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Section 44 Overturned in European Court of Human Rights

12-01-2010 12:01

This morning, it has been announced that Kevin Gillan and Pennie Quinton have won their case against the Metropolital Police over being stopped and searched under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000 in the European Court of Human Rights.

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Hammers, War Coma and the Autonomads: Sounds from the other Manchester

12-01-2010 11:42

Today ‘Manchester’ is an international brand designed to attract students and tourists, young professionals and enterprises, footballers and musicians with big ambitions. Punk has become part of this branding exercise. Allegedly, it was a Sex Pistols gig in June 1976 that kick-started the Manchester music scene. And thanks to them, a grey, impoverished, post-industrial wasteland was transformed into the hip and hedonistic second city of Britain.

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Stop & search under Terrorism Act on protesters ruled out by European court

12-01-2010 11:28

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled it out, following the UK House of Lords ruling it was fine almost 4 years ago...

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Head of Derbyshire Special Branch Convicted of Abusing Taxi Driver

12-01-2010 10:43

Head of Derbyshire Special Branch (but perhaps not for much longer), Gary Tomlinson, was convicted of using insulting, abusive and threatening language against taxi driver Mohammed Anwar. Anwar recorded Tomlinson saying "I am a police officer and I am going to do you. You are a lying bastard" after refusing to pay a full taxi fare.

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Breaking News: Islam 4UK Ban by ‘Malatesta’

12-01-2010 10:31

Islam4UK will be a proscribed organisation on thursday following their attempted Wootton Bassett protest.

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Anti-Deportation Training - Newcastle 30 Jan

12-01-2010 00:40

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns training for groups and individuals involved in resisting deportations. It will include an overview of the asylum system and comprehensive training on how to plan, launch and run an effective anti-deportation campaign.

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We Want Our Buses Back takes to the streets again

12-01-2010 00:05

Bus campaign group We Want Our Buses Back will be busy this year fighting fare rises and service cuts, and pressurising the Council to implement its policy of regulation whilst campaigning for a return to public ownership.

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Homeless "Charity" deports Polish Rough sleepers to freeze to their deaths

11-01-2010 23:05

Is your charitable donation helping a final solution to homelessness?

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Banking Rip Off Iceland

11-01-2010 22:05

United Kollectives should have helped Iceland IMC get organised when they asked to participate. How do we now inform Icelanders of how they have been ripped off by the changes to or misapplication of UK Banking regulations?

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Guantanamo - 8 Years

11-01-2010 22:03

Vigil - Bring Home Shaker Aamer
The London Guantánamo Campaign held a demonstration on eighth anniversary of Guantánamo Bay, Monday 11 January 2010, outside the US Embassy in London. A vigil by protesters in orange jumpsuits and black hoods was followed by an hour of speeches calling for the closing down of the camp without further delay and justice for all those still detained there. Pictures (C) Copyright Peter Marshall, 2010, all rights reserved.

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Israel stages night-time Ramallah raid to arrest an international solidarity act

11-01-2010 21:23

A raid was conducted in Ramallah’s city centre tonight to apprehend Eva Nováková, a Czech citizen, who took on the role of the International Solidarity Movement’s media coordinator three weeks ago.

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Demonstration at Mercure Hotel, Crawley

11-01-2010 20:23

Arora Hotels International Ltd. are trying to gain permission to turn the Mercure Hotel, Crawley in yet another example of cynical, profit-driven opportunism of big companies wanting a slice of the lucrative detention market. This is the latest in a number of protests against the planned conversion.

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Camden Fascist Pub Gloucester Arms plays "Skrewdriver" nazi music all night

11-01-2010 20:07

The Gloucester Arms Pub on Leighton Road Camden has been the subject of protests following the decision by landlord John Coyne to let neo nazi group the Jobbik party hold meetings there. The Jobbik Party are closely linked to the BNP and have armed members and ties to Serbian paramilitaries and UDA. Locals have complained of hardcore porn and skinhead music played until 6 - 7am.

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Police extremist unit helps climate change e-mail probe

11-01-2010 19:43

A police unit set up to support forces dealing with extremism in the UK is helping investigate the leaking of climate change data in Norfolk.

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East Timor: imperialist predators feast, covered with blood.

11-01-2010 18:51

The modern history of East Timor indicates very clearly what animal brutality hidden behind "humanitarian" façade of modern imperialism. A brief excursion through this drama will allow us to draw two very important conclusions.

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Cambridge Remember Gaza Vigil

11-01-2010 16:47

Cambridge Stop the War Coalition and Palestinian Solidarity
Campaign to hold vigil to oppose the continuing suffering of the Palestinian people.

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2010 - 4.5 million dead in Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide

11-01-2010 15:35

As we enter the 2010s the deaths from the Afghanistan War include 4.5 million violent and non-violent excess deaths of Indigenous Afghans since 2001.

The carnage of Obama's Afghan War, Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide is already comparable to that of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust.

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Kingsnorth - witnesses sought

11-01-2010 14:51

Do you know these people?

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Mediablackout: Were Afghan Children Executed by US-led Forces?

11-01-2010 13:56

Ignoring or downplaying Western crimes is a standard feature of the corporate Western media. On rare occasions when a broadcaster or newspaper breaks ranks and reports ‘our’ crimes honestly, it is instructive to observe the response from the rest of the media. Do they follow suit, perhaps digging deeper for details, devoting space to profiles of the victims and interviews with grieving relatives, humanising all concerned? Do they put the crimes in perspective as the inevitable consequence of rapacious Western power? Or do they look away?

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Weekly Peace Vigils In Luton Against Afhgan War

11-01-2010 13:40

Luton peace campaigners to hold weekly viigls against the war in Afghanistan to show there is a widespread opposition in Luton, beyond the half dozen Muslim protestors currently on trial.