UK Newswire Archive
P2 / Gladio Boss Licio Gelli donates his collection to the state
19-10-2005 00:15

Sedition Laws Target Peaceful Civil Disobedience
18-10-2005 23:40

No Murder Weapon, No Body, No Place or Time of Death
18-10-2005 23:07

BBC 10pm Propaganda?
18-10-2005 21:36
Is the 10pm news being used as propaganda outlet?Iran says man arrested for twin bombings was trained by British agent
18-10-2005 21:00
Tehran, Iran, Oct. 17 – An individual arrested in connection with Saturday’s twin bombings in the south-western city of Ahwaz has confessed to have received British training in Iraq to carry out the attacks, the Iranian Majlis (Parliament) deputy for the oil-rich city announced on Monday.Write to the UAE embassy
18-10-2005 19:26
A woman in the United Arab Emirates was sentenced to be given 150 lashes by a Shari'a court, says Amnesty INternationalHow World War III Started
18-10-2005 18:06
Perhaps this refresher will remind people how we got into this mess, and avoid doing it again ...Blair is a disaster for our country
18-10-2005 18:02
The Tower is closer, and he belongs there even more!"Democracy" means having the power to remove from power those leaders who are a detriment to the greater good - and criminal to boot.
Does Al Qaeda exist?
18-10-2005 17:33
Better late than never to ask, I suppose. A disturbing pattern has emerged, in that, everytime someone is identified as belonging to the group, there is either no evidence offered to prove their existence, or more often, they turn out to be working for the intelligence services of either the USA, Britain, or Israel.British Agent Held By Iran For Terrorism
18-10-2005 17:29
I suggest that you check out Seymour Hersh's recent work for the New Yorker. He details the US/UK Black Ops which are going on right now in Iran, from the surrounding 'Stans, not to mention those into Syria from Iraq.I guess they had to find something to do with the BILLIONS they plundered in Iraq & Afghanistan, and the profits of the Afghan heroin production booming under their supervision.
Venezuela Solidarity March
18-10-2005 17:23
To support President Hugo Chavez against US Imperialist death squads and to allow freedom from foregin intervention to run his country.Conservative Party Commits Suicide
18-10-2005 17:00
Hurrah! The Tories have committed suicide!Climate Change Demo in London
18-10-2005 16:32
On November 29th over 300 airline executives gather for a conference in London to discuss expansion of the aviation industry. Meanwhile, aviation is now the fastest growing cause of climate change emissions and hundreds of people are due to have their homes destroyed to makeway for the expansion of Heathrow Airport.Antifa Newsletter - winter edition now out
18-10-2005 16:03
A winter edition of the Antifa Newsletter 'Not One Step Back' is now out. It has 8 jam-packed pages of anti-fascist news, interviews, humour and sudoku. You can download it here (
Protests as arms dealers attend careersfair
18-10-2005 15:12

The last two days saw the AIESEC careers fair taking place at Nottingham University. The Portland Building, where the Students Union is based was full of businesses promoting their oppertunities for the under and post-graduates. People within the university informed the students attending the fair about some exhibitors: 'the problem is, they supply arms to countries with appalling human rights records'.
Arms manufacturers such as Caterpillar, BAE systems and Rolls Royce exhibiting at the fair were targeted because of their non-commitment to ethical responsiblity and the way in which they 'lie about the truth'. The protest, organised by NSPM, took place on both days of the fair. The Student Environmental and Ethical Network (SEEN) is organising an ethical careersfair later in November.
Links: Nottingham Student Peace Movement (NSPM) | Environmental and Social Justice Committee | Student Environmental and Ethical Network | Stop Caterpillar :: Violations of Human Rights | Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) | The Ethical Student | AIESEC Nottingham Careers Fair | Environmental and Social Justice Committee | Previous article about NSPM
Fasting in London in a world climate of hunger amid 'events' on poverty....
18-10-2005 14:39
MUHAMMAD HAQUE POLITICAL POETRY on the occasion of the official observance of the United Nations International Day for the Eradication of PovertyEast Oxford Green Party subsidising local cops
18-10-2005 14:17
In a naive, misguided and tokenistic gesture, East Oxford Green Party councillors voted to buy two new bikes for the local bike cops - which they themselves admit "should have been funded directly by the police".Romney marsh Windfarm APPROVED.
18-10-2005 11:51
The proposed 26 turbine Windfarm for Romney marsh, Kent has today been approved.Ugandan Hunger Striker to be deported today
18-10-2005 11:19
Charity's removal is scheduled for today 18th October. Charity's life will be in danger if she is returned to Uganda.Iraq War:Escalation or Withdrawal
18-10-2005 10:57
The US/UK have failed in Iraq and now face the alternatives of escalation or withdrawal.