make the call
j | 31.03.2002 23:31
Make the call to the IDF!
Originally from indymedia jerusalem. Reposted FYI.
All the Important Israeli Numbers to Protest the Occupation
by calluna • Sunday March 31, 2002 at 01:47 PM
Do you want to do something to protest the Israeli occupation and aggression in the Occupied Territories?
If you want to do something to protest the Israeli occupation and aggression in the Occupied Territories, here is a list of
phone and fax numbers to
keep some of the actors in the occupation busy dealing with your protests!!!
Make them know that they are all personally responsible for their role in the occupation.
Head of Ramallah IDF Command:
**Mobile: 011-972-54-240-303
Civil Administration Legal Advisor’s Office
(in charge of approving all house demolition, administrative detentions, land confiscations, expansion and construction
settlements, freedom of movement-permits)
Tel: 011-972-2-977711 or 99777071
Fax: 011-972-2-9977326
PO Box 10482 Beit El West Bank
Officer in charge of denying Palestinians freedom of movement:
Tel: 011-972-2-9977076 (Asaf), 7060, 7078
Office in charge of issuing house demolition orders:
Ask for Yossie: 011-972-2-9977051
Fax: 011-972-2-9977344
Office in charge of denying Palestinians permits and expanding Jewish settlements:
Tel: 011-972-2-9977398
State Attorney’s Office, Ministry of Justice (represents the Israeli government, army, security services in court and
justifies the use of torture, house
demolitions, assassinations, denial of lawyer’s visits to Palestinian prisoners:
Fax: 011-972-2-6466-655
State Attorney who represented the Israeli government and defended the use of torture in the Israeli Supreme Court:
Shai Nitzan: Tel: 011-972-2-6466595
State Attorneys who justify denying lawyer’s the right to visit Palestinian prisoners:
Yochi Genossen: 011-972-2-6466584
Aner Helman: 011-972-2-6466472
Military Court in Beit El, which prosecutes hundreds of Palestinians each month for “violations” against the Israeli
military occupation, and also detains
Palestinians under interrogation:
Beit El (Ramallah and Northern West Bank) Military Court
Fax: 011-972-2-9970641
Tel: 011-972-2-9970117
Aduraim (Bethlehem and Southern West Bank) Military Court
Fax: 011-972-2-9970429
Erez (Gaza) Military Court
Fax: 011-972-2-9904568
Tel: 011-972-8-9904556
Megiddo Military Court ( All administrative detention cases – detention without charges see for example

Fax: 011-972-4-6092140
Tel: 011-972-4-6092816
**Another FYI, I called the first mobile telephone number and spoke to someone. I stated the country that I was calling
from and that I was calling in protest. They hung up on me.