Next AWE Aldermaston Blockade
Blockader | 09.10.2007 12:33 | Anti-militarism | South Coast
The next Block the Builders blockade at AWE Aldermaston will be on Monday 12th November. Please be there and help us make this a realy BIG blockade.

on Mon 12th Nov. A major blockade of the Aldermaston nuclear weapons factory.
Work on the Orion laser - a key facility for the future of Britain's WMD project -
is well underway. The AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) is reported to be
developing a new nuclear warhead. The device, designated the High Surety Warhead is understood to be under development in conjunction with the US who want modernised ‘failsafe’ nuclear firepower for its submarine-launched Trident missiles. Overnight accommodation available Sunday. This is a day of non-violent direct action. Legal support on the day. Info pack on website. Call 07807 522454.