UK Newswire Archive
Chartered Institute of Housing to Distance Itself from Corporate Bullying?
21-06-2006 20:01

"Remember the Dead, Justice for the Living" Vigil
21-06-2006 19:01

On 20th June, 2006, the Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign (ARC) staged a vigil in the grounds of St. Philip's Cathedral in Birmingham to "commemorate those asylum seekers who took their own lives while awaiting the Home Office's decision or incarcerated in detention centres, and to pledge our determination to campaign for justice for the living."
Using 34 hand-made "stone graves", which bore the details and stories of asylum seekers who have died recently, the vigil managed to eloquently tell of the shameful asylum system that sometimes drives its victims to such depth of despair that they take their own lives, many of them because they would rather be dead than be sent back to the countries they had fled.
Related: call-out and flyer | list of documented refugee deaths throughout Fortress Europe | previous sleep-outs: 2005 | 2004
Support CUPE’s Call to Boycott Israeli Apartheid
21-06-2006 18:57
Action Alert from the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA)In late May, the 200,000 member strong Ontario chapter of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) approved Resolution 50 supporting a growing global campaign initiated on July 9, 2005 by over 170 Palestinian organizations, including the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid.
"Cut and Run": A Winning Slogan for Democrats if They Really Want to Win
21-06-2006 18:32
The problem of course is that the Democrats don’t seem to want to win, or are afraid of what might happen if they did win: that they’d actually have to run the place.'How Not To Teach' - New book on primary school teaching
21-06-2006 18:10
If you thought reading Gervaise Phinn was like drinking a warm cup of tea this book will knock you over with the force of a vodka slammer. Mr Read survives the nightmare of planning, Ofsted and his headteacher... he also takes the class to Ireland, the House of Commons and wins a film award. We guarantee Christmas Lights, The School Trip and Stressbusters will make you laugh out loud. A searing assault on our joyless, exam ridden primary curriculum... 'it will take a bare knuckle fight to save its soul.'The Scottish Socialist Party United Left
21-06-2006 17:03
The Scottish Socialist Party United Left (or SSP United Left for short) is a new grouping in the Scottish Socialist Party. An appeal to launch this grouping took place on 13 June 2006.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
today's successful socpa challenge
21-06-2006 16:52
two demonstrators staged a successful spontaneous protest outside parliament today possibly causing blair to take a back route in for pm question time.Palestine Today
21-06-2006 16:26

Troops invade Nablus and Beit Ilma refugee camp, killing one and injuring two, Three children dead and ten wounded in Israeli air strike in crowded refugee camp Tuesday. Al Quds Brigades launches projectiles at Sderot and Nahal Oz Tuesday evening, Rafah crossing closed after European observers failed to come to work. Israeli Army breaks into two Hebron charitable societies, confiscates and destroys some of its contents
Those stores and more coming up stay tuned.
Time for some action on house demolitions!
21-06-2006 15:58
From: "Tarquin & Magda"Jun 20 2006
OK everyone, time for some action!
21-06-2006 15:26
saving the whale: how one whale escaped death (photos)
21-06-2006 14:37
Most of the crew of a Greenpeace boat, the 'Arctic Sunrise' who tried to stage a protest about Japan's killing of whales, are today languishing in jail on the island of St Kitts.Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail Bill rattles Blair's Big Business cage
21-06-2006 14:04
Tony Blair is so nervous about Khoodeelaar! camapgn exposing the lethal flaws in the Big Business Conglomerates grabbing Crsosrail hole plan that he has seen to it to make it hard for Khoodeelaar! campaigners to use the 'democratic institutions' - of Westminster or of the local Tower Hamlets Council. Khoodeelaar! campaigners are finding it hard to gain access to these institutions… Shows just how effective the Khoodeelaar! camapgn is in exposing further flaws of the Crassrail big Business planDefend NHS Demo - Victoria Station 11:30 June 24th
21-06-2006 13:52
Demonstrations against 800 job cuts and service cuts at Pennine PCT, gather at Victoria Station 1130, Saturday 24th JuneHolocaust denial and the Arab world
21-06-2006 12:53
Why anti-fascists must be or become pro-Israeli. To support the Arabs against Israel is the support of fascism.STROLL, ROLL, and RALLY for positive welfare reform
21-06-2006 12:41

Academics give a scholarly stamp to 9/11 Truth
21-06-2006 06:37
How dare scientists actually notice inconsistencies in the Official Theory, which just happened to have provided the "historic opportunity" the criminals gathered in DC were waiting for, in order to consolidate their power, and launch a Perpetual War they've desired for years!A dangerous precedent: Australian man convicted of “preparing terrorism”
21-06-2006 05:17

Washington escalates slaughter in Iraq
21-06-2006 05:09
The killing of two American soldiers captured by insurgents at a roadblock south of Baghdad will be seized upon by Washington as justification for an intensified bloodbath against the Iraqi people.Well before the discovery of the bodies of the young soldiers, reportedly bearing the marks of torture and mutilation, there were already mounting indications that the Bush White House and the Pentagon were implementing a shift in military tactics that spells a dramatic escalation of US violence in the occupied country.
The mass media, which has shown little inclination to highlight the daily death toll of American troops, now totaling over 2,500—much less the far greater toll of Iraqi dead, estimated in the hundreds of thousands—has exhibited keen interest in the fate of the two executed enlisted men, including gruesome details of their deaths. Their aim is to whip up an atmosphere of hatred and revenge against the Iraqi population.
Haiti and Venezuela: Reverse Solidarity of International Labor Organizations
21-06-2006 05:06