Antifa Newsletter - winter edition now out
antifa | 18.10.2005 16:03 | Anti-racism | Birmingham
A winter edition of the Antifa Newsletter 'Not One Step Back' is now out. It has 8 jam-packed pages of anti-fascist news, interviews, humour and sudoku. You can download it here ( - 2 Mb PDF format).

A winter edition of the Antifa Newsletter 'Not One Step Back' is now out. It has 8 jam-packed pages of anti-fascist news, interviews, humour and sudoku. You can download it here ( - 2 Mb PDF format). Or you can write to Antifa for a copy at:
Box 36, 84b Whitechapel High St, London. E1 7QX
Alternatively, you can pick one up at the Antifa stall at the Anarchist Bookfair (

Box 36, 84b Whitechapel High St, London. E1 7QX
Alternatively, you can pick one up at the Antifa stall at the Anarchist Bookfair (
