UK Newswire Archive
Why hasn't aspartame been banned?
24-07-2006 11:30
Important information to help you stay healthy nd informed:Norman Baker MP lists doubts over Dr.david Kelly suicide verdict:
24-07-2006 10:47
A Sussex MP has challenged an official inquiry's verdict that Iraqi weapons inspector David Kelly committed suicide.Scapegoats accused 'exploited' by guberment prostitutor
24-07-2006 07:49

Disused Buildings of Birmingham Have No Shortage of Occupants
24-07-2006 02:50
With apartments in the refurbished Rotunda selling for between £150,00 and half a million, many old disused and abandoned buildings are set to be sold off to the highest bidder also -- ignoring the homeless and poor who struggle to live below them, and who are most in need of them.Dreadlocked Campaigner vows to shave head to protest against Shell in Ireland
24-07-2006 01:26

If he reaches his target of €2,000, his hair will be publicly cut on Grafton Street in Dublin on July 29th. People can donate money at pledgebank (€10) or

Counter the G8 + 5 Climate Summit! Oct. 3-4 in Mexico City: CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW!
23-07-2006 23:03
On Tuesday, October 3 in Mexico City, the Energy and Environment Ministers from the "Group of Eight" (G8) industrialized countries are scheduled to begin negotiating a climate change deal to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. They will be joined by Energy and Environment Ministers from the five "emerging" countries of Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico.Up next: G8 PLUS FIVE CLIMATE SUMMIT! October 3-4, Mexico!
23-07-2006 22:54
Please communicate urgently to g8(AT) (English) OR justiciaclimatica06(AT) (Español) to help mobilize grassroots international action for climate justice countering the first G8 + 5 Summit on Climate Change: October 3-4 in Mexico!Australian SIEV X memorial Canberra 2006
23-07-2006 22:44

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UK Govt Sources Confirm War With Iran Is On
23-07-2006 21:54
Govt sources confirm war with Iran is on before the end of the year. Multiple global crises are converging in the next few years, and we are faced with systemic collapse within the following 10-15 years.A Shift in Perception
23-07-2006 21:13
An old soldiers view of the middle east crisis.How it was and how it is now.Another Wasted Opportunity
23-07-2006 16:10
Having left the pub and rushed across town to Trafalgar Square it was disappointing to find only one person waiting around looking slightly bored. So including the person I'd been drinking with that made a dispiriting three of us.Lloyds TSB Welsh Proms One Man Picket IS Part of It!
23-07-2006 15:55

London demo in solidarity with Lebanese and Palestinians.
23-07-2006 15:48

Difficult to say how many came there were other regional mobilizations around the country. Definitely over ten thousand.
The ever popular US Embassy.
23-07-2006 15:07

Robert Fisk: A gripping diary of one week in the life and death of Beirut
23-07-2006 14:03
The local Beirut papers are filled with photographs that would never be seen in the pages of a British paper: of decapitated babies and women with no legs or arms or of old men in bits. Israel's air raids are promiscuous and - when you see the results as we now do with our own eyes - obscene.jean charles de menezes - solidarity in stockwell
23-07-2006 12:53
despite 'news' on bbc radio in london that this later 'unofficial' solidarity vigil had been cancelled, about 120 people gathered at Stockwell Tube last night, with Caporeira and an open mike."Missiles and Bombs Threaten the Future"
23-07-2006 12:52
The spiral of vengeance is not a solution!.. Perhaps a change will come in the US; perhaps questions will be raised soon.. The attack itself-again that I didn't approve-was retaliation for the US policy of the "big stick," retribution for the "new world order" that creates so much poverty.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Round up of July 22nd Lebanon solidarity protests
23-07-2006 11:59

23-07-2006 11:57
ITN lunchtime broadcast knocked off air at beginning of lead story.Middle East: Cradle or Graveyard of Empire?
23-07-2006 09:49
No, the abysmal failures in Iraq have not dissuaded Washington from embarking on yet another adventure. George W. Bush and his warmongering allies are preparing themselves for another major incident in the Middle East. This time Iran is the main challenge in the establishment of the new world order and a direct target.