Nottingham family released from detention and deportation halted after dawn raid in Aspley earlier this week
Notts IMC | 11.10.2006 11:50
A family from Aspley, Nottingham have been released from Yarlswood Detention Centre near Bedford after local activists jumped into action following a dawn raid by 12 officers last week. Officers forced entry into the property and arrested the family including 2 children and a baby. The raid happened at around 5.30am on Wednesday 4th October. Children as well as staff at Roslyn Park School in Aspley were shocked by the news. Two of the families children have been at the school for over 5 years.
Within just a couple of days over 150 people signed a petition to stop the families deportation which was due to take place on Saturday 7th at around 5am. The flight was deffered and their deportation halted as the High Court decided a new barrister would be allowed to reassess their case. One of letters of support for the families current appeal states: "I feel strongly that the family should continue to reside in the United Kingdom, and that the children be allowed to continue to go to school".
Links: Nottingham Refugee Forum | Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees | Wikipedia on Jordan | Wikipedia on Refugees
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Ishaq Al-Mugrabhi came to Britain with his family in May 2001 from Jordan. The family has been represented by different solicitors firms, many of whom did not forward case information to each other. Due to this various important hearings had gone ahead without the family being represented. These failures resulted in the removal directions which had been issued as far back as October 2004.
The 2 older children have been here for 5 and a half years and settled in well at Roslyn Park School, Aspley. Both Farah, aged 9 and Yazan aged 13 have been at Roslyn Park School, Aspley for the last 5 years. Yazan is now attending Bluecoat Secondary School. Elsa Bua, a teacher who has worked with the children for 3 years at Roslyn Park says that working with them has been delightful: "they are always the first to help with clearing up and other such duties. They are supportive of other children, through kindnessand their friendly approach". She goes on to say that both Mr. and Mrs. Al-Mugrabhi have contributed a lot to the schools work and play and active role in their local community. Miss Bua is one of the people who jumped into action after the family was taken to Yarlswood Detention Centre on Wednesday. Her and many others at the school were shocked by the news. Miss Bua was one of the people who wrote letters of support for the families current appeal states: "I feel strongly that the family should continue to reside in the United Kingdom, and that the children be allowed to continue to go to school".
Jordan is considered a 'friendly' country by Britain and according to the British Government refugees from this country are not classed as 'refugees' as set out in the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees from 1951. This convention states that someone is classed a refugee when: "A person who is outside his/her country of nationality or habitual residence; has a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion; and is unable or unwilling to avail himself/herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution." Mr. Al-Mugrabhi fears the police in Jordan will be unable to protect him and his family.
Please sign the attached petition and get others to sign it too. You can send the petition to the Refugee Forum by fax: 0115 947 5358 or email:
Notts IMC
Mr. Al-Mugrabhi still in detention
11.10.2006 17:44
More info on Harmondsworth:
