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Best Vintage to Drop the Fur (Demo Report)

West Yorkshire A.R. | 24.08.2009 21:38 | Animal Liberation

Activists protested outside the Best Vintage store in Leeds City Centre because of their sale of a number of real fur items, including full length coats, resulting in the promise of a statement from the owner.

Activists protested outside Best Vintage in Leeds City Centre because of their sale of a number of real fur items, including full length coats, resulting in the promise of a statement from the owner.

A large banner was held outside the shop, leaflets given out detailing the cruelty of the fur trade and activists chanted on megaphones so everybody in the area knew about Best Vintage and their involvement in the fur trade. The demo received lots of support from the public, including a number who vowed to boycott the store until all fur was perminantly removed from sale.

The manager of the shop tried (and failed) every trick in the book to stop the demo, ranging from temporarily removing the fur to assaulting and verbally abusing protesters obviously beleiving that he could stop the demonstration. Stupidly, he also admitted that the protest would ruin the reputation of the company and hinder custom!

After an hour of the demo, a statement was promised from the owner when he is next in the shop (due to being based in London, he is not always present) which was accepted by the activists present. We all made it quite clear that if the fur returns to Best Vintage, so shall the demonstrations.

In the past four years, local activists have stopped over 120 shops stocking items containing real fur in Yorkshire; including some of the largest stores such as Harvey Nichols, Zara and Flannels and every other vintage shop in Leeds has also adopted a fur-free policy.

West Yorkshire A.R.


Display the following 6 comments

  1. Congrats — Reginald
  2. Skin is skin — Good job but.....
  3. Why not extend it to leather? — Cynic
  4. @ Cynic — ARA
  5. Thoughts on fur — veg@n
  6. @ veg@n — ARA