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London Bridge Contact Improvisation Friday23 june 4-6pm

20-06-2006 12:37

A group of approximately eight dancers will perform Contact Improvisation dressed in office suits, while slowly moving through the bridge, in silence. This will involve passing through the crowd of people that is, in its most part, coming from the City centre on their way home to the suburbs, after a busy office day job.

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Noam Chomsky: a jester at their court.

20-06-2006 12:25

Noam Chomsky belongs to this group of so called 'liberals' which on behalf of their masters have betrayed humanity. And try to keep betraying most of us. Those 'Megaphones of the Mighty' for instance can write thousands of words about the 'Problems in the Middle East' without even mentioning the word 'Israel' once.

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Oil Union Accounts Frozen - Iraqi Gov Attacks Opponents of Oil Privatisation

20-06-2006 11:37

We have just confirmed reports that the Iraqi regime has frozen all the bank accounts of the Iraqi oil workers' union, both abroad and within Iraq.

Wave of anti-union activity by government The Iraqi regime's decision comes in the wake of a series of anti-union measures, including the disbanding of the council of the lawyers' union, freezing the writers' union accounts and the September 2005 decree making all trade union activity illegal. For that anti-union act the regime used the pretext of promising the promulgation of a future law to 'regulate' trade union organisations and their activities.

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Birmingham NoBorders and The Angel Group at Celebrating Sanctuary

20-06-2006 10:21

The Angel Group staff

Last Saturday, 17th June, saw the main events of Celebrating Sanctuary, Birmingham's version of Refugee Week. Throughout the day, Victoria Square was buzzing with events and activities, although significantly less than previous years. There was also an open-air concert in Chamberlain Square in the afternoon, with live refugee bands from different parts of the world.

Having postponed a guided tour of Birmingham's border regime that was supposed to take place on that same day, Birmingham NoBorders chose to do some leafleting to "tell people the truth about the event," as one of the activists put it. The leaflet, of which hundreds of copies were given away, exposed ‘The Angel Group’ and criticised Celebrating Sanctuary for, among other things, being funded by asylum profiteers.

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Save the internet!

20-06-2006 10:02

please watch the vid by clicking the website link:

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Corporate Capitalism is run by SATAN

20-06-2006 06:17

Military Corporate Fascism (Military Corporatism) and the fall of the USA from world dominance.
Corporate Capitalism is run by SATAN through the use of WAR.
Satan loves a bomb. Collateral damage is his term.
Military Corporate Capitalism is Godless.

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World Trade Center Destruction Was Controlled Demolition - Now there's PROOF

20-06-2006 02:44

The following is an article posted to the Portland IMC
on June 17, 2006 (with the addition of his source).
It tells of the discovery (proof) that the Trade Center
buildings were brought down by a controlled demolition
on 9/11. He provides a link to his source at the bottom
of this article.

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Norris Green Workers Protest Sayers Job Cuts

20-06-2006 01:47

Nearly a hundred workers and their families took to the streets of Norris Green, Liverpool on Saturday 17th June, in a protest against almost 200 redundancies at Liverpool bakers Sayers. They called on the company to invest in the site to help improve efficiency, rather than make the redundancies.

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20-06-2006 00:56

As the judge presiding over the case of Rodrigo, Alex and Juan (the 4Feb prisoners) in Barcelona continues to deny them bail and to allow evidence from the defense, the prisoners commenced a hunger strike today, monday 19th June.

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Ian Crane and Annie Machon in LA

19-06-2006 23:57

Audio from the LA 9/11 conference of Annie, exMI5 secretary to the UK 9/11 movement and Ian, the chair

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NO2ID Manchester Meeting this Wednesday, 7:30pm, Town Hall Tavern

19-06-2006 21:50

Just to remind people that our next meeting will be at 7:30pm this
Wednesday at the Town Hall Tavern

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New Revolutionary Music Downloads by Mos Def, Dead Prez, Papoose, Sizzla

19-06-2006 20:54

The World Is Ours represents the idea that all struggling people will
one day take back what was stolen from them

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Harrods injunction case protestors vindicated + the protests continue

19-06-2006 20:40

On Monday June 12th the court case involving Harrods, Europe’s largest department store, and three anti-fur activists along with the campaign group CAFT (Coalition to Abolish to the Fur Trade), was concluded at High Court in London. This follows six months of legal action and four high court hearings

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325 magazine - Issue#3 Out Now! Anti-Prisons / Autonomy / Insurrection

19-06-2006 19:35

The insurgent anti-prison zine is back with another 60 pages of anarchy, prison revolt and social war!

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19-06-2006 18:57

" THE BACK END OF THAT PANTOMIME HORSEMAN OF THE APOCALYPSE IS A MERCHANT BANKER!" shouted the small boy from the back of the procession. . . .
New York Times yesterday broke the first few strands of the USA admin ex-security employees "loophole" racket

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Birkenhead families to lose housing benefits

19-06-2006 18:42

So-called 'neighbours from hell' in Birkenhead are going to be among the first to be stripped of housing benefits, plunging them even further into the poverty that causes their 'antisocial behaviour'.

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Help to close B&K Universal!

19-06-2006 18:36

B&K breed animals destined for vivisection labs
B&K Universal are one of the few remaining commercial breeders of animals
for experimentation in the UK. Breeding dogs and rodents for labs, B&K
supply companies across the UK and Europe with animals to torture and kill
in barbaric experiments. Primates can also be obtained by the firm.
Controversial Huntingdon Life Sciences are one of B&K's customers.

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19-06-2006 18:03

Katharine Jefferts Schori was last night elected as a Bishop of the U.S.A s Episcopal church, despite a background as expert in squids, oysters etc inhabiting the sediment of the N.E. Pacific, or the fact that she was raised Roman Catholic.
But she chose to focus on church priorities to the press :

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Refugee benefit gig in Liverpool

19-06-2006 17:39

Thu 20th July 2006
The Magnet, Hardman Street, Liverpool
Doors open 8pm