Pluristem Placentas,James Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Fraud
Tony Ryals | 30.07.2007 20:23
I'm sure that if James Dale Davidson and Frank Carlucci have vouched for the honorable origens of the Israeli penny stock touters' placental stem cell line or lines at Pluristem then they must meet their Master George W Bush's and his religious councils' approval.Still,I wish someone could bust them for their U.S. penny stock pumps and dumps and probable money laundering....
Leumi Bank Israel Hollocaust Victims and U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
By Ezra Pound and James Dale Davidson laugh on 7/24/2007 5:14:48 PM
I guess it should be no surprise that the Leumi Bank of Israel that not will even return stolen monies in its possession to Israel's own Holocaust survivers would welcome
'investors' such as ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Dan Quayle, Stephen Feinberg,the KELLOGG BROWN AND ROOT BOYS AND THEIR CERBERUS MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL HEDGE FUND.....And now the illustrious founder of Alexandria,Virginia's National Taxpayers Union and his slimy pals Jonathan Honig and ex CIA,etc. Frank Carlucci of George Herbert Walker Bush's and the bin Ladens,'s Carlyle Group......
Isn't James Dale Davidson a big fan of Ezra Pound ? Perhaps Leumi and 'MEITAV GEMEL LTD. ON BEHALF OF BANK LEUMI' and its illegal pump and dump scam of Pluristem Life Systems Inc. in criminal complicity with James Dale Davidson and Frank Carlucci and Jonathan Honig should host an Ezra Pound poetry reading for Holocaust survivors as a consolation for all that money stolen and not returned from their banker,Leumi !
Leumi Bank Israel Hollocaust Victims and U.S. Penny Stock Fraud,-anyway
Give the money to those who need it; it’s theirs, anyway
By Jeanette Friedman | Published 07/20/2007 | Opinion |
Jeanette Friedman
View all articles by Jeanette Friedman and David Gold
In the 1950s, Israeli Holocaust survivors signed over their restitution monies to the Israeli government, which, in return, promised to care for them in their old age. The logic was that the state needed the money to establish itself and protect its citizens.
At the same time, when the state was created, the British handed Israel all the assets and bank accounts that belonged to Holocaust victims and their heirs. But the Israelis have never returned the assets in their custody, and continued to thwart the attempt to return them. Bank Leumi, which had custody of these assets, had no right to transfer those assets to the state. In 2004, a committee chaired by MK Collette Avital, a daughter of survivors, was established to look into the matter and located 2,500 Leumi accounts. The committee established that the bank owed the survivors in excess of 300 million shekels (about $68 million).
The bank recently offered a paltry 20 million shekels (approximately $4.5 million) to the Holocaust Survivors Fund run by Zev Factor and Noah Flug, the umbrella organization for survivors in Israel. When the bank applied pressure to the Avital committee, the committee rewrote the repayment formula so that the bank would owe the survivors only a small percentage of the real total, because something is better than nothing. If heirs are not found, a process that could take years, Bank Leumi will pay the remaining survivors NIS 35 million at most, and keep the rest.
More than 80,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel are living below the poverty line with very few services offered to them.........
Pluristem Life Systems Inc.
List of Investors
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S. Fraud
by Tony Ryals
endoscam (at)
I'm sure that if James Dale Davidson and Frank Carlucci have vouched for the honorable origens of the Israeli penny stock touters' placental stem cell line or lines at Pluristem then they must meet their Master George W Bush's and his religious councils' approval.Still,I wish someone could bust them for their U.S. penny stock pumps and dumps and probable money laundering....
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims and U.S. Penny Stock Fraud......... Ezra Pound and James Dale Davidson laugh
When you subsidise poverty and failure, you get more of both. - James Dale Davidson
When government susidizes scum like James Dale Davidson,it subsidizes fraud and worse.......
So why have James Dale Davidson,Frank Carlucci (of CIA,Carlyle Group,etc.),and their Israeli gang of U.S. penny stock and placenta stem cell promoters at Pluristem not disclosed the origens of their 'generic' stem cell line ? Are they so generic that the mother and baby originators of these cells can go unnamed and unmentioned ? Even when your promotions claim you would seek to get 'oil' from their 'placentas' ? !
