UK Newswire Archive
Fairford Disarmers @ Bristol Crown Court : SUPPORT NEEDED : 4th Sept Gathering
17-08-2006 07:13
Forwarded from the Bristol Social Forum egroup.
Most recent Bristol Indymedia 'Fairford' Front Page:

The Bristol Indymedia Pre-Trial Archives:

Diary of a Peace cyclist – week one of the 2006 Peace cycle
17-08-2006 06:18
Sunday 6th August: 10.45 p.m.'I like to ride my bicycle'
Too tired to write - and its only my first day and we only cycled 24 miles!
Australian government to deploy 150 extra troops to Afghanistan
17-08-2006 03:45

Heilingendamm demo, Germany
16-08-2006 23:54

Mass callout to help build the climate camp
16-08-2006 21:49
We are calling for all people who can to arrive in Leeds from Monday August 21 and head to the Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds LS2 7EQ. This is to build all the infrastructure ready to occupy the site. This is a mammoth task and the more people we have the more infrastructure is ready when we occupy the site and the less has to be built there. No DIY knowledge is needed as the highly skilled site practicalities group will be there to make sure everything goes smoothly!Voices of Pakistani Women Detained in UK
16-08-2006 17:19
"We always are the slippers of our husbands"A statement from Maliha, Sajjida, Farzana, Sadia, Adibunnisa, Masooma and Heenia, seven Pakistani women currently Imprisoned in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre
Is Stop the War losing it plot and it's SWP Ideology?
16-08-2006 17:11
See text...Urgent Appeal on Behalf of the Doldur Family
16-08-2006 17:09
Please help ensure that this family don't get removed before their Judicial Review is heard.Fundraiser for the people of Palestine and Lebanon
16-08-2006 16:33
23rd August at 7pm at the Basement Cafe, Lever Street, Manchester.TO STOP NEW WARS - remember the "big" peace - remember the "bigger" peace
16-08-2006 15:04
Nameless "old hacks"s brief gist of a "what the papers aint saying" - accenting the "key background info missing" - that asks why - with a "spin" towards practical "peace process / ceasefire enacting " that asks why THAT isnt already happening _( terms : - "big" peace = israeli/lebanese peace + palestine,syria, iran. A "bigger" peace = end the manufactured "clash of cultures"("war of errorism") + !Refugees Return to South Beirut - Mon 14th Aug - Photo Report
16-08-2006 14:44

South Beirut and Palistinian Refugee Camp Bombed - Sun 13th Aug
16-08-2006 14:36

Liverpool Asylum 'Victims' Start Campaign
16-08-2006 13:15
Formation of a campaign against the New Asylum Model which has already claimed one lifeOrganising meeting to start the campaign
6.30pm Thursday 17th August
Asylum Link, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
The US media and the London terror scare
16-08-2006 09:11
Since August 10, when British authorities arrested two dozen individuals in connection with an alleged plot to blow up a number of airplanes over the Atlantic Ocean, the American mass media has worked ceaselessly to create a climate of fear.For the first several days after the news of the alleged plot broke, American news programs were virtually unwatchable. The lurid logos and wild, unsubstantiated allegations made a mockery of claims that the networks and cable channels are in the business of “news-gathering.”
Saving Iceland
16-08-2006 07:35

Tragedy for Aboriginal Land Rights - Senate approves paternal bill
16-08-2006 06:46

61 schoolgirls killed, 129 wounded in airstrike
16-08-2006 02:07

Hezbollah’s Victory and the Coming Shock and Awe of Iran
16-08-2006 01:17
"Since Hitler, there has not been an enemy like Ahmedinejad…. He has Hamas in the south, and Hezbollah in the north. This is an existential peril.”