UK Newswire Archive
Anarchy erupts in Exarchia, Central Athens! Come join the fun.
08-12-2008 19:55
In what the author is describing as 'the biggest anarchist insurrection he has seen since Claremont Road, and the Albanian insurrection' the entire periphery of the small neighbourhood of Exarchia in central Athens has been effectively sealed off from Police forces. Barricades are up in the streets and forces stand ready to repel the police!Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Amey Noise Demo Report
08-12-2008 19:55
Angered by the rejection of the sacked migrants appeal, one of the workers and people from oxford, bristol and south wales no borders made a right racket outside Amey's Oxford HQ.In September 2008 five Colombian cleaners working for Amey Plc at the
National Physical Laboratory were suspended for daring to criticise Amey
for putting an excessive workload onto ever fewer staff, for
unilaterally changing terms and conditions and for disrespecting
grievance procedures. The five have since been sacked.
British Library "Taking Liberties" exhibition embarassment & "Superlab" demo
08-12-2008 18:41
As seen on ITNThe British Library are currently holding an exhibition called "Taking Liberties, The Struggle For Britian's Freedom's and Rights" stating that "In some countries you wouldn't have the right to visit an exhibition about your rights". During a peaceful demo held by pensioners from the Somers Town estate against the proposed "superlab" these elderly people were "attacked by thugs".THE STATE MURDERS! - communique by the Polytechnic School Occupation in Athens.
08-12-2008 18:09
communique by the Polytechnic School Occupation in Athens.Palestine Today 120808
08-12-2008 17:31

Anti animal cruelty-demo 10th December against National Trust
08-12-2008 17:13
Peaceful protest against National Trust goat massacre. Killing animals is an entirely unethical, immoral and a totally unscientific way to reduce numbers. Please join our protest on International Animal Rights DayAthens is burning NOW ,,, clashes between Anarchists and Police
08-12-2008 17:04
clashes between Anarchists and Police. Also clashes between Anarchists and the demonstration of Communist Party , right now around Omonoia squareKnight Foundation & Newspaper Dynasty's Hidden History-Part 1
08-12-2008 16:52
Hidden history of Knight Foundation and Knight Newspaper Dynasty reveals why Knight Foundation grant money to alternative media groups is considered historically tainted by many anti-corporate grassroots activists.Unite with the resentment wave in Greece
08-12-2008 16:17
I appeal to the autonomous individuals outside Greece to organise demonstrations and to unite with the unprecedented resentment wave in Greece.Full article | 4 additions | 4 comments
The Greek embasy in London is occupied by protestors, Photos
08-12-2008 15:29

Boy shot dead by Greek cops (by Latuff)
08-12-2008 14:51

Demo Greece Embassy Police State
08-12-2008 14:40
08-12-2008 14:33
lets uor voices and actions be hear this time ...england in solidarity with the greek comradesA privatised police force, just for us…?
08-12-2008 13:59

Full article | 1 addition | 24 comments
Plane Stupid shuts Stansted Airport
08-12-2008 13:43

The peaceful protest began at 3.15am this morning (Monday) whilst the runway was temporarily closed for maintenance work. Plane Stupid aims to prevent the scheduled reopening of the runway at 5am. The group intends to maintain its blockade for as long as possible, preventing the release of thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
Fotos from last night ... Athens ..
08-12-2008 13:30

Global day of climate action in Gothenburg, Sweden
08-12-2008 13:28

Three people arrested for drinking hot chocolate in the wrong place
Israeli Government thinks 'Gaza is a cool idea'
08-12-2008 13:18
Israeli govt spokesperson Mark Regev might be looking for a new job after telling a reporter, 'Free Gaza is a cool idea'...Stop The South Wales Jobs Massacre - Community Fightback Time
08-12-2008 12:57
Job cuts and closures have disproportionately hit South Wales with workplaces closing virtually everyday. It is vital that we mobilise the entire community behind the struggle to save South Wales from being once again laid waste by capital red in tooth and claw.