Maybe they are the original generic gene lines of the Virgen Mary and her infant Jesus ? ! Or maybe ex CIA, Carlyle exec etc.,etc.,and now Pluritem board member of some sort,Frank Carlucci,grabbed a bunch of placentas on a trip through Iraq or Afghanistan ? !.......
Anyways I'm sure that if James Dale Davidson and Frank Carlucci have vouched for the honorable origens of the Israeli penny stock touters' placental stem cell line or lines at Pluristem then they must meet their Master George W Bush's and his religious councils' approval.Still,I wish someone could bust them for their U.S. penny stock pumps and dumps and probable money laundering....
Both placentas and stock investors should beware of James Dale Davidson and his international gang of penny stock(and placenta ?) thieves.
Pluristem Placentas,James D. Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud
Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares.
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims and U.S. Penny Stock Fraud......... Ezra Pound and James Dale Davidson laugh
Note that James Dale Davidson,(infamous for his baseless claim that Bill Clinton killed his childhood friend Vince Foster),has even solicited vulnerable retired folks for 'donations' for his National Taxpayers Union in Alexandria,Virginia but requested the donations be sent to his own mail box rather than to the National Taxpayers Union address at 108 N. Alfred Street,Alexandria, Virginia 22314.But now he returns to the scene of many of his crimes ,(both political and economic),at the National Taxpayers Union office building in Alexandria that he now uses for his latest mail and cyber fraud penny stock operation that he calls,'Outside the Box',and where he now touts an Israeli 'biotech' penny stock pump and dump called Pluristem,(that is incorporated in the U.S. and not Israel where defrauding Israelis by Israelis would be frowned upon),that,according to Davidson,strives to get 'oil' from 'placentas' !
His and Steve Forbes' ,'s,National Taxpayers Union,is conveniently located near the Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's office in case any problems might arise during the pump and dump of any of his numerous uncounted U.S. penny stock frauds and money laundering operations over the many years since he and Bill Bonner and the Lord William Rees-Mogg opened their Agora Inc office in Baltimore in 1979 to do basically what Davidson is doing now from his NTU office - i.e.-running a penny stock pump and dump operation !
Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox,(who receives a monthly briefing from penny stock con artists at the CIA),has gone on record to warn of the dangers of 'naked short selling',which is really all a lie created by James Dale Davidson,David Patch,Patrick Byrne, to divert attention from massive illegal penny stock dumping and manipulation by a truly organized criminal operation around the world using unaudited and worthless U.S. penny stock shares as 'cash'.This may even have caused the collapse of Refco and banks connected to it such as Bawag of Austria and Bancafe Bank of Guatemala,etc........What are 'losses' on their books are fraudulent profits to the international U.S. penny stock and worthless paper industry that takes its fraudulent profits and leaves losses on the books of banks and brokerages it uses..
Al Jazeera has even allowed known Wall Street stock manipulator and hedge fund operator Max Keiser to do
a video for their Qatar satelite television english site to fraudulently claim 'naked short selling' or counterfeit shares from some nebulous source is causing U.S.penny stocks to lose there share value.In truth an elite group are allowed to use worthless U.S.penny stocks for international fraud and money laundering particularly in the Middle East and Israel post 9/11 !
Actually the SEC Chair Christopher 'WMDS' Cox who lied as House Homeland Security chief about 'WMDS' in Iraq sending thousands to their deaths and whose Latham Watkins law firm in California represented Enron against California's citizens even taped his lie about the supposed dangers of 'naked short selling',(to cover up for penny stock criminals that includes many Republcan contributers),on a bloomberg.con video that is on youtube for the record.The sleezy business professor,James Angel of Georgetown University,who had already starred in a scammy
'naked short selling' penny stock video with Patrick Byrne,Senator Bob Bennett and a 'Bob O'Brien( who helped found NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling),also appeared with Cox and the corrupt Houston attorneys John O'Quinn and James Wes Christian in the bloomberg.con video on the dangers of 'naked shorting'.New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg should himself be ashamed.
