UK Newswire Archive
UK No Borders Gathering 8-9 November
04-10-2008 12:49
Just over a month till the next network-wide No Borders Gathering, to be held in Newcastle on 8 & 9 November.The Gathering will be a chance to discuss, network and plan, and to build on the discussions held at the last network-wide Gathering earlier this year.
In memory of SAlly Grace activist raped and murdered in Oaxaca
04-10-2008 12:16

2nd Annual Working Class Bookfair Sat 22 Nov 2008 12 - 4pm
03-10-2008 22:18
In an age when left and anarchist bookshops have been closing, here is an opportunity to get some literature in the North East.NCADC News Service Friday 3rd October 2008
03-10-2008 20:23
"Brian, Chelsea and Selina, Still here, Still fighting''No Place for Children Campaign
This Week in Palestine week 40 2008
03-10-2008 19:27

Demonstration Against Human Rights Abuses and Deportation of Ugandan Asylum Seek
03-10-2008 16:58
Join us on Uganda Independence Day to raise awareness of the systematic human rights abuses in Uganda and the organizations that aide or turn a blind eye to these abuses.sussex copers caught shoplifting
03-10-2008 16:30
senior sussex police suspended for shoplifting.West and selective perception
03-10-2008 15:22
POLITICS in general and global politics in particular is an art centred on perception and there is an inherent tendency for politicians to selectively perceive political developments on the basis of self-motivated interests.
SHAC Newsletter 48 - Out Now!
03-10-2008 15:10

Update from Uk activist arrested at RNC protests
03-10-2008 14:38
I recieved this update from Dave today after his court hearing.Dissident Island Radio Tonight - October Dirt
03-10-2008 14:01

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URGENT - Stop the deportation of Mustafa!
03-10-2008 13:53
Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafawas, who has been in UK since June 2004, was detained when he reported at his reporting centre in Loughborough this week. He criticised the Sudanese regime though his film work for which he was tortured: beaten and humiliated. We urge you to write on his behalf, to the Home Secretary, the Immigration Minister, and the Airline. Mustafa should not be returned to Sudan.Facebook comes to Ireland but deletes Shell to Sea page
03-10-2008 13:50

Tonight: London Guantanamo Campaign monthly demo, US embassy, 6-7pm
03-10-2008 12:31
Calling for the US to release the remaining former British residents, Binyam Mohamed, Shaker Aamer and Ahmed Belbacha, and all the victims of the so-called "War on Terror" held for years by the US without charge and tortured / beaten / badly mistreated (often with the knowledge and complicity of the British intelligence services) in the gulags of Guantanamo, Afghanistan, Iraq and the secret network of torture prisons used in Bush's "extraordinary rendition" programme.Mustafa Belongs to Nottingham
03-10-2008 12:21

Not Around Here!!!
03-10-2008 12:14
FIRST COURT DEMO AGAINST CHILD ABUSERS IN SOUTH LONDONDemonstrate at Communications House - Tuesday 7 October
03-10-2008 11:17
Show solidarity with asylum seekers and immigrantsTUESDAY 7 OCTOBER 1 – 2PM
Outside the UK Immigration Service Communications House
210 Old Street, London , EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
Open Letter to Sussex Police from Smash EDO
03-10-2008 11:09
03/10/2008Anti arms trade campaigners are planning a mass demonstration against the arms trade on Wednesday October 15th from Falmer Station. Recently Sussex Police hand delivered letters to known campaigners calling for 'organisers' to meet with the police to 'discuss their intentions'.
Racist plod fired for wearing BNP badge
03-10-2008 10:55
A Greater Manchester police officer has been forced to resign after he was seen wearing a British National Party (BNP) badge at a football match.