UK Newswire Archive
Bizarre Exchange Between Oliver Kamm And Pro-Mao Author Joseph Ball
09-10-2007 21:39
New Labour supporter, banker and author Oliver Kamm has recently been involved in a bizarre internet exchange with pro-Mao writer, Joseph Ball. The point of contention was Ball's article that seeks to demonstrate that Mao was not responsible for the deaths of millions in the Great Leap Forward, as is so often alleged.Stop Deporting Cameroonians - 2
09-10-2007 19:28

Cameroon Support Network (CSN)
09-10-2007 19:25

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Hidden Detainees, East London Camp Xray
09-10-2007 18:20

Stop The War/CND London Rally and March - 8 Oct
09-10-2007 17:36

Hospital blitz on deaths in custody
09-10-2007 16:48

Encounter of the Indigenous Peoples of America
09-10-2007 16:19
Translation of Communique 2 from the Vicam Organizing Commission, Oct. 7Translation El Kilombo Intergalactico
Encounter of the Indigenous Peoples of America
Yaqui Territory, Vicam, Sonora, Mexico
October 7, 2007
Direct Action against the march to war
09-10-2007 15:41
Stopping a attack against IranFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Stop the War March goes ahead photos and report
09-10-2007 15:21

Cases of BBC bias referred to Secretary of State
09-10-2007 14:52
Two cases concerning alleged anti-Iranian bias in BBC news coverage were today passed on to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, James Purnell. The letter drafted by the Westminster Committee on Iran following a cross-party parliamentary meeting last week, was also forwarded to the BBC’s Director General, Mark ThompsonPalestine Today 100907
09-10-2007 14:42

Video of Parliament Square on 8th October 2007.
09-10-2007 13:57
Confrontation with authorities in Parliament Square on 8th October 2007.On the day that the British Parliament resumed after its Summer recess, a large group of anti-war protesters marched into the Square. They were joined by people who demand the basic freedom to be able to protest peacefully without prior police permission or conditions. The video shows some of the confrontations with authorities, while no doubt Members of Parliament looked on from the windows of their well protected building.
Group 4 Securicor and UK plc
09-10-2007 13:06
Kleins book the Shock Doctrine has been vilified by some as an overblown account of the corporate sectors final push for world domination. Yet Group 4 Securicors website proudly boasted last week that "Private sector involvement is needed to help governments to protect every nation’s critical national infrastructure".Not Green Pumpkins
09-10-2007 12:48
My teenage daughter has insisted I write this article.After listening to her points I agree she has a point.STOP PRESS! legal rights shock! tune BBC radio 4 16:00
09-10-2007 12:35
latest threat to legal rights under arrest in "minor" cases. bizarre proposals remove rights to duty lawyer and replace with a call centre staffed by ex-police officers.Next AWE Aldermaston Blockade
09-10-2007 12:33
The next Block the Builders blockade at AWE Aldermaston will be on Monday 12th November. Please be there and help us make this a realy BIG blockade.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Video Rush: Troops Out Now Protest, London, 08/10/1007
09-10-2007 11:01

Footage of Banned Anti-War Demo in London Parliament Square
09-10-2007 09:55
Video of October 8th demonstration - marching from Trafalgar Square to Parliament SquareSee it at:

Oh no! BAA cocks it up yet again...
09-10-2007 08:36
'Future Heathrow" - a spurious lobby group set up to help push through BAA's unpopular plans yesterday released an survey showing Londoners' apparent support for more and constant overflying.However the "independent" survey showed its true colours when it emerged that it had been e-mailed out by BAA, who forgot to remove the footer reading:
“If you would rather not receive future email messages from BAA......"