Adnan Kashoggi of Iran Contra and Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush presidencies now claims collapse of his U.S. penny stock scam called GenesisIntermedia,(that the U.S.SEC should have prosecuted and convicted him for long ago), was not the result of his own stock manipulation and fraud but instead was a victim of 'naked short selling' ! And of course there is the Al Sabah royaly of Kuwait who owned and operated Securacom 'security' firm along with lesser known brother Marvin Bush that guarded both Dulles Airport as well as the WTC on 9/11 !
Even so I'm not sure Arab involvement in U.S.penny stock fraud even azpproximates that of Israelis using U.S. penny stocks for illegal pump and dump scams, money laundering and to defraud Americans even approximates that of Israelis.The U.S.SEC keeps this partially hidden,so maybe I would be surprised.It was an Israeli U.S. penny stock fraud,ICTS International, that was 'guarding' Logan Airport near Boston where two planes involved in the 9/11,WTC,Pentagon,etc. didaster flew out from.
Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares. If, for instance,he can keep the price at or above 5 U.S. cents as he sells or 'dumps' his 20 million shares he will make a million dollars or more on this one penny stock fraud alone ! And that can buy more influence in Washington ! :
+++SPAM+++ How You Can Profit from "An Oil Field in the Placenta"
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 13:17:27 GMT
To: "test(*)"
Dear NewsMax Reader:
Please find below a special message from our sponsor, James Davidson, Editor of Outside the Box. He has some important information to share with you.
Thank you.
How You Can Profit From:
“An Oilfield in the Placenta”
May 2007
New Discovery Lets You Make A Fortune Without Ethical Controversy With Stem Cells From Umbilical Cord Blood
Why you could pocket 30 times more profit from an obscure Israeli biotech discovery than from a 40 billion barrel oil find at Prudhoe Bay…
By James Dale Davidson
If you have shied away from profiting from the immense promise of stem cells to treat disease because of moral concern over extracting stem cells from fetal tissue, pay close attention. You can now invest with a clear conscience. An Israeli entrepreneur, Zami Aberman, has discovered, "an oilfield in the placenta." His little company, Pluristem Life Systems (OTCBB: PLRS) has made a discovery which is potentially more valuable than Prudhoe Bay.
Sounds crazy, right? Not really. The exciting news is that you may be able to make more money from Pluristem’s "placental blood" stem cell discovery than you could have made four decades ago from ARCO’s discovery of a vast, untapped oil basin in Alaska’s remote Prudhoe Bay.
Back in 1968, when Atlantic Richfield, aka ARCO, discovered the Prudhoe Bay oil field, ARCO was already one of America’s largest oil companies. Its stock was selling for almost $100 per share. Even before the Prudhoe discovery, investors expected great things of ARCO, so most of its later success was already priced into the stock.
Yes, ARCO’s share price skyrocketed from $98.375 to $184.00 on news of what proved to be one of the major oil discoveries ever. The net result was that if you had rightly anticipated the discovery and invested soon enough, you could have almost doubled your money. $10,000 would have bought you about $100 shares of ARCO, which in turn, could have become $18,704, assuming no commission costs. So on an investment of $10,000 in 1968, you could have pocketed as much as $8,704 for anticipating the oil find of the century.
Doesn’t sound like much to get excited about, does it? Making $8,704 would hardly change your life. This is why it is actually misleading to compare Pluristem’s placental stem cell discoveries with striking oil, even a 40 billion-barrel field. The Pluristem opportunity really doesn’t compare – because it is so much bigger.......
This e-mail was sent by:
4152 West Blue Heron Blvd, Ste 1114
Riviera Beach, FL, 33404 USA
Mail to: Outside the Box
108 N. Alfred Street, Suite 200
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(Note the address above is the long term address of the pseudo prestigious National Taxpayers Union of James Dale Davidson,Steve Forbes,Richard Mellon-Scaife,Grover Norquist,,conveniently located near the main office of the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission or SEC.)
