UK Newswire Archive
critical mass lock-on at aviation conference at tower bridge tonight
29-11-2005 21:42

new tentcity on Sunday come hell or high water
29-11-2005 21:24
asserting the right to livePolice brutality at St Agnes - eviction completed
29-11-2005 21:17
Last resisting squatter removed in ambulance as eviction brutality completedFull article | 1 addition | 3 comments
St Agnes Place eviction: more photos
29-11-2005 18:51

Lt. Col. Tim Spicer OBE's company urgently needs a new name!
29-11-2005 18:24
A mercenary's lot is never a happy one...International Day of Euskara (Basque language)
29-11-2005 17:11
Declaration of Eusko Ikaskuntza - Basque Studies Society celebrating the International Euskara DayFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
ZineFest Manchester Feb 8-12 2006
29-11-2005 16:44
ZineFest is a festival of zines, anti-corporate artwork, and diy publications which will take place on Feb 8-12 in Manchester at the Basement Bookshop, 24 Lever St. The purpose is to showcase some amazing zines,music and artwork, to promote DIY publishing,St.Agnes place eviction: Interview with citizen journalists
29-11-2005 16:41
This is a write-up following a telephone interview with a film team working the grounds at St. Agnes place.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
OutRage!-supports Iran students demo 7 Dec.
29-11-2005 16:17
gay rights group Outrage! has called on all LGBT people to support the demo on Weds 7 Dec 2005 organized primarilyto support Iranian students.5 more gay people have been 'executed' in Iran recently.
How Hollywood is attempting to help make more war
29-11-2005 15:50
"Given the spiraling rate at which the true intentions of the USA isunravelling, let's take a moment to see how Hollywood is attempting to help
keep alive the false hysteria of "war on terror."
Tens or may be even hundreds of books are in the works or even published to help maintain or step up
the hysteria -- there is a terrorist lurking in the corner.
I can count 4 obvious movies released this season to detract the public from the truth. "
Support occupation of cafe on Broadway Market
29-11-2005 15:44
A local cafe on Broadway market, London E8, is being occupied by locals to prevent its demolition. Tony Platia, who had been running the cafe for 30 years, was evicted in July by a property developer who owns half of the street and now wants to build luxury flats. The occupation needs support.Two Edinburgh G8 court cases collapse
29-11-2005 14:57
Two recent G8 court cases in Edinburgh saw the prosecution case completely collapse. Defendants were found not guilty when the Procurator Fiscal threw in the towel halfway through the trials.Solidarity needed in France Monsanto win damages against Confederatione Paysanne
29-11-2005 14:51
Monsanto are having better fortunes in France . Confederatione Paysanne whose spokesman you may remember is Jose Bové is now facing another prison sentence and the Confederatione have been ordered to pay damages of 195,000 euros for pilling up a plot of GMOs in 1998 . 18,000 euros has already been taken from their account. A solidarity fund has been set using a different accountFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
St Agnes eviction, photos.
29-11-2005 14:42

cyclical gravity greenhouse liquid capillary action energy generator
29-11-2005 14:38
New energy device not being given chance due to snobbery of establishment.Political prisoners in Uruguay again
29-11-2005 14:18

BeyondTV International Film Festival 2005
29-11-2005 14:13