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map of arms dealers in Cambridge - take action in the run up to DSEi

24-08-2009 22:27

here's a handy map of arms dealers in Cambridge

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A map of arms companies in Brighton

24-08-2009 22:11

A handy map of arms companies in Brighton

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Best Vintage to Drop the Fur (Demo Report)

24-08-2009 21:38

Activists protested outside the Best Vintage store in Leeds City Centre because of their sale of a number of real fur items, including full length coats, resulting in the promise of a statement from the owner.

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Play FITwatch Bingo at climate camp!

24-08-2009 20:24

A selection of spotter cards featuring all our favourite FIT are now available from the FITwatch blog.

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Climate Camp: New Met Police online propaganda war and '6 consulting'

24-08-2009 20:00

The Metropolitan Police has hired a firm of consultants (6 consulting) to help it monitor social networking sites, especially around social protest and police public image..
A few different articles cut n pasted and discussed below, plus some publicity info on Radian 6 monitoring software.

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NIGER: Write a letter to protest detentions of activists

24-08-2009 19:33

Liberez Marou

Please demand the release of these activists.
A sample letter, addresses, and statements by Nigerien and international rights groups are below.
Further links to background material follows sample letter and statements.

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Bovis Lend Lease and Saifee Dubar: The Saudi Experiment

24-08-2009 17:30

Bovis Lend Lease and Saifee Dubar experiment with universal housing in Saudi Arabia. Is your tower block next?

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An Afternoon @ The Ravens Ait Island Occupation Ecological Community Centre

24-08-2009 17:03

Ravens Ait Island was occupied and an ecological community centre was created - negotaitons were in process with Kingston council when on 1st May 2009
around 4.15am this morning around 100 commandos stormed Ravens Ait island
they arrived in 27 black zodiac inflatables

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Latest on HLS financials

24-08-2009 16:47

In 2009 Huntingdon's CEO Andrew Baker announced that he was offering to buy out HLS for $7.50 a share. This means he wants to buy all the unsold shares in the company and buy out all the existing shareholders so that he owns the company in full.

See Baker Deal webpage

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Protest against the BNP Event in Codnor, Derbyshire : Police Action

24-08-2009 16:29

British National Party BNP held its annual `Red, White and Blue` rally at a farm just outside Codnor in Derbyshire on the weekend of August 14th – 16th 2009. About 2000 folks demonstrated against this event.

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Lockerbie : the real culprits

24-08-2009 16:23

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi's release on compassionate grounds, although welcomed by many campaigners in Britain, means we are no further forward in terms of establishing the truth regarding the Lockerbie bombing. For many, Megrahi was a convenient scapegoat, deflecting attention away from a wealth of evidence which would bring into question the official version of events.

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Palestine Today 082409

24-08-2009 16:18


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday, August 24th 2009.

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A Plea For Compassion: Scotland

24-08-2009 15:34

WHY SCOTLAND’S Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill, was right to release Locherbie
bomber and allow him to return to Libya, and why Mr Mueller, President Obama, Hillary
Clinton, the Lib Dems in Scotland and Gordan Brown in England are perfectly wrong.
Frankly, I am not concerned as to how Libya or Gadaffi receive the reprieved victim of
Scottish commiseration. I believe such matters to be anterior the concern to hand and , to
my mind should not concern anyone else unduly either. If there have been financial or
commercial inducements involved, then such features would not doubt be unsavory, but in
the public domain, I hardly think they can be denied. And in any event future cases -- not
unlike the shenanigans and delays of Jack Straw -- may be avoided.

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The Curious Case of Dana Ali

24-08-2009 15:31

Iraqi immigrant, Dana Ali, faces deportation after an alleged Home Office blunder fails to recognise his marriage to a British citizen.

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Report back from Beyond Borders

24-08-2009 15:30

Beyond Borders was a weekend of anti-borders politics and migrant solidarity that took place at Nottingham's J.B. Spray squat. I found it inspiring and hopeful to get together with other people who are fighting Fortress Europe and the UK's dehumanising border control regime.

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To the cops

24-08-2009 14:23

I wrote this after the IPCC report a few weeks ago...

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Climate Camp reveals Swoop positions for Wednesday!

24-08-2009 14:09

The swoop starting positions for the 2009 Camp for Climate Action have been revealed.

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Urgent Appeal for ill political prisoner in Turkey

24-08-2009 13:13

Guler Zere with her father
Urgent appeal for political prisoner in Turkey suffering from cancer
Appeal for Guler Zere, who has been in jail in Turkey for 14 years. She is now severely ill with cancer but the authorities are not releasing her, even though prison conditions give her no chance of recovery. A campaign has started for her release, and there is also an appeal for an urgent delegation to Turkey.

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Manchester College strikes again!

24-08-2009 11:38

Staff at Manchester College will go on a one day strike on August 27, protesting against compulsory redundancies and union intimidation.

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Come to a Picnic

24-08-2009 10:31

A Family Picnic Day to Stop Tesco Building at Titnore Woods, in West Sussex.