'The best time to buy is when there is blood in the streets',is approximately what Nathan Rothschild is reputed to have advised perhaps in response to the French Revolution.Strange that James Dale Davidson
would use that phrase,'Blood In The Streets' as the title for a book he wrote with his co-author the Lord William Rees-Mogg of the UK several years ago.
Davidson who pretends to be repulsed apparently by
ALL 'Rothschilds' appears an unlikely candidate to name the title of a book after words of advise from one he claims to detest,Nathan Rothschild.But then again this hypocrite was running a U.S. penny stock scam called Nannaco with supposed,(a lie),Saudi property and contracts and now he is helping an Israeli U.S. penny stock fraud,with Leumi Bank of Israel connections called Pluristem,to do the same.
And this penny stock scam is yet another 'biotech',
one of Davidson's favorite penny stock frauds. Endovasc with its hailed or 'touted' Stanford University nicotine patents,(both for 'angiogenesis' as well as
'stem cell recruitment' )that was used to defraud American investors through vFinance and Charles Schwab and LOM of Bermuda as well as a CIA connected boiler room called Bellador Group in Kuala Lumpur with Dubai connections ! Endovasc was also used by Israeli purveyors or pimps of U.S. penny stock scams known as the Grin brothers,(Eugene and David and Abraham),with their Union Bank of Israel and Bawag Bank of Austria connections among others....Genemax was another James Dale Davidson 'biotech' pump and dump of worthless shares to defrauded investors using a supposed
'cancer vaccine' developed by the University of British Colombia.
And there have been more,so many illegal promotions of worthless shares in phoney fraudulent companies dating back MANY YEARS.After dumping millions of worthless Endovasc and Genemax shares on investors there was of course no SEC investigation and both fraudulent 'biotech' companies claimed they weren't an illegal 'pump and dump' but were 'naked shorted' with 'counterfeit' shares !
Below is from James Dale Davidson's own far right wing internet 'news' site called . While I highly don't recommend it and would use it as an example of using the media or internet for what I call ' cultural malnutrition' or disinformation,which is Mr. Davidson's specialty aside from stock fraud and I believe money laundering through stock manipulation,it is most telling for its hinting at Mr.James Dale Davidson's true role and power behind the scenes in the Beltway and why he seems to get by almost with murder there.
It should be noted that Davidson just used his right wing, that he has admitted or bragged of founding in the past,to promote the Israeli 'biotech' pump and dump scam,Pluristem.
Note however this was not disclosed in the promotion and newsmax only named Davidson as a 'sponser' while it graciously provided him space to promote the Israeli-U.S. penny stock fraud called Pluristem.He also disclosed the scammy 'company' gave him 20 million of their worthless shares for his efforts.I am still uncertain how much the Israelis and their stock promoters paid ex CIA Frank Carlucci but seeing as he has headed the Carlyle military-industrial hedge fund of George Herbert Walker Bush,,I would presume he has been handsomely rewarded for lending a hand to J.D. Davidson's,Jonathan Honig's and the Israelis' Pluristem illegal pump and dump scam and possible money laundering operation !
Note,while Davidson is full of himself and a liar and a major U.S. penny stock fraud,one can at times read between the lines of his dishonesty and his
'newsmax' with his selected writers writing copy of which he approves sometimes spill the beans without themselves realising it.Such is the case with Ruddy and Ryan below showing Davidson's disdain and delusions of superiority to his foe Bill Clinton in the this article from 2000.It must be remembered he claims to have been a supporter during Clinton's first election even though the writing below indicates he had very close ties to Papa Doc or 'Poppy' Bush in the 1980's.
And note below how newsmax writers make Clinton appear to be buttering up to James Dale Davidson,a fellow Oxford student Rhodes scholar, to try and get his 'economic secrets',( which as anyone who has done any investigation of his many penny stock pump and dump scams knows is simple fraud),usually penny stock fraud. And penny stock shares are perhaps if not the most significant manner of laundering money,(they are a multi billion dollar anual 'business')they are certainly one of the easiest, particularly with Beltway connections and a complicit SEC and connections in the SEC and the Beltway. Also a google search of the co-author below,
'Christopher Ruddy' and 'Clinton', will remind you it was Ruddy who was employed by Rupert Murdoch's New York Post and then by Richard Mellon Scaife and James Dale Davidson as their selected Clinton smear writer,particularly in their fraudulent political smear claim,'Clinton killed Vince Foster'. Penny stock fraud and political fraud or lying have a lot in common
which may explain why they go together so well.:
Economist: Inflation Rate Is Double Official Number
Christopher Ruddy and Ryan Troup
March 14, 2000
Jan. 20, 1993, and Bill Clinton was not president 24 hours when he saw James Dale Davidson at one of several Washington Inaugural Balls.
