UK Newswire Archive
News from Nowhere
18-05-2010 12:22
Mhairi McGregor writes: Questions of leadership are not confined to the Miliband family. At Go Lassie Go, Joan McAlpine asks how Labour will cope without the Big Lies of Jim Murphy? Elsewhere, Kenneth Roy at the Scottish Review riles against maudling self-pity on The Vision of George McLeod and asks, where do we go from here: [...]
Fringe Party Leader banned from Lib Dem conference
18-05-2010 10:12

Ballymurphy Relatives at Trade Union Conference
18-05-2010 00:51
Two relatives of people killed by the British Army in the Ballymurphy Massacre were campaigning in Blackpool at the weekend. Irene Connolly is the daughter of Joan Connolly, mother of eight, shot eight times whilst helping another victim. Eileen McKeown is the daughter of Joseph Corr, father of seven, shot whilst walking with his son and died two weeks later.River workers' strike over - deal struck - but strike wave grows
18-05-2010 00:39

Foie Gras at the Hop Pole: Bath Animal Rights Rears Its Head Again
18-05-2010 00:22
Despite groundless assurances about the ethical credentials of their foie gras, the Hop Pole pub on Upper Bristol Road in Bath provide no chain of supply certification for their ingredients, which no doubt involves the same cruelty and health abuses as the rest of the industry. And so, Bath Animal Action will soon be starting up a campaign to get the gastro/real ale pub to take the offending 'delicacy' off their menu.Bizarrely sidestepping whatever niches that typical foie gras appeals to, the Hop Pole (of 7 Albion Buildings, Upper Bristol Road, Bath, BA1 3AR) are serving foie gras and pork sausage rolls as part of their lunch time menu, and claim to be 'looking forward' to the protests. No doubt, over the course of the campaign, we'll hear such memorable and contradictory one-liners as 'business has never been better now you've started protesting us' and 'we'll never take it off', alongside tales of heart-string tugging woe to the Bath Chronicle about how 'we're ruining their business'. It's a dirty job.
It would be nice to not have to start the campaign in the first place. If anyone wants to contact the manageress and urge her to choose the side of compassion, rather than cynical controversy, please contact her below at:
T 01225 446327
And if you would like to join the campaign to rid Bath of foie gras, drop us an email at bathanimalaction[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk
Tate Modern 10th Birthday Sees Action Against Slick BP Sponsorship
17-05-2010 23:45

Tate Modern was forced to close down parts of its No Soul For Sale tenth anniversary exhibition on Saturday (15 May) whilst it struggled to remove dozens of dead fish and oil-soaked birds hanging from huge black balloons let loose in the Turbine Hall.
Property of the state
17-05-2010 21:38

