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Horros in Oslo, Norway to all comrades

Andre Dahl jensen | 11.01.2010 12:53 | Repression | Social Struggles

This story is about my return to Norway after 7 years of living in South korea. I returned in September 2009 to find part time work and study possibilities, however it took a very wrong turn in October. What I have experienced in Oslo since I returned is the same I experienced in Tromsoe in 2000 to 2002

This story started in the fall of 2000, when I travelled to Øvre Tornio to study one year of web design, to read that part of this story from 2000 to april 2009 when the guardianship was removed you need t o access my facebook page.

You can also add me as a friend and be kept up to date with what is going on, and my profile is public as of now.

This story is about my return to Norway after 7 years of living in South korea. I returned in September 2009 to find part time work and study possibilities, however it took a very wrong turn in October. What I have experienced in Oslo since I returned is the same I experienced in Tromsoe in 2000 to 2002.

The story

As of now I am locked up in a mental institution, they claim I am paranoid schizho, however I am not, I only suffer from bad nerves related to the threats I have received both outside and inside this institution.
All my civil liberties and civil protection by our grand police force have been removed and I am nothing but waiting for a “state” execution” ( I will explain that further down in the this story).

To begin with In the beginning of October I started to go out more and meeting people, hoping to make new friends in Oslo and maybe meet a new girlfriend. It started with several people in a pub named *Garage where they shouted girlieboy to me several times, I did not think much of the event but now I think that was a fore warning of what I was to experience.

When I returned in September I had no place to stay so I ended up putting up my tent in a camping place, two days later I was contacted by Tor Kjaer, a relative of mine and he offered that I could sleep on his sofa until I had found an apartment. Weeks passed and all was fine until in the middle of October things started to go bad. People became much more hostile to me as I went out to pubs often. I managed to rent an apartement , available from December. And borrowed the deposit from my ex girlfriend in Korea

One night I went to the pub called “the old mayor” in majorstuen and the bouncers there told me that someone wanted to rape and kill me and I better disappear quickly. So I did however In the following days I became nervous and noticed how odd people were around me.

I quickly contacted the landlord from which I had rented apartement from and told him I had to leave Norway and needed to get back the deposit, he delayed it for two weeks almost and one day Tor Kjaer said to me as I was leaving “today you die” I reacted with fear and left the apartment, and went to the bank to withdraw the last of my money. The Lady in the bank whispered to me “go to the police before its to late” so I did contact the police, told the police my story, and that word was that people were after me and that my family was involved. The police man took down a report while a man in the background yelled to me “you have to be gay, police cannot help you” I turned to the police man and he blinked to me.''

That day I started to sleep outside I did not feel safe anywhere and had to wait until my deposit came so I could travel back to asia. Then my sister suddenly visits my distant relative and I am invited for dinner and all sorts of things.. I became very suspicious of her arrival as we had not a very good relationship and knew something was up. I started to arm myself for serious business. That was all I could do I could not leave without the deposit and the landlord stalled, claiming we had a contract.

A lot of bad things happened in that time with me being armed, because of my bad nerves I slept outside In the forest and sometimes in the apartement of Tor kjaer .

One night my sister brought a laptop with her and said she was going to give it to me because I needed it. She said I had to be ready.. I panicked and left shortly afterward and she shouted after me when I left the apartement that I had to be ready I should stay and take a shower and shave and put on clean clothes for them. It made be practically tip over the edge.. and that following night I had a nervous breakdown and tried to kill myself as I could not wait any longer for the deposit. The result a police car picked me up and all the way down to the hospital they laughed and made jokes on how gay I was O.o I was so I could not react to it.

Since that time I have been locked up in Vor frues hospital (Our lady’s hospital). They have effectively removed all my rights and discredited me so much that no one believe my story, mainly because a doctor says I am imaginating everything that has happened in the past 10 years. They claim I hear voices but I only hear voices when I am in Norway it seems. I lived fine in Korea for 7 years without any “voices”.

When I came here patients started to talk, mainly two patients Harald and Jarle. They talked on how Gay I am and that they wanted to rape me. Often in front of nurses and people who works here, yes even some of the nurses here said things like “he will be a nice gay boy” and Harald up to this date often says “I will fuck him when they come”. It went on mostly up to 3rd christmas day and then it all went silent. Except for Harald who is a bit retarded and still go around saying homo and that he will rape me when they come. (their words exactly)

Doctors deny it saying I hear voices, and forcing me to take drugs like anti anxiety, anti psychotic drugs that only blur my mind, and make me tired.

There was several incidents before Christmas 2009 where as patient said I was going to die or be killed. Among them Amer, a patient here said that he was going to kill me, and the guard (Jon) replied “ you don’t get killed for something you don’t know”

In another incident I overheard one of the guards (peder) saying I am going to fuck him first because I don’t want diseases”

And there have been a lot of people mouthing their big Norwegian mouths.

Then it’s been the incidents outside when I was allowed to go outside with guard to shop to buy cigarettes.

At one time outside a small shop called Lamm I were waiting outside the shop while some patients where inside shopping, and I was smoking. A lady and a man comes out and the lady says to the man while walking past me “that is the guy their going to execute”.

In another incident was at the seven eleven the shopkeeper says “you are so gay”

And in Kebabstua the kebab man said as I walked in to his friend “ that’s the guy their going to make gay and kill”

This is what I experience everyday for the past 2 months or so. And it continues today while I am medicated and not them. I am being told loads of crap that I suddenly hear voices that I am ill and homophobic and all kind of bullshit.

As I mentioned earlier I would explain what I mean by state execution. The treatment I have received and threats constitute psychological terror. I live in the idea that someone will come to this hospital where I am being held against my will and rape/kill me with state employees assistance. This constitutes a state execution on behalf of a third party. I am being drugged down every evening so I sleep at nine and wake up at seven or eight in the morning tired.

I have tried to contact the Red Cross without getting through, I tried to call amnesty international Norway but they said bluntly that they do not take on cases where people are being held in a mental institutions. I sent email to ABC (anarchist black cross) no answer. I am left to the hospitals mercy for what what will happen, and it does not look good. And I have no means of self defense which I consider a human right.

To contact the hospital (Vor Frues hospital) : dial 0047 22 99 67 32 ( or 37 in daytime only)

To contact me : Go through my facebook page and leave a message Ill reply if I want to. Or add yourself as friend and send me a message.

Andre Dahl jensen
Justice, Freedom and Solidarity

Andre Dahl jensen
- e-mail:


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  1. sorry — unable to help, but still