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This scam that is increasing !

11-10-2006 18:43


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Take Action! Skin 2 U

11-10-2006 17:50

Action Stations! Only 6 stores in the whole of Yorkshire are known to be selling fur, which includes Skin 2 U who are stocking fox trimmed coats. On demonstrations outside their store, the Skin 2 U manager has physically assaulted activists and tried with desperation to silence the truth about the store's support for cruelty.

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Shell in Mayo: Your Support Urgently required

11-10-2006 17:27

Irish police and Shell workers have forced an entrance to Shell's self-declared property at Bellinaboy. Urgent action on an international level is needed.

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Palestine Today

11-10-2006 17:07

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre for Wednesday October 11th, 2006.

Army kills one resident near Eretz border crossing in Gaza, while in the West Bank one is killed in Nablus and prisoners are taken in morning invasions to several other cities. These stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

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cultures of resistance: call for footage

11-10-2006 16:52 is seeking footage from filmmakers around the world for a feature-length documentary called CULTURES OF RESISTANCE.

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The Coming World War

11-10-2006 16:49

US officials spoke of the necessity of a new world war right after Sept 11, 2001.. Perhaps permanent disorder is central, not a new order in the world.. Do they only want to fill their pockets by setting the whole world on fire?

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Shell HQ Occupied inside and on roof in Dublin

11-10-2006 16:12

Today members of Shell to Sea occupied the Irish headquarters of the evildoers

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Law of the Land - WE RULE - an indictment of the Bush regime

11-10-2006 16:10

The UN-Elected Bush regime now states cowardly Americans have no
longer any legal rights to defend themselves from unlawful arrest
if commanded without reason by the lawless as godless, bushite
enemy LIARS. Are YOU fooled?.. I didn't think so.

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Oxford Boycott Israeli Goods Day of Action

11-10-2006 15:45

On October 7th Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign joined campaigners throughout the country to draw the attention of the retail trade and shoppers to the abuses suffered by the Palestinians on a daily basis as a result of the Israeli occupation. The call from them was to boycott all Israeli goods. Oxford PSC organised a picket and leafleting of the three supermarkets in Summertown, all of whom currently stock Israeli goods.

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Australian Wheat Board “oil for food” inquiry ends with threats

11-10-2006 14:06

The affair and the Howard government
While the Australian media and the opposition Labor Party have happily promoted the AWB “scandal”, neither has raised any connection between the affair and the Howard government’s sordid calculations in the lead-up to the Iraq invasion. Their silence again demonstrates the complicity of the entire political and media establishment with the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq, and the violent drive of the Bush administration to seize control of its resources.

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Music of movement to manifest the moment

11-10-2006 14:02

Recently, there has emerged a new social movement which intends to shine some light on the state of the music industry. It examines copyright, publishing rights and exposes those who control such commodities in a society which has become dominated by financial gain. This group of people proclaim the inevitable arrival of a sound which defies the current trend of the pillage of social consciousness in music and concentrates on the origins of music as a unique form of communication, from regions across the globe. Their aim is to expand and elevate social consciousness; describe the terms and conditions of extreme wealth/poverty, highlight all of the injustices which seek to perpetuate this and eventually put an end to it. The acetate republic claim no leadership and the only criteria for membership is that its members 'use' music as opposed to 'abusing' it. The republicans have also caused a stir by adopting a controversial 'copyleft' law -juxtaposing the infamous 'copryright'-, allowing other artists to use original material in live performance without gaining permission.

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The BNP has change of heart

11-10-2006 13:49

"ringing the changes"
The report from
A report from Anony Mouse, UK correspondant.

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No to war, no to theocracy: solidarity with workers and students in iran!

11-10-2006 13:44

Free Ahmed Batebi and all political prisoners in Iran!
Protest when Muhammad Khatami visits St Andrews!

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reflections on sack parliament

11-10-2006 13:00

The following is a summary of what me, and the group i was with at sack parliament felt about the day

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All’s Fair in Love of War

11-10-2006 12:59

The real terrorists reveal themselves!

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Nyerere & Chávez – New passions & new forces -- London Thursday 6pm

11-10-2006 12:55

Day of Indigenous Resistance, Thursday 12 Oct 6-8pm
At Bolívar Hall, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 54 Grafton Way, London W1. Nyerere & Chávez – New passions & new forces
A comparison by Selma James, founder and co-ordinator of the Global Women’s Strike.

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Nottingham family released from detention and deportation halted after dawn raid in Aspley earlier this week

11-10-2006 11:50

Yarlswood Removal Centre

A family from Aspley, Nottingham have been released from Yarlswood Detention Centre near Bedford after local activists jumped into action following a dawn raid by 12 officers last week. Officers forced entry into the property and arrested the family including 2 children and a baby. The raid happened at around 5.30am on Wednesday 4th October. Children as well as staff at Roslyn Park School in Aspley were shocked by the news. Two of the families children have been at the school for over 5 years.

Within just a couple of days over 150 people signed a petition to stop the families deportation which was due to take place on Saturday 7th at around 5am. The flight was deffered and their deportation halted as the High Court decided a new barrister would be allowed to reassess their case. One of letters of support for the families current appeal states: "I feel strongly that the family should continue to reside in the United Kingdom, and that the children be allowed to continue to go to school".

Links: Nottingham Refugee Forum | Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | Wikipedia on Jordan | Wikipedia on Refugees

Recent articles: Evening Post helps Immigration Service harass East Midlands asylum-seekers | Glasgow - Dawn Raid Vans are Being Detained | Birmingham Women 'rescued' by police from massage parlour to be deported | Benmira Family belong to Leeds | Glasgow - Asylum Seeker Action Prevents Removal

Articles related to Yarlswood: Yarlswood: Another Death in Detention | Yarlswood: Fire Brigades Union slag Blunkett | Campaigner's statement about Yarlswood | Photos of No Borders "bubble"

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Shell petrol pumps shut down in Leeds in solidarity with County Mayo, Ireland

11-10-2006 11:19

Protesters shut down Shell
A Shell petrol station on Kirkstall Rd in Leeds was shut down this morning between 8am and 10am by local people in solidarity with people in in County Mayo, Ireland, who are currently fighting to stop Shell's disastrous and potentially deadly gas pipeline being built through the beautiful coastal village of Rossport.

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655000 Iraqi victims of war

11-10-2006 10:22

This from the Lancet this week.

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CPP congratulates DPR-Korea for nuke breakthrough

11-10-2006 10:20

Kim Jong-Il
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today congratulated the people and government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for successfully and safely carrying out its first-ever nuclear test and hailed the successful test as a “militant assertion of national sovereignty and the right of an independent country to develop its own powerful self-reliant defense capability amidst constant efforts by the US to impose its imperialist hegemony over the world, maintain its monopoly of nuclear weapons along with a few other powerful countries, and subvert the sovereign will of the DPRK.”