UK Newswire Archive
Globalisation is wrongly accused
08-01-2002 12:43
Business Day (Johannesburg)OPINION
January 7, 2002
Martin Wolf
Police attack Pakistan peace rally
08-01-2002 12:32
From Media Workers Against War:
Toni Negri-History of the WEF-Yellow Overalls (NYC)-Arundhati Roy
08-01-2002 12:24
Arundhti Roy on India Toni Negri on Globalization, Exodus, Multitudes Interview with a 'Yellow Overall' Brief History of the WEFmore bad oil news
08-01-2002 05:02
CONCLUSION: Industrial Civilization (IC), as it were, is now staggering at the brink of a sheer cliff so that a strong gust of ill wind (e.g., depression spook (many intuit what's happening), collapse of the Sumo Giant (Japan), the disease, resource and ethnic wars (e.g., Middle East, Macedonia, ad infinitum), boatloads of refugees, etc.) could topple the global IC at any time.How much waste do Tesco's throw away?
08-01-2002 04:50
--------------------------------------------------------------------Youth in America at risk
07-01-2002 22:27
Protest - 12 January - Support Argenine Struggle
07-01-2002 22:10
A new campaign has been launched to support struggles in Argentina. Our first protest will be outside the World Bank offices in London, on Saturday 12 January, from 12.American Flag or Corporate War Logo?
07-01-2002 21:25
Sadly and ironically, the more American flags are waving everywhere, the less we have our true America. This is a summary of the government's war marketing strategies, tactics, developers, and media distribution channels.No Sweat! picket of Camden Gap on Saturday 5/1/2002
07-01-2002 21:07
Cyderdelica, 'spoof mayday anarchists' on tv tonight
07-01-2002 20:08
![Cyderdelica, 'spoof mayday anarchists' on tv tonight](/icon/2002/01/219819.jpg)
07-01-2002 19:23
The European Commission fined Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Archer Daniels Midland Co (ADM), Jungbunzlauer AG, Haarmann & Reimer Corp and Cerestar Bioproducts B.V. a total of $120.5 million for participating in a price-fixing and market-sharing cartel in citric acidPop Scandal - Update
07-01-2002 16:55
The Ghost of Stalin Stalks the Pop Business.. or is it all hear-say and ugly-rumours ?''Somalia: a hidden U.S. agenda?''
07-01-2002 15:46
(YellowTimes.ORG) – Two schools of thought emerged after the 1991 Gulf War regarding U.S. motives for ousting Iraqi troops from Kuwait. One accepted the official line: a straightforward, humanitarian desire to liberate an occupied country. The other believed the U.S. wanted political, economic and military dominance of the...Human rights activist Gabriel Nwkelle denied access to media
07-01-2002 13:32
"Be careful, this is not your country"Portland, OR, protests Bush visit
07-01-2002 01:37
portland indymedia coverage of protests during pResident Bush's visit on Saturday, 5 January