Need More European Protests
For Palestinians | 01.04.2002 09:31
The World Socialist Website has a good analysis on the latest events at:
"Israel and Washington Debate Murder of Arafat; Destruction of Palestinian Authority," by Patrick Martin, April 1, 2002 at:
From the quotes from the article stated below, it is clear that we need more European demonstrations for the Palestinians.
"Israel and Washington Debate Murder of Arafat; Destruction of Palestinian Authority," by Patrick Martin, April 1, 2002 at:

From the quotes from the article stated below, it is clear that we need more European demonstrations for the Palestinians.
The World Socialist Website has a good analysis on the latest events at:
"Israel and Washington Debate Murder of Arafat; Destruction of Palestinian Authority," by Patrick Martin, April 1, 2002 at:
From the quotes from the article stated below, it is clear that we need more European demonstrations for the Palestinians.
"If the Israeli military has not yet moved to kill Arafat and his closest aides—who are surrounded and effectively under house arrest in Ramallah—it is only because the Bush administration has not yet given its approval to the action. The White House, in turn, is delaying a final decision while it seeks political cover and support from European governments and the Arab regimes in the Middle East."
"Washington’s hesitation does not reflect squeamishness over assassination as government policy. The US has openly supported Sharon’s policy of assassinating Palestinian leaders. Its concern is that Israeli violence against the Palestinians not disrupt or cut across plans for American violence against Iraq by provoking political convulsions against the Arab regimes that would serve as military bases and sources of supply for a US attack on Baghdad."
"So far there has been a deafening silence from the Europeans over the Israeli invasion of the West Bank and Gaza and its assault on Arafat, while the Arab regimes have issued only token protests over the targeting of Arafat and the Palestinian Authority."
"Israel and Washington Debate Murder of Arafat; Destruction of Palestinian Authority," by Patrick Martin, April 1, 2002 at:

From the quotes from the article stated below, it is clear that we need more European demonstrations for the Palestinians.
"If the Israeli military has not yet moved to kill Arafat and his closest aides—who are surrounded and effectively under house arrest in Ramallah—it is only because the Bush administration has not yet given its approval to the action. The White House, in turn, is delaying a final decision while it seeks political cover and support from European governments and the Arab regimes in the Middle East."
"Washington’s hesitation does not reflect squeamishness over assassination as government policy. The US has openly supported Sharon’s policy of assassinating Palestinian leaders. Its concern is that Israeli violence against the Palestinians not disrupt or cut across plans for American violence against Iraq by provoking political convulsions against the Arab regimes that would serve as military bases and sources of supply for a US attack on Baghdad."
"So far there has been a deafening silence from the Europeans over the Israeli invasion of the West Bank and Gaza and its assault on Arafat, while the Arab regimes have issued only token protests over the targeting of Arafat and the Palestinian Authority."
For Palestinians