UK Newswire Archive
Royal Mail honours anarchist artist
11-01-2010 13:07

Horros in Oslo, Norway to all comrades
11-01-2010 12:53
This story is about my return to Norway after 7 years of living in South korea. I returned in September 2009 to find part time work and study possibilities, however it took a very wrong turn in October. What I have experienced in Oslo since I returned is the same I experienced in Tromsoe in 2000 to 2002response to bono's highly ignorant article in the NYT - fax it to his office
11-01-2010 12:22
bono wrote an op-ed in the new york times in which, among other things, he said "I’ll place my hopes on the possibility — however remote at the moment — that...people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the Palestinian territories, will in the days ahead find among them their Gandhi, their King, their Aung San Suu Kyi." send him this excellent rebuttal.Bath Black cat social centre re-opening night Gig - Sat 16th
11-01-2010 12:17

15-17 Jan, N'ham: Still time to book your place at the PN Winter Gathering
11-01-2010 12:14
There's still time to book a place at this month's Peace News Winter Gathering in Nottingham (15 - 17 January):
14 Jan, N'ham: Finding a Way to Peace in Afghanistan.
11-01-2010 12:07
Peace Supper with Peace News co-editor Milan Rai.7.30pm, Thursday 14 January
Friends Meeting House Clarendon Street Nottingham NG1 5JD
BAE forced to drop charity link
11-01-2010 11:21

Petition Against Body Scanners
11-01-2010 10:55
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to halt the installment of body scanners in airports.Happy 8TH Birthday Guantánamo?!
11-01-2010 08:37
A round up of news and events happening today in the UK to mark the eighth anniversary of Guantánamo Bay...why is it still open?!06/02/2010 - Worldwide Revolution
11-01-2010 02:45

saving the green space in shirehampton
10-01-2010 21:21
We are organising a peaceful protest and wassailling event for sunday 17th January at 2pm on shirehampton green with a peaceful march to the daisy field a green field under threat of building (yet another) the council are stripping away green areas and selling them off but not going ahead with building because they 'have no money'. We have lost the allotments, the horse field and now they are starting on the daisy field. The decision about this field which is next to the station has been moved forward to june which co incides with the local elections. We want the community to use it as a community open space or develop it into a community orchard or field site or apply to the countryside agency and make it into a doorstep green. Peaceful protesters are welcome to the event.Islam4UK and the Silence of the Left
10-01-2010 20:12
An open letter to the radical left regarding Islam4UKBikes Block Bombs @ Aldermaston Big Blockade – Feb 15th 2010
10-01-2010 15:14
Cyclists and environmentalists will be blockading one of the gates, at a crucial time for the future of Trident.Edinburgh Anti-fascists call on bars to ban bigots
10-01-2010 12:22
Pubs and bars in the centre of Edinburgh are being called upon by anti-fascist campaigners to ban the bigoted "Scottish" Defence League, before their racist demonstration on the 20th of February.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Using Facebook for organising?
10-01-2010 01:21
This information was introduced in a "newsletter for users" but it provides food for thought for all.Is the United Kingdom facing a natural gas shortage?
09-01-2010 23:16

The United Kingdom's current winter is the coldest one since December 1981, with sustained temperatures between 0 ° and -15 ° Celsius (5 ° to 32 ° Fahrenheit). These low temperatures pushed gas demand up to 463 million cubic meters (MCM) on 8 January 2010. This level was higher than the previous record of 449 MCM reached in 2003, and more than 100 MCM above normal seasonal demand.
Public Meeting on Bloody Sunday
09-01-2010 21:02
Please be prompt as the Film is an hour long
Full article | 1 addition | 18 comments
Climate Camp Reader
09-01-2010 20:51
Dysophia and Shift Magazine have joined forces to put together a Climate Camp Reader, “Criticism without Critique”, published in January 2010. This reader hopes to encourage and faciliate debates at the next climate camp gatherings. To download it follow this link:
The editorial is posted below:
Who Would Benefit Politically from a Terrorist Incident on American Soil?
09-01-2010 20:25
"That doesn't square" Ranstorp elaborated, "because the American Department for Homeland Security has pretty stringent data-mining capability. I don't understand how he had a valid visa if he was known on the terror watch list."Good question, Dr. Ranstorp. Perhaps because someone wanted him on that plane. The question is, who?
One would have thought, given the "special treatment" afforded antiwar activists by TSA at airports, that a warning about Abdul Mutallab's possible involvement with terrorists, by his own father no less, a former top official in a government friendly to Washington, numerous NSA intercepts, a CIA dossier and MI5 reports would have raised at least one red flag!
In the suspect's case, there were so many red flags flying you'd have thought the Red Army was parading through Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport!
Then again, perhaps Abdul Mutallab was on that plane because, as journalist Daniel Hopsicker was told by a former aviation executive during his investigation of the 9/11 attacks: "Sometimes when things don't make business sense ... its because they do make sense...just in some other way."
Photos: We Want Our Buses Back Protest in Sheffield
09-01-2010 19:19