Urgent: Sehar Shebaz to be deported Sat 22 May/ Other campaign alerts
National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns | 19.05.2010 16:31 | Anti-racism | Migration
NEWS: Government announces end to detention of children at Dungavel in Scotland
http://bit.ly/dyxzfH And reported at the BBC
REALITY: Government detains mother and baby at Dungavel in Scotland, and threatens to separate them for 10 hour van journey to Yarl's Wood.

REALITY: Government detains mother and baby at Dungavel in Scotland, and threatens to separate them for 10 hour van journey to Yarl's Wood.
Sehar Shebaz and her little 12 month old daughter were detained by the Home Office at Monday lunch-time. She has been given removal directions for Pakistani Airlines flight PK758 at 17.00hrs on Saturday 22nd May. At this very moment 26 year old Shebaz and Wania are being moved from Dungavel detention centre to YarlsWood detention centre. The journey, as a prisoner in a G4S private security van will take the family at least ten hours.
Please help. See the campaign webpage to find out more, and how you can act now to help save Sehar and little Wania
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Yunis Hassan Alburke has been given removal direction to Libya for Wed, 26 May- Afriqiyah Airways, Flight No 8U913. More information will be available shortly.
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Kiana Firouz: Iranian lesbian facing deportation. Kiana Firouz is at risk of deportation to Iran where she faces certain imprisonment, vicious punishment and possible execution. Please urgently contact the new Home Secretary and urge her intervene and grant sanctuary to Kiana.
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Mireille Mbimbo: Mireille a national of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and a resident of Bradford, is currently being held at Yarl's Wood, and fears for her life and her liberty if she is returned to DRC.
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Rima Andmariam is a vulnerable 17-year-old from Eritrea, living in Glasgow for two years now. Abandoned by the authorities, she is supported by a caring community, but now faces forced removal back to the awful Italian "asylum" system. Her campaign group has issued a new appeal.
See the website for other campaigns in need of help.
Sehar Shebaz and her little 12 month old daughter were detained by the Home Office at Monday lunch-time. She has been given removal directions for Pakistani Airlines flight PK758 at 17.00hrs on Saturday 22nd May. At this very moment 26 year old Shebaz and Wania are being moved from Dungavel detention centre to YarlsWood detention centre. The journey, as a prisoner in a G4S private security van will take the family at least ten hours.
Please help. See the campaign webpage to find out more, and how you can act now to help save Sehar and little Wania

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Yunis Hassan Alburke has been given removal direction to Libya for Wed, 26 May- Afriqiyah Airways, Flight No 8U913. More information will be available shortly.

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Kiana Firouz: Iranian lesbian facing deportation. Kiana Firouz is at risk of deportation to Iran where she faces certain imprisonment, vicious punishment and possible execution. Please urgently contact the new Home Secretary and urge her intervene and grant sanctuary to Kiana.

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Mireille Mbimbo: Mireille a national of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and a resident of Bradford, is currently being held at Yarl's Wood, and fears for her life and her liberty if she is returned to DRC.

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Rima Andmariam is a vulnerable 17-year-old from Eritrea, living in Glasgow for two years now. Abandoned by the authorities, she is supported by a caring community, but now faces forced removal back to the awful Italian "asylum" system. Her campaign group has issued a new appeal.

See the website for other campaigns in need of help.

National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns