UK Newswire Archive
Coal Blooded Murder in Colombia
24-06-2009 20:45
Colombia union workers and coal miners continue legal battle against global coal multinational DrummondADL Hate Laws Hate Freedom of Speech
24-06-2009 20:22
The Anti-Defamation League (as its contrarian euphemism for an organization that does little, if anything, to fight defamation against Arabs and Muslims by rabid Islamo-phobes in the U.S. like Jewish-American Michael Savage) is “again” proposing another anti-free-speech bill disguised as the “Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act” HR 1966, which makes it a thought crime to “intimidate” and “harass” anyone over the Internet or on the airwaves.Brazil, out of Haiti!
24-06-2009 19:53
Five years against the occupation of UN troops, called MINUSTAH, headed by Brazilian troopsSelective Sympathy for Iran
24-06-2009 19:13

Iran in Rebellion in this Week's Socialist WebZine
24-06-2009 18:45

Mainshill Solidarity Camp presented with eviction papers
24-06-2009 18:34

Update And Info From Calais No Border Camp
24-06-2009 16:55
A farcical curtain of steel has descended on Calais, and the massive campaign of demonisation of our camp by the local authorities continues in the press. The camp is now fully set up with approx 300 people from all over Europe. Many local people are visiting the site and a group of around 40 mostly Kurdish and Afghani migrants. It is nice big site, quite open for people to come walk around and a lot of local kids hanging out. It runs alongside the main motorway from the port out of town and is just a few minutes from the Jungle, the makeshift camps where migrants are living. Many of the migrants seem to be very young, one just 12 year old Afghani visited the camp last night. Migrants report that currently the controls at the border are very tight and that no one has been getting through for few weeks, consequently the number of migrants in Calais are at their highest in several years.Kew Bridge Eco-Village - Photos
24-06-2009 16:31

Pictures Copyright (C) 2009, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.
Palestine Today 062409
24-06-2009 16:10

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday June 24th 2009.
US Predator drone with EDO bomb rack kills 60 at Pakistan Funeral
24-06-2009 16:09
another reason to smash edoMcDonalds McLibel Protest 2009 + Video
24-06-2009 15:27
McDonalds waste there cash on security while activists get the message out!Independent media in Brazil, Argentina, Portugal and Paris are not working why?
24-06-2009 14:40
is cyberatacks ???Interview with El Libertario (Venezuela – June 2009)
24-06-2009 13:40

Eviction Resisted at Lewisham Bridge School
24-06-2009 13:32

IWW protests against Total attacks on workers' right to strike
24-06-2009 12:09

Full article | 3 additions | 14 comments
Holocaust Denier Nick Kollerstrom to appear at Conway Hall
24-06-2009 11:35
“Conway Hall is a landmark of London’s independent intellectual, political and cultural life.For over one hundred years the Ethical Society had its centre at South Place in the City of London, where it fostered freedom in moral and spiritual life and thought. In order to have a wider range of influence and greater scope for development the Society decided to build a new home in Red Lion Square, Bloomsbury.”

Germany: A quarter of a million people at the "education strike"
24-06-2009 10:41
A nationwide mobilization of school and university students: After the last major school students' strike in Germany in November 2008, there were large demonstrations across the country on June 17 in the framework of a week-long "education strike"International Protests aboput Iranian Workers
24-06-2009 10:22
If your city is not included -organise a protest on the 26th June !!Aviation biofuels protest targets Virgin Atlantic
24-06-2009 10:16

45 people killed by drone at funeral Pakistan
24-06-2009 09:49

The attack by the unmanned aircraft was carried out in the village of Najmarai in the Makeen district on Tuesday, Pakistani intelligence officials and witnesses said.