Documentary about Black Panther political prisoners in the USA, featuring Q and A with the director
In the Land of the Free
plus The House that Herman Built

PLus Q and A with ITLOTF director Vadim Jean and artist Carrie Reichardt
In The Land of the Free is the story of Herman Wallace, Albert Woodfox and Robert King. They are known as the Angola 3 and have spent almost a century between them in solitary confinement in Angola, the Louisiana State Penitentiary. Herman and Albert are still held in solitary confinement after thirty seven years. The film is narrated by Samuel L Jackson and examines the story of these extraordinary men who appear to have been targeted by the prison authorities for being members of the Black Panther party and because they fought against the terrible conditions and systematic sexual slavery that was rife in the prison. The film will be followed by Q and A with the director Vadim Jean and artist Carrie Reichardt (a longstanding correspondent and supporter of the Angola 3). There will also be a short film about Herman Wallace entitled “The House that Herman Built” on the programme.

Tickets £6 advance (from Dan – 07910 538746/ £7 on the door.

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Urgent: Sehar Shebaz to be deported Sat 22 May/ Other campaign alerts

19-05-2010 16:31

NEWS: Government announces end to detention of children at Dungavel in Scotland And reported at the BBC

REALITY: Government detains mother and baby at Dungavel in Scotland, and threatens to separate them for 10 hour van journey to Yarl's Wood.

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Palestine Today 05 19 2010

19-05-2010 16:11

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Wednesday May 19th, 2010.

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Bangkok ablaze; Thai Red Shirts' declared 'class war' erupts

19-05-2010 16:02

- Banks, stock exchange and media outlets targetted after army makes move on dispersing Red-Shirt protest camp just after dawn this morning (19/05). Fires ablaze all across the city. Reports that the army have shot at protestors in Victory Monument, Central Bangkok.
- Bangkok under overnight curfew tonight.
- Curfew extended to 21 provinces in North and NE of Thailand. Attacks on town halls and banks reported in NE provinces
More reports here:
& here:

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Greece is under occupation...again! (by Latuff)

19-05-2010 15:57

Greece is now under financial occupation...
Artwork originally produced for Greek newspaper Dromos:

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Climate Change - Why the Sceptics are Wrong

19-05-2010 13:43

‘Greater Manchester Campaign against Climate Change’ (GM CCC) are holding a public meeting on 25th May to dispel any doubts about the reality of climate change and about the role of human activity in causing global warming.

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InfoUsurpa Events Listing 24th - 30th May 2010

19-05-2010 13:22

InfoUsurpa brings you next weeks events happening in London's Free & Autonomous Spaces and beyond...

Download, print, stick it up, spread the info...



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Top Italian Policemen get up to five years for Genoa attacks

19-05-2010 13:14

Good news - the fascist police of Genoa, who attacked people in the Diaz School have finally received sentences! For those of us who where there or across the road, this is a very late but welcome verdict.... though none of those responsible face prison (surprise surprise).

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Bring Shaker Aamer home now! Demo in Parliament Square, Tue 25 May

19-05-2010 12:25

Shaker Aamer has been imprisoned without charge or trial in Guantánamo Bay for over eight years. He is a legal permanent resident of the UK, married to a British national, with four British children (the youngest of whom he has never met) living in Battersea, south London.

Next Tuesday (25 May), on the day of the state opening of Parliament, a demonstration and rally in Parliament Square has been organised by the Save Shaker Aamer Campaign:

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Fallujah's Children

19-05-2010 12:22

The War that never ends
In the November of 2004 Fallujah bore one of the most savage destructions inflicted on a civilian population by coalition forces.
This film exposes the legacy that modern war inflicts.

The weapons used in Fallujah are made, thought of and refined in the factories and offices of the US and UK.
Fallujah's women and children are bearing the consequences,

Birth deformities in Fallujah are now averaging at 2 to 3 a day.

Joanne's talk will focus on the scientific research that has been done so far.

The Arms Industry on our doorstep continues to inflict its brutality from the comfort of their offices, unchallenged.

The UK is the world's second biggest arms exporter.
This is our legacy.

On the 17th of Jan 2009, during the bombing of Gaza 6 anti war activists entered the EDO/ITT arms factory and decommissioened the premises to try and save some lives in Gaza.
They are on trial in Hove in Brighton on the 7th of June

if you want to support the EDO decommissioners this is what you can do:

sign the on line petition

Write to Elijah James Smith, one of the EDO decommissioners who has been on remand since the 17th of Jan 2009

Elijah Smith, A3186AM ,
HMP Lewes , 1 Brighton Rd, Lewes,
Make sure you write his prisoner number on the pages of the letter or card, to make sure it reaches him.

Send James some court clothes.
Write him a note separately that you have sent them, so he can request them. And ask him to write back to you to let you know if he receives them.
James has been sent clothes for court, the prison is saying they haven't received them.
He likes light blue shirts size 15 and a half , his trousers size is 34in.
If you are sending him any clothes he has asked us not to buy them new, but from charity shops.
Always write his prisoner number on any package or letter you send him.

His message from prison is "Everyday do something against the war"

Support our trial
Join the peace vigil on the first day of the trial (7th june)
For tickets to the trial contact
or turn up during the trial and hold your own vigil outside the court.

"Every bullet that is fired, every bomb that is dropped has to be made somewhere and that somewhere can be resisted"

Joanne Baker has been actively engaged with the humanitarian situation in Iraq since 1997. She visited Iraq between 1999 and 2004 and has witnessed first hand the devastating effects of the High Tech weapons used by the coalition forces. She defied sanctions and entered Iraq with a rucksack full of medicines and visited the Hospitals and returned to Britain informing people that new and terrible weapons were causing similar deformities in births as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. She has written an informative and concise book about Depleted Uranium and the devastation it has reaped in Iraq. She is a teacher, human ecologist and human rights campaigner, she talks both with humanitarian compassion and political insight.