'troops out' banner drop in whitehall today
17-05-2010 18:22
two 'concerned citizens' from the ongoing democracy village camp in parliament square have this afternoon climbed onto the old war office building directly adjacent to downing street. there they've dropped a large, and awfully polite, banner saying "please bring our soldiers home now"
the democracy village (which set up in parliament square on mayday) have staged direct actions almost every day since they've been there.
this afternoon, at around 4pm, two activists climbed onto the old war office building in whitehall and unfurled a large banner "please bring our soldiers home"
police had to seal off the main door to the building, forcing staff to use an alternative route out of the building.
at 6pm, the protest was still continuing, with the banner visible to rush-hour traffic, pavement traffic, and of course the large number of government and civil servant staff passing by.
police have been communicating with the protestors and warned them that they are holding an 'unauthorised' protest under SOCPA law, but no attempt has been made to remove them.
pics courtesy of a 'concerned citizen'
Anthony Wall's house in Leeds attacked
17-05-2010 18:17
Anthony Wall's house attackedHigh court ruling scuppers BA strikes – another nail in the coffin of the 'right
17-05-2010 17:44
BA today won a high court injunction which ruled unlawful the cumulative 20-day strike called by the Unite union, on the grounds that it had not followed to the letter of the law the 1992 Trade Union Act.Video of the Climate Emergency overnight vigil - May 2010
17-05-2010 16:51
Light a candle for scientific realism and rationality against the dark, populist tide of sceptic lies and ignorance.£££££££££££££££s
17-05-2010 16:22
It is our understanding that His Honour Judge Bathurst-Norman, who used to sit at Southwark Crown Court, has been assigned to sit on the case. This means the trial will be going ahead on 7th June.
British Gas and Israel eyeing Gaza's natural gas reserves
Number of Views: 149
...while Gaza suffers its 35th month of blockade with natural gas sparsely available for over 1.5 million imprisoned inhabitants, among many other basic necessities, 1.4 trillion-cubic-feet of the thing is sitting right there underneath their feet, confiscated by the corprotocracy of British Gas and the apartheid state of Israel.
The massacre in Gaza accomplished nothing more than a death toll of over 1,000 dead and 5,000 wounded Palestinians. World leaders scrambled like headless chickens to find ways to achieve a ceasefire, instead of stripping Israel from its membership at the UN and declaring it an outlaw state, and news media around the world carried daily coverage of the carnage, inviting “experts in the field” from both the Palestinian and Israeli perspectives. Yet not a single network exposed the other motive behind Israel’s attacks: Gaza’s natural gas reserves.
The current societal framework is in fact manufactured in a way that seldom enables the people to be empowered with information. Only when the exciting stuff emerges on television does everyone’s attention become so dedicated to the tube. In modern history however, wars are usually preceded by the eerie smells of reticent business deals gone bad. Quiet arrangements made by a corprotocracy that the masses are usually unaware of.
According to British Gas Group (BG), in 2000 an estimated 40 billion cubic-meters of natural gas were discovered off the Gaza coast, stretching north-west of the Strip. By any way one measures it, these reserves legally belong to Palestine as they are directly located off the shore of the Gaza Strip, an illegally occupied territory by Israeli forces. A 25-year exploration-rights deal ensued with BG and the Consolidated Contractor International Company as partners of the Palestinian Authority in a respective 60-30-10 percentage revenue split. The Middle East Economic Digest reported on January 5, 2001, that this agreement also includes field development and the construction of a gas pipeline. The BG group thus began drilling two wells named Gaza Marine 1 and Gaza Marine 2.
Where does this leave the state of Israel? As per its very existence and usual state-run policies based on theft and dispossession, the election of Ariel Sharon in 2001 propounded nothing different. At the Israeli Supreme Court he stated that “Israel would never buy gas from Palestine” and in 2003 vetoed a deal that would enable BG to supply Israel with natural gas from the Gaza wells. For the Israelis, the very definition of to whom the natural gas belonged was still not understood nor accepted.
Hamas’ election victory in January 2006 and Israel’s refusal to buy gas from the Palestinians complicated matters for BG. Thus, they decided to sell natural gas to the Egyptians. And once again, Israel cried fowl.
Palestine Today 05 17 2010
17-05-2010 16:06

Audio interviews from Bolivia
17-05-2010 16:04

benefit party for renata zelazna
17-05-2010 15:22
more info :!/event.php?eid=122670557757187&ref=mf
Rolls Royce targeted
17-05-2010 14:51
Last night the distribution center of the Rolls Royce factory in Derby was targeted by autonomous individuals against the war machine.Fat priests, thin congregations
17-05-2010 14:05
(The accumulative wealth of any congregation no matter how poor, ends up with the head priest)By Nellie de jongh for 'Freemovement', Monday 17th May 2010
Religion is big business a multi-billion dollar industry!
Paris No Borders Action: personal account
17-05-2010 13:45
Here's a personal account of the day of action for freedom of movement which took place in Paris on Saturday.Background:

1st Communique of the People's Revolutionary Socialist Party
17-05-2010 13:32
Viva la revolution!