May 15th, Paris: Final plans for No Borders Transnational Action
No Borderer | 06.05.2010 13:34 | Migration | Repression | World
Angered by Europe's elitest miration policies, by its increasingly co-ordinated attempts to monitor and remove 'illegal' migrants, and the relentless persecution of those at borders like Calais and Greece?
Then come to Paris on 15th May to participate in a transnational day of action for freedom of movement. Check out this breakdown of the day's events and book your travel now!
Then come to Paris on 15th May to participate in a transnational day of action for freedom of movement. Check out this breakdown of the day's events and book your travel now!
—-#1: The Mass Action
The struggle against migration control snakes through to Calais via Paris. At the heart of this city lies the *Gare du Nord*, a Franco-British border and the target for mass action.
Several hundred Afghans – most of whom intend to make the journey North to the UK and elsewhere – are currently living a precarious existence in the city, often living in the streets exposed to the elements and to arrest or eviction at the whim of the police.
To enforce elitist migration laws, oppressive levels of surveillance are employed at the station: the police are on permanent stand-by, the military patrol the area, and CCTV is pervasive...
This surveillance facilitates the identification and exclusion of those deemed 'undesirable' – such as 'illegal' immigrants who often congregate near the station – or 'yobs from the surburbs'. These youth are often excluded from participating in major public events by the CRS (public order police) who await them on the platforms and send them back to their areas...
Without the requisite I.D. or travel documents - or the means to pay for the prohibitively high cost of public transport - access is to the Eurostar, other international lines, & suburban trains, is denied.
Join us in this mass action & fight to reclaim freedom of movement for all!
—-#2: The March
- A march will be taking place in the area around the Gare du Nord and the Gare de l'Est.
The itinerary of the march:
- People will be assembling at 2pm from Jaurès station, a point of food distribution for migrants.
- It will move along Quai de Valmy, where Afghan migrants are living under a bridge, before heading down Rue des Recollets (next to Square Villemin where Afghan migrants were living prior to the eviction).
- We will then be passing the Gare de l’Est, before moving down Boulevard Magenta and passing before the Gare du Nord.
- We will then be moving on to Barbès, before turning towards la Chapelle et rejoining Place de la Rotonde, Jaurès station
—-#3: Affinity group actions
These small group actions will be taking place throughout the weekend
—–#4: The Party
After the march, we will be gathering at the Place de la Rotonde for an evening music, food (free or donation), infostalls and discussion
—-#5: Debate and discussion
On 16th, there will be discussion and debates with No Borders activists at CICP, 21 rue Voltaire.
And don’t forget the Festival of Autonomous Resistance, taking place in the week leading up to, and over the weekend of, the 15th- 16th May. (Note: The Festival is not linked to this event).
Other practical info:
Accomodation: If you need accomodation, email noborderparis at, and you'll be provided some
Legal support: The legal support number and bust card will be distributed on the day, and a legal briefing will be available on the blog in the coming week
Check the blog for contact info and other details.
The struggle against migration control snakes through to Calais via Paris. At the heart of this city lies the *Gare du Nord*, a Franco-British border and the target for mass action.
Several hundred Afghans – most of whom intend to make the journey North to the UK and elsewhere – are currently living a precarious existence in the city, often living in the streets exposed to the elements and to arrest or eviction at the whim of the police.
To enforce elitist migration laws, oppressive levels of surveillance are employed at the station: the police are on permanent stand-by, the military patrol the area, and CCTV is pervasive...
This surveillance facilitates the identification and exclusion of those deemed 'undesirable' – such as 'illegal' immigrants who often congregate near the station – or 'yobs from the surburbs'. These youth are often excluded from participating in major public events by the CRS (public order police) who await them on the platforms and send them back to their areas...
Without the requisite I.D. or travel documents - or the means to pay for the prohibitively high cost of public transport - access is to the Eurostar, other international lines, & suburban trains, is denied.
Join us in this mass action & fight to reclaim freedom of movement for all!
—-#2: The March
- A march will be taking place in the area around the Gare du Nord and the Gare de l'Est.
The itinerary of the march:
- People will be assembling at 2pm from Jaurès station, a point of food distribution for migrants.
- It will move along Quai de Valmy, where Afghan migrants are living under a bridge, before heading down Rue des Recollets (next to Square Villemin where Afghan migrants were living prior to the eviction).
- We will then be passing the Gare de l’Est, before moving down Boulevard Magenta and passing before the Gare du Nord.
- We will then be moving on to Barbès, before turning towards la Chapelle et rejoining Place de la Rotonde, Jaurès station
—-#3: Affinity group actions
These small group actions will be taking place throughout the weekend
—–#4: The Party
After the march, we will be gathering at the Place de la Rotonde for an evening music, food (free or donation), infostalls and discussion
—-#5: Debate and discussion
On 16th, there will be discussion and debates with No Borders activists at CICP, 21 rue Voltaire.
And don’t forget the Festival of Autonomous Resistance, taking place in the week leading up to, and over the weekend of, the 15th- 16th May. (Note: The Festival is not linked to this event).
Other practical info:
Accomodation: If you need accomodation, email noborderparis at, and you'll be provided some
Legal support: The legal support number and bust card will be distributed on the day, and a legal briefing will be available on the blog in the coming week
Check the blog for contact info and other details.
No Borderer
noborderparis at