Clinton quickly waved past the salutations and congratulations. "Jim," he said, "You may able to help me."
Davidson, a Clinton campaign donor, a financial writer, then head of the National Taxpayers Union and someone who had known Clinton for years from annual retreats at the Hilton Head Renaissance weekends, nodded with agreement.
"I think the Bush people were cooking the economic numbers in the months before the election," Clinton said, continuing, "Do you think you could put together a report for me on how they did it?"
Davidson agreed but the thought went racing through his mind, "This man’s not president for one day and he’s already trying to figure out how to fix the books."
Since his inauguration Clinton has survived an avalanche of scandals that would have crushed any other mortal.
One factor cited by both Clinton critics and friends has been the booming U.S. economy and the longest bull market in the history of the world.
"It’s the economy, stupid!" was the Carville-inspired slogan of the Clinton-Gore ’92 campaign. The slogan has become the White House mantra for two terms.
So it is obvious from Davidson's own self glorifying
'newsmax' that Mr.Davidson's claim to fame in the Beltway is 'cooking the books' apparently for 'Poppy' Bush during his and Reagan's terms in office and if you know the history of that period of Iran-Contra and drugs for guns into Mena, Arkansas and elsewhere you would know Davidson's self admitted and fraudulent 'talents' were well received.
Coincidentally Mr.Davidson's and Bill Bonner's Agora Inc. of Baltimore with fraudulent websites coming and going all over the internet,began in 1979 before the internet and the invention of his more recent fraudulent new claim of shares being 'electronically counterfeitted' but just in time for a great need to 'cook the books' in the Reagan-Bush era that funded much of its illicit war efforts in Nicaragua,Central America and elsewhere with illicit or non Congressional budget and ' off the record ' income.Remember the Congress was controlled by the Democrats who did not approve or allocate funds for the Reagan-Bush war in Central America,etc..Also their was the Iraq-Iran war that was so good for the Beltway's 'masters of war' as Bob Dylan might call them with the Pakistani BCCI scandal and loot to be stolen,etc.........
Note below from James Dale Davidson's own that those around Davidson were expecting Colby's death months in advance and when it finally came Colby was still in the employ of James Davidson although Davidson tried to place the blame on his nemesis,(who he had supported to be the U.S. president after his no doubt successful years financially of backing Reagan-Bush and serving their money laundering activities),Bill Clinton,just as he had accused Clinton of killing Vince Foster a year before that !
William Colby's Death Mystery
It was March of 1996. My cell phone rang. My literary agent was on the line.
"Cross Colby off the list. He's dead."
"Colby is dead," I said with some shock.
"Yes, I just heard on the radio he died in a car crash," my agent said.
I did not know former CIA Director Bill Colby, nor did my agent. But we both knew James Dale Davidson, editor of the investment newsletter Strategic Investment. Davidson was not only an associate of Colby's, but Colby had worked for Davidson as a contributing editor for his newsletter.
At the time of my agent's call, he was attempting to find a publisher for my book on the Vince Foster case. We still had no publisher, and my agent had floated the idea of William Colby writing the proposed book's foreword. This would serve several purposes. Colby, as a former CIA chief, would give the book some credibility with a publisher.
Colby had been a key figure in the Watergate scandal after he refused to allow the CIA to block the FBI probe on the Watergate burglary. Colby could not be accused of being part of a right-wing conspiracy. After leaving the CIA, he argued for unilateral disarmament and became a fixture at the left-wing Institute for Policy Studies.
My agent thought Colby might be open to the idea. After all, he worked for Davidson and Davidson openly claimed Foster was murdered, pointing the finger at the Clinton White House.
But now the idea of a Colby foreword seemed lost.
I called Davidson and asked him if he had heard the news about Colby. His voice became strained. He sounded stunned when I told him.
But, of course, Colby had not died that March. He died a month later. My agent was wrong. To this day, he swears he heard something, and to this day, we laugh about the Jungian wrinkle in time. Davidson was peeved at me for the false report, as he well should have been.
On April 29, 1996, the wires flashed with hot news: Former CIA Director William Colby had disappeared from his country home on the Wicomico River in Maryland........
Subject : carlucci,davidson,honig,powerchannel
Frank Carlucci has joined Davidson and Fox New's 'Capitalist Pig', Jonathan Honig,in an Israeli
'placenta stem cells' penny stock scam incorporated in the U.S. of course because such fraud would not be so openly permitted upon Israeli citizens - only Americans,where the shares are ultimiately pumped and dumped.
And paradoxical that Davidson,Honig and Carlucci(of Carlyle) are touting the use of stem cells from placentas when the Rupublican Party and W Bush that Davidson's newsmax was formed to promote has blocked virtually all funding for stem cell research as it is !And just where do the boys from their Israeli mafia plan to get these placentas anyway - from the bodies of dead bombed Iraqi or Afghani women they find along the road ?
But note below that Davidson,Honig and Steve Lampert,'s PowerChannel did indeed make the fraudulent claim of PWRC's shares being 'naked shorted' just as Davidson made that same claim for Endovasc and Genemax,both of which were probably manipulated through t LOM of Bermuda's Charles Schwab and VFinance accounts among others.And in the case of Endovasc the corrupt SEC and its corrupter Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox allowed Bellador Group that probably has or had Davidson and CIA connections to deal the worthless shares of Endovasc,China Wireless and the CIA's and Washington D.C.'s on 'IT' public company SRA International in Kuala Lumpur,Dubai or Cyprus,etc..
Tony Ryals
Subject : garywiss re powerchannel,davidson,pluristem,leumi
Date : Thu, 26 Jul 2007 13:22:04 -0400 (EDT)
Sent to Gary Weiss,a Forbes writer who covers,(not very well),the penny stock naked short selling' scam but never mentions Steve Forbes pal James Dale Davidson and appears so far to be covering up for him.:
Below is a press release from PWRC, another James Dale Davidson,Jonathan Honig, pump and dump that claimed to be 'naked shorted'.This pr like the old NAANSS website once run out of Genemax's Blaine, Washington office has now been pretty much disappeared except for this.
At least we know that J.D.Davidson doesn't mind working with 'Jews' as long as they are corrupt and steal from Holocaust victims and U.S. penny stock fraud victims.
Gary do you think Davidson was running frauds through Israel previously or only since the Cerberus boys invested in the Leumi Bank ? Or do you believe Pluristem of those supposed Israeli researchers and J.D.Davidson and Frank Carlucci is legit ?
Oh it appears Jonathan Honig may not be Jonathan Hoenig of Fox but Fox is still promoting NEWSMAX and thus lending tacit support to all this fraud.
Tony Ryals
3 June 2004, 11:12am ET
Company One of Hundreds Listed on Exchange Without Prior Knowledge, Consent
and Authorization
NEW CITY, N.Y., June 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- PowerChannel, Inc. (BB:PWRC) today announced that it has been removed from the Berlin Stock Exchange. The Company learned late last week that it had been listed on the exchange without its prior knowledge, consent or authorization.
"As soon as we learned of the unsanctioned listing, our SEC counsel took the necessary steps to effect the successful removal from the Berlin Exchange," said Steve Lampert, PowerChannel CEO. "Apparently, information that we have come across has led us to believe that our Company, along with more than 200 U.S. publicly traded companies, were part of an organized effort by brokers to circumvent recent National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) restrictions against so-called naked short selling. We believe this unconscionable act against our Company and its shareholders may have had a negative impact on our recent share price, and we are optimistic that the removal from this Exchange will allow our stock to trade in a more customary, regulated manner."
