UK Newswire Archive
EDL: soldiers of the state?
06-12-2009 10:58
The Observer today quotes someone on the Nottingham conflict who they describe as "a 43-year-old member of the EDL, a serving soldier who did not want to be named".Oxford Rides the Wave of Climate Protests
06-12-2009 10:46

Announcement of the Occupied Theatre School in Thessaloniki (Greece)
06-12-2009 04:33
There is a way out of this system which destroys our life, a system whose only function is to reproduce and to manage the corruption that is originally created by it. The way out can be found to each one separately and to everyone together. As long as we can still listen to the message coming out from the insurrection of December 2008.Conditions at G4S immigration prison 'worse and worse'
06-12-2009 01:16
Since it opened earlier this year, the UK's newest and biggest immigration prison has barely had a day without trouble. However, Corporate Watch has learnt that things have become "much worse" lately, both for the detainees and for their visitors. Meanwhile, the G4S management is apparently recruiting new security guards as staff shortages have led many detainees to repeatedly miss doctors' and court appointments.Planning for Mass Deaths in place
06-12-2009 00:37
The following three documents indicate that preparation for mass deaths is in place. This is running under the Local and Regional Resilience Forums, which implement Integrated Emergency Management (IEM) the UK equivalent to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in the US.EDL Nottingham - Photos
05-12-2009 23:48

Pics: The Climate Wave demo & Cop Out Camp out action, Sat 5th Dec
05-12-2009 22:01

The systemic nature of swine flu
05-12-2009 21:32
The multidimensional crisis and now the biological crisis provide ample evidence that what is good for the elites who control not only our way of living but our survival itself is far from good for us. Furthermore, the elites’ actions show why it is so imperative to build a massive movement for the establishment of a genuine democracy, an Inclusive Democracy, so that it is ourselves, rather than criminal elites interested only in making more money, who decide what our needs are and how best to meet from anarchists in nottingham who fought fash today....
05-12-2009 21:26
Today the EDL demo'd and anarchists were out to find them and clash with them...Having avoided being kettled throughout the day, a small group of dedicated anti-fascists roamed looking for the enemy....breaking away from the castle kettle, near the robin hood statue, they headed for the square to meet up with others who were routed by cops.....
05-12-2009 21:26
Approximately 150-160 people have been detained as a means of terrorisation whilst also preventing and deterring others from participating in demonstrations marking the anniversary of the murder of a 15 year old youth in Athens. As a result the Polytechnic University of Athens has been Occupied and actions called.Heavy repression in Athens ahead of annual commemoration of Alexis' killing
05-12-2009 21:09
*Calais today: repression has escalated to unprecedented levels
05-12-2009 19:26
Arrests have increased dramatically since the end of November, as well as raids on squats and jungles.Chomsky as Chávez’s Clown
05-12-2009 19:02

To defend the right of social protest!
05-12-2009 19:00

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pics from start of climate swoop in trafalgar square
05-12-2009 18:45

Climate Camp sets up at Trafalgar Square
05-12-2009 18:35
Press Release from Camp for Climate Action UKCOP15: Be part of the party!
05-12-2009 17:22
Copenhagen – COP15 – World Climate SummitOn December 12th 2009 a mass demonstration against the COP15 Climate Summit will take place in Copenhagen. A mixture of very different people, groups and organizations are going to participate.
Unfortunately, the official route of the demonstration will directly lead out of the city centre...
Wetherspoons (and the Police) Allow Drunken Nazis Onto Roof
05-12-2009 16:26

Af-Pak War Racket: The Obama Illusion Comes Crashing Down
05-12-2009 16:13

Barack Obama, the anti-war candidate, has proven to be a perfect decoy for the military industrial complex.