UK Newswire Archive
Report-Back on Oxford Stop the War Conference
31-10-2005 11:39
Report back by Dan Glazebrook
Government deliberately subverting the Freedom of Information Act
31-10-2005 11:35
The Government is using the Central Clearing House, aunit within the Dept for Constitutional Affairs, to deliberately subvert the intention of the FOIA
31-10-2005 11:21

Talk/Discussion on F.I.E.S & Italian repression at Cowley Club, Brighton
31-10-2005 03:57
WITHOUT TRUCERepression and resistance in Italy.
Hariri: Disturbing questions about UN's 'assassination investigator
31-10-2005 00:01
The Mehlis report provides the Bush and Sharon administrations the ammunition needed to galvanise support for the neoconservative plan for military action against Syria. Given his role in the 1986 La Belle bombing, the possibility remains that his investigation has firstly concealed the role of US and Israeli intelligence interests in relation to the Hariri assassination, and secondly been politicized to support US and Israeli grand regional designs.Heathrow's Third Runway challenged by villagers.
30-10-2005 22:18

Blend in a movie with villagers, flaming torches and pitchforks.
Welcome to NOTRAG, No to the Third Runway Action Group,
Die-in at Edinburgh Consulate Saturday 29th October 2005
30-10-2005 22:16

Sincere thanks to superintendent Gomm of the Met. Police
30-10-2005 21:21
Credit where credit is due!UN'S MEHLIS REPORT DISCREDITED
30-10-2005 19:44
"Detlev Mehlis’ role in the investigation into the La Belle bombing raises disturbing questions about his role in the investigation of the assassination of Hariri. As Berlin public prosecutor, Mehlis inadvertently but consistently covered up the dubious involvement of US, Israeli and German intelligence interests in the 1986 terrorist attack; actively built a selective politically-motivated case against suspects without objective material proofSaorsa Open Day Pictures and Report
30-10-2005 17:37

The Saorsa Open Day was a full success. The G42 Collective provided t-shirt printing facilities, film screenings, internet access, a rebel cafe and a friendly welcoming atmosphere on the first floor of 674 Pollockshaws Road in the south of Glasgow.
Saving Iceland gathering held in Forestfields
30-10-2005 15:38

Critical Massive
30-10-2005 15:28

We showed them who runs London
Filthy Radical Show part 1
30-10-2005 12:44
lacking leftie zing? Feeling in need of a radical enema? Got nothing better to do for an hour than listen to a bunch of pillocks vicariously live the revolution through the medium of sound?Then get yer aural tubes round the first installment of the Filthy Radical Show.
Fasting in London in the last week of Ramadaan
30-10-2005 12:16
The month of Ramadaan is about to end... marked by Eid al Fitr .. not meant to be an excuse for excess or indulgence but for sharing the wealth and the means with others for an equitable and humane community and world.... while the BBC continues to neglect the victims of the Pakistan quake and undermines attempted ties between India and Pakistan.....Luxury airline with a Sting in the tail.
30-10-2005 11:19

Be one of the first 48 passengers to book a round trip to New York on Eos Airline's new luxury service, "and receive complimentary tickets to attend a private performance by Sting in New York City", says Eos Air's company's website.
Wiped off the map
30-10-2005 09:31
Has Israel's stated intention of keeping Palestine off the map “indefinitely” caused Britain and the US any of the concern expressed this week at the remarks of the Iranian President?