Below quote from James Dale Davidson upon the death of Ezra Pound in the 1970's.:
Even though Pound employed a muddled definition of "usury", this is a valid liberation concern. He simply lacked a sound theoretical base from which to develop a solution. In studying the causes of World War I, Pound reached much the same conclusion as that achieved by revisionist historians. He felt that the war was brought on by international profiteers. Like the John Birch Society, Pound considered the Federal Reserve to be a private corporation, and agitated for "government" takeover of the money supply. This is why he admired Mussolini. He believed Fascism would end inflation. "Mussolini," Pound wrote,"followed
Andrew Jackson in opposing the tyranny of state debt." Too bad he never read What Has Government 'Done To Our Money? Pound was off the mark, but not that far off. Although he was accused of Anti-Semitism, he made clear he was not opposed to Jews, only to the Rothschilds, who remain the prototype of scheming bankers. He said, "I am accused of Anti-Semitism. Why then do I respect Spinoza, esteem Montaigne as a writer, and work to re-establish the fame of Alex del Mar, who I believe was a Jew?" Although he erred in believing Fascism could eliminate inflation, Pound had an essentially accurate view of the evils of state control. "Socialism," he said, "is synonymous for imbecility because it wants to govern by multiplying bureaucracies, tyrannicaly controlling all minor activities . . ." Yes, there is much in Pound to delight a libertarian. What man who said "I have a total contempt for Marx and Freud," could be all bad? His understanding of space exploration seems more to the point than that of some self-processed libertarians. "You cannot live in a Sputnik and you cannot find your food in a Sputnik. What mankind needs is an internal harmony, which may balance the increase of brutality and desperation we are living through." True enough. And in an age when Bleeding-Heart liberalism has permeated everything, with myriad crackpot groups seeking subsidy and "reparations" from the society which has "held them down," it is still refreshing to read Pound. "No one in society," he wrote, "has any right to blame his troubles on anyone else. Liberal thought has been a mess mush because of the tendency to produce this state of mind." He did have a talent for language.
- James Dale Davidson,Ezra Pound, RIP
Nope,you won't find no 'bleeding heart liberalism' in Mr.James Dale Davidson.If he could he would gladly
open a factory to turn poor and Holocaust victims to 'oil'
just as he would anyone's 'placenta' he could get his hands upon.Both placentas(Jewish or otherwise) and 'securities' or stock buyers should beware of James Dale Davidson and his gang of thieves who generally have Washington,D.C. connections.
J.D.Davidson's,Jonathan Honig's PowerChannel Fraud
By frank carlucci - It Was NOT naked shorted ! on 7/23/2007 9:29:57 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)
I looked all over for this PowerChannel press release on a google search before I found it again by searching this board for 'PowerChannel'.Of course this was posted by me on 8/15/2004.I don't know why a google search didn't find it here but I do know EVERY of copy of this has gone missing on the internet from the 'way back machine' to Do 'companies' get their old scammy press releases removed from findarticles upon request ? I don't know but many I search for there,particularly related to James Dale Davidson,have gone missing.
Anyway Frank Carlucci has joined Davidson and Fox New's 'Capitalist Pig',Jonathan Honig,in an Israeli
'placenta stem cells' penny stock scam incorporated in the U.S. of course because such fraud would not be so openly permitted upon Israeli citizens - only Americans,where the shares are ultimiately pumped and dumped.
And paradoxical that Davidson,Honig and Carlucci(of Carlyle) are touting the use of stem cells from placentas when the Rupublican Party and W Bush that Davidson's newsmax was formed to promote has blocked virtually all funding for stem cell research as it is !And just where do the boys from their Israeli mafia plan to get these placentas anyway - from the bodies of dead bombed Iraqi or Afghani women they find along the road ?
But note below that Davidson,Honig and Steve Lampert,'s PowerChanneldid indeed make the fraudulent claim of PWRC's shares being 'naked shorted' just as Davidson made that same claim for Endovasc and Genemax,both of which were probably manipulated through t LOM of Bermuda's Charles Schwab and VFinance accounts among others.And in the case of Endovasc the corrupt SEC and its corrupter Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox allowed Bellador Group that probably has or had Davidson and CIA connections to deal the worthless shares of Endovasc,China Wireless and the CIA's and Washington D.C.'s on 'IT' public company SRA International in Kuala Lumpur,Dubai or Cyprus,etc..
