UK Newswire Archive
Media Workers Against War report on London protest
18-11-2001 20:56
Some 100,000 anti-war protesters marched in London today, doubling last month's turn-out of 50,000, and reflecting the full breadth, depth and diversity of anti-war feeling in Britain.Lancaster human rights meeting
18-11-2001 20:53
A meeting about human rights Lancaster, 17th November.The Cancer Racket Exposed
18-11-2001 19:53
New nonprofit website dedicated to exposing the suppression of effective cancer treatmentsDay of protest in London - slightly more than "15,000"
18-11-2001 19:11
Just got back from the protest in Hyde Park and the walk to Trafalgar Square and was totally amazed by the sheer number of people that made the effort to turn out. The protest was so peaceful, people dancing, singing, chanting, children present and people of all nationalities just there to show their disagreement and make a stand.Social disobedience day in Italy
18-11-2001 03:54
Thousands of people took direct action in the first 'Social disobedience day against the war'.URGENT: Women Speak Out action against the war
18-11-2001 02:32
Cherie Blair and Laura Bush, the United States first lady, are to speak publicly about the violation of women's rights under the Taliban regime as part of a new coordinated campaign in the US and Britain intended to garner further support for aggression in Afganistan and the global War on Terrorism.Women Speak Out! - Against War and State Spin
Monday 19th November
Downing Street 12pm
Bring banners, musical instruments, food to share and friends
George Monbiot (from ZNet)
18-11-2001 00:31
Here's a piece by George Monbiot I got from ZNet"Blasting Our Way To Peace"
Anyone know why he was in a Welsh police cell?
Trident Ploughshares demo at Downing Street
17-11-2001 23:30
Tonights "Evading Standards" report on anti-nuke protest outside Number 10.Warlords stoke insurrection in Afghanistan
17-11-2001 22:10
With Afghanistan now in the hands of warlords, the classic poser that has troubled Afghanistan's nationhood - how to unify the various tribes and ethnicities - assumes significance for the US-led allianceThis article contains important details on the make-up and origins of the groups and personalities in the Northern Alliance.
Warlords stoke insurrection in Afghanistan
17-11-2001 22:07
With Afghanistan now in the hands of warlords, the classic poser that has troubled Afghanistan's nationhood - how to unify the various tribes and ethnicities - assumes significance for the US-led allianceThis article contains important details on the make-up and origins of the groups and personalities in the Northern Alliance.
Fall of Kabul
17-11-2001 20:27
Once Upon a time in Roman Times... or the Fall of KabulWOMEN REPORT BACK FROM THE WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM
17-11-2001 19:47

US had a specific military action and everything has gone to plan
17-11-2001 17:29
Uday Bhaskar, security expert and deputy director of the Institute of Defence and Strategic Analysis, says that the Northern Alliance's easy lope into Afghanistan was not unexpected and was very much part of the US's gameplan.banner drop
17-11-2001 17:14

March for Women's Rights in London, 7th November 2001,
17-11-2001 16:35

personal report about the march for women's rights, in London on 7th November, and about the speeches afterwards
America's Dummy "Line"
17-11-2001 16:07
"Some folk say that the Dummy wouldn't run. Come and let me tell you what the Dummy's done!" ("Songs.." Id=58354) Alas! A test to see if your Blair Boy is literate!