UK Newswire Archive
Closed Signs Stuck on Windows of Fur Shop in Stratford
23-09-2009 15:07
For More info on the new campaign against Madeleine Ann visit: www.MadeleineAnn.WordPress.comThe One-Sided War on the Streets of Honduras
23-09-2009 13:53
“We will continue the struggle for democracy,” said Zelaya, as the crowd voiced their desire for a new constitution. “This time I won’t be caught napping,” joked Zelaya, referring to the episode on June 28, when the military accosted him in his pajamas.Later, when the lights were cut, there were fears the authorities might storm the gates at any moment, and side arms were handed out to security guards. The lights soon returned courtesy of the compound’s generator (and gas supplied by La Resistencia). The expected attack didn’t come until dawn, when police launched tear gas shells into the courtyard, and forcibly occupied neighboring buildings."
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Solidarity protest outside Brighton UK Borders Agency
23-09-2009 13:09

Stop Camden Bio Hazard Lab - letter from UCL provost Malcom Grant regarding lab.
23-09-2009 13:05
There are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden on a Camden council house estate, Somers Town. The lab could be level 3 facility which means that it could contain deadly pathogens such as anthrax and bird flu. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from govt facility Pirbright in Surrey. We wrote to Malcom Grant provost for the UCL and asked that the UCL provide education services for vulnerable young people in place of a lab.We come to banish the spirit of corporate greed from these walls
23-09-2009 13:03

Strike for JOBS and EDUCATION at Tower Hamlets College
23-09-2009 13:02
250 teachers at Tower Hamlets College (East London) are on all out indefinite strike action since 27th August to fight aginst education cuts. 13 teachers have been sacked and 1000 ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) places lost.Shift Magazine: The State We're In
23-09-2009 11:37
*Editorial of Issue 7, just published
*In infoshops and social centres soon
Midlands BNP Officers speak at German Neo Nazi Rally
23-09-2009 10:33

Mike Bell, secretary of the party’s West Midlands region, attended the Germany National Democratic Party’s Fest der Völker (Festival of Nations) in Pössneck, Thüringen, with three other BNP activists.
They included Dave and Nina Brown from Nottinghamshire, who were taking time out from campaigning for a Broxtowe District Council by-election on 24 September, where Mr Brown was the BNP candidate.
Protest Mandatory Vaccination!!
23-09-2009 10:19
Saturday, 3rd October 2009 at 12 Noon - Houses of Parliament, Parliament Square Garden, Westminster, London, till about 2pmSave Our Herbs; the Campaign for the Protection of Herbal Medicine
23-09-2009 10:13
Without your support our traditional herbal medicines could become obsolete, inaccessible and your freedom of choice taken from you.Protest in Scotland Against Clearances of Migrant Camps in Calais
23-09-2009 08:42

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Calais update
23-09-2009 08:27
Last night activists stayed in different squats and 'jungles' around Calais ahead of the ongoing raids.Will the Dalai Lama Speak Out against the Alberta Tar Sands in Calgary?
23-09-2009 07:48

Will the Dalai Lama Speak Out against the Alberta Tar Sands in Calgary?
Filipino workers say "Never Again"
23-09-2009 02:59

Honduran coup leader Roberto Micheletti (by Latuff)
23-09-2009 00:56

Save Romell Broom / Romell Broom: a different man
22-09-2009 23:43

End torture in Western Sahara campaigners demand
22-09-2009 22:48
Western Sahara Campaigners mark International Peace Day with a demand for the immediate end to tortureJoint Declaration - Destroying the jungles: a false solution
22-09-2009 22:38
Calais, September 21, 2009Joint Statement of organizations: La Belle Etoile, French Coalition for the Right of Asylum, GISTI, Secours Catholique, C’sur ,Salam, Migrants Fraternity Collective (Angres), Terres D’errances Norrent-Fontes, Terres D’errances Steenvoorde, Calais migrants Solidarity, The Exiles of 10 ° (Paris), The Ligue de Droits de L’homme (Pas-de-Calais Regional Federation), Medecins du Monde, Cimade, the Greens, NPA Calais, Amnesty International
Contact New Fur shop in West Midlands. (New Campaign)
22-09-2009 22:33
This is the launch of a new campaign fighting Madeleine Ann the clothes shop.
Our reasoning is simple. If no shops sell fur, then there will be no demand and fur farming across the world would stop.
fotos and report from titnore woods picnic
22-09-2009 22:25