UK Newswire Archive
True story breaking out
01-04-2002 10:24
As Michael Moore's book shot to the top of the bestseller's list so this French book follows in the French best sellers.The people are evidently hungry for truth.
Sorry to re-post from the mainstream media, but we may be seeing the start of the rolling snowball
Global action against the phantom known as "Globalization"
01-04-2002 10:19
The protest protagonists are of the opinion that any theoretical dispute over the correct explanation of the conditions they denounce would only jeopardize the breadth of the movement. Those affected by poverty ought to know best what they suffer from and what their needs are. However, anyone claiming to have no "ideology" but rather to be directly challenged by poverty and guided by the righteousness of the poor without any mediating thinking, is already following a logic, if only a false one - a real ideology so to speak.UK activists in Palestine
01-04-2002 10:05
UK activists in Palestine to do solidarity and peace work are now trapped in BethlehemNeed More European Protests
01-04-2002 09:31
The World Socialist Website has a good analysis on the latest events at:"Israel and Washington Debate Murder of Arafat; Destruction of Palestinian Authority," by Patrick Martin, April 1, 2002 at:

From the quotes from the article stated below, it is clear that we need more European demonstrations for the Palestinians.
Hezbollah: Identity and goals
01-04-2002 08:27

Racist Poster Identified
01-04-2002 05:09
The racist poster who has recently attempted to disrupt this site has now resorted to emailing IMC contributors making 'reasonable' pleas for his 'views' to be heard.Racist Poster Identified
01-04-2002 05:08
The racist poster who has recently attempted to disrupt this site has now resorted to emailing IMC contributors making 'reasonable' pleas for his 'views' to be heard.An Appeal By Palestinian Women and Mothers
01-04-2002 04:18

[MLNews2002] 401- 420 Peace Activism & Events
01-04-2002 03:06
Statesmen and subjects mourn Queen Mother. Britain Threatens To Use Nukes Against Iraq. John Pilger - "Should We Go To War Against These Children". Anti-War, Peace Activism, News & World Wide 420 Events....Big Oil’s Last Hurrah and the Israeli Occupation
01-04-2002 00:37
It must be quite clear by now, especially after Bush’s latest comments on 3/30/02 criticizing Yasser Arafat and understanding Sharon’s insanity, that it is in the Bush regime’s interest in having the specter of right wing Rabin assassinating religious fanatics armed with nuclear weapons at the head of the state of IsraelWatching from on high as Israeli guns keep firing
31-03-2002 23:53
The grey smoke rose in a curtain over Yasser Arafat's headquarters, drifting high above two minarets and thensmudging the skyline south of Ramallah.
Update Ramallah and Bethleham 22.34
31-03-2002 22:26
In Ramallah full military martial law has been declared. The order is that all non Israeli personell on the streets will be shot.Demo protesting current Israeli military actions and occupation on West Bank
31-03-2002 21:41
Demo being called for 12 noon opposite Downing Street (Whitehall), Bank Holiday Monday, protesting current Israeli military actions in the occupied West Bank.ISRAEL GOES ON NUCLEAR STRIKE STANDBY (?)
31-03-2002 21:38

Stop the Carnage!
31-03-2002 21:21
The escalation in the Middle East must stop! We have put together a simple form which will enable you to fax the Israeli Embassy in London demanding an end to the violence, and the release of international witnesses currently being held.LATEST FROM PALESTINE
31-03-2002 20:52
frightenoing news from palestine and what you can do to help, including jose bove arrestedAn Open Letter to American Jews from Israeli Reservist Refusenik
31-03-2002 20:01
An Open Letter to American Jews By Assaf Oron Passover Eve, 2002