UK Newswire Archive
Istanbul: Police Kidnapped Comrade, Beat Him And Threw From Moving Police Car
31-07-2007 15:54
Sinan Tekpetek, legally responsible of biweekly anarchist newspaper "Ozgur Hayat" and the youth movement %52's magazine "%52 Ofke", was attacked by police on July 26th. That's how the incident happened:ELF hits Rio Tinto Alcan in Essex in solidarity with Saving Iceland
31-07-2007 12:55
Rio Tinto Alcan, perhaps the worlds worst polluter / murderer, had one of its factories sabotaged in Essex in retaliation for buying into the ecocide of Iceland. Damage was done in support of the ongoing campaign against the heavy industrialisation of Iceland.Call for support by Anarchists Against the Wall
31-07-2007 12:28
URGENT CALL FOR DONATIONS----------------------------------------
Counter-recruitment Picket on Anti-Arms Day of Action
31-07-2007 12:12

Camada Wins Its First NAFTA Decision!
31-07-2007 11:27
The economy is a part of life, not a steamroller dominating all life and discourse and trashing past, present and future. Canada's win in the 7-year UPS case gives hope to all people in the struggle for sovereignty, self-determination and economic justice.'Keep Your Blood Service Local' Birmingham Banner Drop
31-07-2007 11:04

Early this morning a banner was hoisted between two trees opposite the entrance to Birmingham's National Blood Service on Vincent Drive, Edgbaston. The banner proclaims 'Keep Your Blood Centre Local' and was positioned in full view of staff working at the Blood Service. This is in response to the National Blood Service (NBS) Directors plans to centralise our blood service by closing blood processing and testing labs at 10 local centres in favour of just 3 supercentres in Bristol, Manchester and London. 100s of technical staff, about half the lab workforce, face redundancy. If these plans are implemented then they will effectively rip the heart out of our National Blood Service. The proposed cuts will seriously undermine the services provided and emergencies, such as rushing washed blood platelets to patients, will be compromised.
Chem-trails NOT Contrails!
31-07-2007 10:08

Defence Export Services Organisation Visited on Day of Action
31-07-2007 09:30

Anti-DSEi stall on Brick Lane
31-07-2007 09:11

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Raytheon and Erinys visited on day of action against the arms trade
31-07-2007 00:01

Anti-arms fair leafleting in Canning Town
30-07-2007 23:11

Migrants Escape from Detention Centre
30-07-2007 23:06
Some inspiring news....Last night a revolt in a detention centre in Bari led to at least 35 migrants escaping, mainly of Egyptian nationality.Anti-deportation/anti-racist protest/stall, 1 August 2007, Rusholme
30-07-2007 20:41
NWASDG is organising another protest and campaign stall on Wilmslow Road, Rusholme, from 12pm on 1 August 2007. All campaigns, organisations and anti-racists are invited to join us in buliding for the march on 11 August in defence of all asylum seekers!Pluristem Placentas,James Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Fraud
30-07-2007 20:23
I'm sure that if James Dale Davidson and Frank Carlucci have vouched for the honorable origens of the Israeli penny stock touters' placental stem cell line or lines at Pluristem then they must meet their Master George W Bush's and his religious councils' approval.Still,I wish someone could bust them for their U.S. penny stock pumps and dumps and probable money laundering....Urgent Action: British resident in Guantánamo Bay AHMED BELBACHA must NOT be ret
30-07-2007 19:43
Ahmed Belbacha, a British resident held in Guantánamo Bay currently faces the threat of being returned to Algeria where he faces a double threat from the government and Islamists. His lawyers in the US are trying to block his return to Algeria. The UK is a viable alternative as he lived here for over 2 1/2 years.Open letter to Chief Constable Merseyside Police
30-07-2007 18:02
In the afternoon of Saturday, 14 July 2007, 6 people, wearing a bit of artistic make-up, costumes and accessories for the occasion, arrived outside the fashion store, Cricket, in Mathew Street, Liverpool, to leaflet the public and protest the shop’s return to selling fur, after having promised earlier in the year not to do so.