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Misguided petition

23-12-2009 09:34

Greyhounds running on tracks in England will be afforded limited protection specific to racing dogs under proposed regulations drafted by Defra but Ms Maureen Purvis of Greyhounds UK fame, backed by Grey Exploitations wants the protection withdrawn.

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Elijah Smith 11 months locked up without a trial

23-12-2009 01:14

The 18th December marks 11 months on remand for EDO Decommissioner Elijah (James) Smith. That’s 11 months locked away in a shitty little cell, deprived of all his freedom, and without any opportunity to argue his case in court. 11 months in prison without actually being found guilty of anything.

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Anniversary of the Acteal Massacre of Zapatista supporters

22-12-2009 22:29

Today is the 12th anniversary of the massacre.

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Hereford Heckler #11 now out!

22-12-2009 14:07

The December/January issue of the Hereford Heckler (bulletin of the Hereford Solidarity League) is out now...

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Real Democracy Now but How?

22-12-2009 14:05

Copenhagen showed up the need for new social change strategies.

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Far Right Death Threats: A Beginners Guide by ‘Malatesta’

22-12-2009 13:36

with the convictions of nazi duo shepperd and whittle and the recent arrests of other nazis over web content, the legal implications are going to cause problems for the far right

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A New World War for a New World Order

22-12-2009 11:09

G-20 Summit, London, April 2009
Global regional conflicts continue to be waged and expanded, be it in the Middle East, Central Africa or Central Asia, with coups and regime change being furthered in Eastern Europe, South America and across the globe.

All that is required for a new major world war is just one spark: A strike on Iran, particularly with nuclear missiles, as is proposed, would result in World War III.

A New World War would be a global war waged by a global ruling class against the citizens of the world, with the aim of maintaining and reshaping hierarchical society to serve their own interests. It would indeed symbolize a New World War for a New World Order.

In a globalized world, all conflict has global implications; the task at hand is whether the people can realize that war is not waged against a “distant” or “foreign” enemy, but against all people of the world.

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Bankers alarmed at anarchist resurgence

22-12-2009 11:08

NEO-LIBERALS are scared that a growing anarchist movement in Europe will thwart their economic plans for the continent.

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D23 - OZ Catholic Workers in Court 4 Blockading U.S. Marines

22-12-2009 09:26

D23-Dowling & O'Reilly in OZ Court 4 Blockading U.S.Marines
Rockhampton, central Queensland, Australia

Photos and Statement of July 9 '09 "Blockading the Road to Perdition" action......

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NCADC News Service Tuesday 22nd December 2009

22-12-2009 09:13

1) Changes to rules for staying removals

2) BID has produced 3 new bulletins for making bail applications

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Zippos Circus Protest – Charges Dropped!

22-12-2009 00:01

Charges dropped against protesters arising from a demo at Zippos Circus on 22nd October 2009 in Cambridge.

Some facts about Zippos:

-Zippos employed a man who defended infamous abuse at Chipperfield's circus in court. After watching footage of the thrashing and kicking of a baby chimpanzee he was asked “See anything which would constitute cruelty?” he replied unequivocally “No". Asked if he would do the same he said “Yes”!

-Zippos Circus have been exposed by Animal Defenders International, for keeping their horses in trailers without exercise for hours on end.

-'The way that young girl brandished the whip was obviously scary to the horses' 'When the man raised his hand the budgies flinched. Every time!' - Audience Member, 2009 Performance.

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Bite Back #15 - Out Now

21-12-2009 21:50

Bite Back #15 was published in December 2009

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Guide to Public Order Situations updated - new versions available

21-12-2009 17:50

The Guide gets updated from time to time, as the situation changes on the ground or we (or they!) come up with new ideas. Feedback from you is essential - please check it out and get in touch. Print up copies in advance of your next mass protest situation and dish 'em out!

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Fuhrer Eddy Morrison Takes Over NF by ‘Malatesta’

21-12-2009 16:52

Eddie Morrison has pulled off a coup in the NF but why? Is to split the BNP vote, wreck the NF, for money, ego or more nefarious reasons?

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Order and method Miss Lemon!

21-12-2009 13:57

In the world of the Agatha Christie detective character Hercule Poirot, one of his favourite expressions is that of “order and method”, and that of using ”the little grey cells”, i.e. the brain and a persons intellectual faculties. When looking at the tragic result of the COP15 Climate Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, in the period of 7.12.2009 and stretching on to 18.12.2009 the result of 193 countries gathering is more than meagre. It’s a mockery of democracy and the lethal situation of climate changes that earth, nature and mankind is confronted with.

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Movement #2 - No Borders newsletter

21-12-2009 13:25

It's been out for a few weeks, but seeing no one else has posted it here I thought I would. You can find out more details here: but your best off joining the mailing list to read a copy as soon as it comes out.

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Around the Campaigns Monday 21st December 2009

21-12-2009 12:14

'Top ten' humanitarian crises of 2009

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Mainshill December Newsletter - out now

21-12-2009 11:58

A round up of events at Mainshill Solidarity Camp over the last month(ish), and a few bits and pieces on coal expansion and resistance in the UK.

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September 11, 2001: America and NATO Declare War on Afghanistan

21-12-2009 07:53

Both the media and the US government, in chorus, continue to point to the 9/11 attacks and the role of Al Qaeda led by "terrorist mastermind" Osama bin Laden.

The bombing and invasion of Afghanistan is described as a "campaign" against Islamic terrorists, rather than a war.

To this date, however, there is no proof that Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 attacks.

Neither is there evidence that Afghanistan as a Nation State was behind or any way complicit in the 9/11 attacks.