UK Newswire Archive
A Way Forward
06-05-2010 14:55
With recent events around the globe signalling yet another kick in the gonads for capitalism (ash clouds, angry greek youths and activists, including dead workers, new york bomb attempt and millions of people marching for mayday), I felt compelled to knock up a little article for the 'movements' apetite for conversation and debate about 'where the fuck is the revolution?'Unite members begin 24 hour stoppage at Glasgow Herald and The Evening Times
06-05-2010 14:25
Press release from Unite. News production said to be effected, will anyone notice the difference?
Greens on the Brink in Brighton
06-05-2010 13:58
Report on the election day from the constituency that looks set to return Britain's first Green MPMay 15th, Paris: Final plans for No Borders Transnational Action
06-05-2010 13:34

Then come to Paris on 15th May to participate in a transnational day of action for freedom of movement. Check out this breakdown of the day's events and book your travel now!
Spoil Your Ballot Banner Drop
06-05-2010 13:23
The Space Hijackers were up early this morning to take our election message to the commuters at Waterloo. Two agents braved the rush hour chaos at waterloo to drop a banner and pass on our campaign message.
Related report: Space Hijackers Mayday Election Battle Bus
You can't trust any of them! Politics needs to be rebuilt from the bottom, not just a 4 yearly choice of the least worst.
Spoil Your Ballot and reject the lot of them.
Day by Day - The Story of a 13 year old Afghan boy's journey to Calais
06-05-2010 12:26

UK Coal plc: An Honourable Record of Site Restoration
06-05-2010 10:48
This statement and letter explains how a letter criticising UK Coal's claims to always honour restoration conditions at opencast sites came to be written before the letter goes on to explain what happen on two previous sites worked by this company where it's behaviour was at least questionableUrgent: Organize public actions on Friday and after
06-05-2010 09:45
Prepare to take to the streets on Friday morning. Here's why: the polls say Conservatives will win more votes, but the majority of votes will be for social democratic parties. The Murdoch press will push for a Conservative government, we have to make sure that a Lib Dem + Labour coalition takes power.Coal Action Network website relaunched!
06-05-2010 08:39

US, UK, France,Italy walk out of UN nuclear conference in war propaganda theater
06-05-2010 07:55

The two paper-thin lies the 21st Century fascists use to promote unlawful war is that Iran threatens to destroy Israel and Iran has a nuclear weapons program. Both are quickly proven as lies.
Any anarchists in Swindon?
06-05-2010 07:29
On a search for anarchists in SwindonBNP candidate and thugs launch racist assault against Asian youths.
06-05-2010 01:49
BNP candidate Bob Bailey standing in Barking along with his gang of thugs launched a racist assault against 3 Asian youths.Missed Appointments: The Nigerian prince and the UK failed immigration system
06-05-2010 00:43

Last February The Independent ran a story about a Nigerian prince who had suffered prolonged mistreatment in UK detention centres to the extent that he allegedly "begged" the Home Office to return him back home, where he had suffered gunshot wounds and beatings at the hands of his torturers. The article by Robert Verkaik, however, omitted important details of the systematic failures of the UK Border Agency and G4S, despite swathes of evidence sent to the paper's Home Affairs editor by Prince Ademola Babatunde Bakare via his supporters. Without the details, the article almost rendered him “a fussy prince moaning about not being looked after,” as one of his visitors put it. The documents have since been passed to Corporate Watch and Mr Bakare has left the country with serious medical conditions resulting from the systematic negligence he received in detention. Here is the full story.
South Yorks ALIU Inspect Lodge Moor Animal House
05-05-2010 23:58
After receiving information about the location of a site that has been used by Sheffield University as an animal house for breeding rodents, guinea-pigs, rabbits and cats South Yorkshire ALIU visited to investigate.Greek Bank Union to strike for the 3 dead workers
05-05-2010 23:19
I know this is from a corporate source but its very important news showing the workers know where to place the blame.The government and the management
It also appears to back up the statement from the co-worker of the the Marfin Egnatia bank
14 Guards Hired as Protest Hits New Leicester Lab
05-05-2010 21:44
One week into the campaign and the costs are already mounting!All military units around Athens in high Alert as per
05-05-2010 21:38
All military units around Athens in high Alert as per defencenet.grBristol Eco Village Evicted - One Villager With Potentially Serious Injuries
05-05-2010 21:22
Bailiffs acting for the High Court on behalf of the land owner today succeeded in evicting the Eco Village from their site in St Werberghs.