Tony Ryals
J.D. Davidson's PowerChannel, Inc. Delisted From Berlin Stock Exchange
By were they gonna 'naked short' him again ? on 8/15/2004 7:37:58 PM
E-mail: biodog0 (at)
j.d. davidson's PowerChannel, Inc. Delisted From Berlin Stock Exchange
E-mail or Print this story
3 June 2004, 11:12am ET
Company One of Hundreds Listed on Exchange Without Prior Knowledge, Consent
and Authorization
NEW CITY, N.Y., June 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- PowerChannel, Inc. (BB:PWRC) today announced that it has been removed from the Berlin Stock Exchange. The Company learned late last week that it had been listed on the exchange without its prior knowledge, consent or authorization.
"As soon as we learned of the unsanctioned listing, our SEC counsel took the necessary steps to effect the successful removal from the Berlin Exchange," said Steve Lampert, PowerChannel CEO. "Apparently, information that we have come across has led us to believe that our Company, along with more than 200 U.S. publicly traded companies, were part of an organized effort by brokers to circumvent recent National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) restrictions against so-called naked short selling. We believe this unconscionable act against our Company and its shareholders may have had a negative impact on our recent share price, and we are optimistic that the removal from this Exchange will allow our stock to trade in a more customary, regulated manner."
Re: J.D.Davidson's,Jonathan Honig's PowerChannel Fraud
By Fox News' Jonathan Honig is a 'Capitalist Fraud' on 7/24/2007 2:04:49 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)
Do the 3 names in SEC filing (whose link is below),DAVIDSON JAMES,DAVIDSON JAMES D.,DAVIDSON JAMES DALE,all refer to just Davidson of National Taxpayers Union,etc.,or others ? Why would he or others use more than one form of his name on SEC filings ? Also just who is this
'WEINHOUSE,ISAAC' and hasn't he occasionally been a topic of conversationm on this board ? Is the
'COHEN LEONARD' listed herein the Canadian poet-musician !? I sure hope not but by now NOTHING would surprise me.
Davidson by the way is using his National Taxpayers Union address near the main SEC office in Alexandria,Virginia as his address for the Israel-U.S. Pluristem placenta penny stock pump and dump scam he is running with Frank Carlucci, Jonathan Honig and their Israeli mafia.....Just as he used that address for his MIVT or MIV Therapeutics pump and dump among others.Steve Forbes is no doubt proud and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News still uses Davidson's newsmax as a source.Ha.
Oh Davidson was mentioned as a 'sponser' of newsmax in its promotion of his and Honig's and Carlucci's and their Israeli mafia's placenta penny stock tout promotion.Was this similar to Davidson and the Lord William Rees-Mogg recommending LOM of Bermuda to their clients and readers of 'The Sovereign Individual' without disclosing their investment interest in LOM ? After all Davidson is a if not THE founder of newsmax,not just a 'sponser' as the newsmax promo alludes.
Tony Ryals
WTC,9/11,Logan Airport, Boston:Israeli ICTS 'Security':Barney Frank,Ted Kennedy, John F. Kerry Face Psych Crisis
Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List
Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock Scam and Bloody Murder
Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera,Qatar promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
SEC'S Christopher'WMDS'Cox:Georgetown University James Angel Pimps Pink Sheet Penny Stock
Ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Michael Moore, Cerberus,Bawag Austria and Cuba
Charles Schwab,Mantas 'AML':Did The CIA's SRA International Eat George W Bush's E-mail ?
U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud
Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court
Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?
David Grin,Tel Aviv University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel
FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham & Watkins conflict
Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usury
Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B. Gonzalez award !?
Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc penny stock frauds
James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock share money laundering
Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson
Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange
Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores...
U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ?
Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc....
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster'
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?
Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud
Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian and John O'Quinn
John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?;
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering
To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering
Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers...
CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
Tony Ryals