Holocaust Denier Nick Kollerstrom to appear at Conway Hall
riotact | 24.06.2009 11:35 | Anti-racism | Culture | Social Struggles
For over one hundred years the Ethical Society had its centre at South Place in the City of London, where it fostered freedom in moral and spiritual life and thought. In order to have a wider range of influence and greater scope for development the Society decided to build a new home in Red Lion Square, Bloomsbury.”

On Tuesday 30th June they appear to have decided to switch sides for the night and are holding an event which will feature disgraced holocaust denier, conspiranoid and all round misfit Dr Nick Kollerstrom.
Regular indymedia readers may remember how Kollerstrom was rightly sacked from his fellowship at UCL after they were made aware of his nazi-apologist views by the bloggers johnny void, Rachel North and Blairwatch.
For those not in the know there’s a couple of choice quotes in the letter below which Kollerstrom published on a far right website.
This nasty little nutcase is plugging a new book about his endless fruitloop claims that the 7/7 bombings were the work of little green men or some such nonsense. Kollerstrom also has form for harrssing the families of some of the victims of 7/7 in his intredip quest to make a name for himself in that strange bunch of fruitcakes, loonies and neo-nazis, the 911 Truth Movement.
Kollerstrom calls himself a veteran CND campaigner and researcher, presumably an attempt to divert people away from his vile anti-semitism.
Conway Hall can be contacted at:

To Whom it May Concern
I write to make yourselves aware that a well known holocaust denier is due to speak at Conway Hall on Tuesday 30th June.
Dr Nick Kollerstrom is advertised on the 911 truth forum as being due to appear to take a question and answer session after a screening of the BBC documentary.
It may interest you to know that Dr Kollerstrom was last year sacked from his Fellowship position at University College London after some of his writings published on far right websites came to light.
Kollerstrom claims that the gas chambers ‘were a myth’ and goes on to say:
“As surprising as it may sound, the only intentional mass extermination program in the concentration camps of WW2 was targeted at Germans.”
“Let us hope the schoolchildren visitors are properly taught about the elegant swimming-pool at Auschwitz, built by the inmates, who would sunbathe there on Saturday and Sunday afternoons while watching the water-polo matches; and shown the paintings from its art class, which still exist; and told about the camp library which had some forty-five thousand volumes for inmates to choose from, plus a range of periodicals; and the six camp orchestras at Auschwitz/Birkenau, its the theatrical performances, including a children’s opera, the weekly camp cinema, and even the special brothel established there. Let’s hope they are shown postcards written from Auschwitz, some of which still exist, where the postman would collect the mail twice-weekly.”
“The gas-chamber legend was born in December 1941″
“The United Nations has now established its annual Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, as of 2006. On this anniversary, we all need to mull over the faking of history and the Greatest Lie Ever Told.”
Kollerstrom has since been apparantly unrepentant in his views.
I find it therefore sad and somewhat shocking that a respected institution such as Conway Hall should offer a platform to a known Nazi apologist.
Kollerstrom has also been accused of harrassing the families members of victims of the 7/7 attacks, an event which he believes was orchestrated as part of a ‘Zionist Conspiracy’.
I note that tickets for this event are currently priced at £7. I would therefore conclude that Conway Hall will be making some money out of this event. I feel that this greatly compromises a venue which has done so much to promote ethical and humanist values over so many years.
Should this event go ahead then I for one will not be attending any future events at Conway Hall, nor shall I be publicising them. I will encorage others to do the same.
I sincerely hope that this situation can be rectified and that the name of a strong left leaning institution should not be damaged.
In the interest of transparancy I will be publishing this letter and any response.
Johnny Void
Read the whole sorry saga here
UPDATE: Ticketweb are selling tickets for this event – you can contact Ticketweb at

Just had a chat with Carinna D who spoke to the committee& they are cancelling
24.06.2009 15:01
Anyone in the 7/7,911 movement should do their best to get rid of people like this & focus on more credible sources like Nafeez Ahmed &

If nazis got into power free thought would not be even considered, that simple,
we should have the same stance more often against Stalinists rather than just in our owned or run cooperative owned centres
green syndicalist
Kevin Gately, Conway Hall & the NF
24.06.2009 23:55
Conway Hall was home to National Front meetings for at least four years, causing serious 'law & order' issues, far worse than anything Al-Muhajiroun or Holocaust Deniers could inspire nowadays.
Kevin Gately was killed by police while protesting against the NF and their meeting in Conway Hall.
Bridget Dunne
oh the lulz continue
25.06.2009 15:14
conway hall are in the process of writing to them to point out the clause in the paperwork that allows them to cancel events
riot act
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